
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1176 to 1200 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Christine Bilsland

    I believe that more damage to the ecological and historical site of Stonehenge will be done by building a new road under or past it as is being proposed.

  • Christine Moody

    I strongly object to the damage the tunnel will inflict on the unique prehistoric landscape including Blick Mead and the area around Stonehenge.

  • Christopher Hosier

    This road must be redirected away from Stonehenge to prevent iripairrable damage to the ancient site. The site is thousands of years old and must be respected and looked after.

  • Christos Grapsas

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am very interested to register as an interested Party to object to the A303 Stonehenge Expressway. I believe it is the least I can do on a personal level to prevent the damage... Read more

  • Craig Newton

    This monument is world famous bringing revenue to the local community and onwards how can you even think about disturbing this unique piece of historical importance LEAVE IT ALONE ?

  • Dafila Scott

    The new planned A303 Expressway and tunnel will destroy the current Stonehenge landscape, making the ancient stones look insignificant. It will also damage the Blick Mead Mesolithic site. There has... Read more

  • Daniel Peel

    I am writing to register my objection to the Stonehenge tunnel plan as it stands. My main objection is based on the fact that the landscape around Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and... Read more

  • Darren Cox

    I Darren Richard Cox object to any structure, road, tunnel or otherwise that could potentially ruin the landscape ,and overall feel of an ancient monument of such significance as to be awarded a... Read more

  • David Campkin

    This world heritage site must be afforded the highest level of protection. I object to the current favoured plan on the grounds that it falls far short of this objective. Unknown damage will be caused... Read more

  • David Glover

    To take the view of this great historical monument away from the view of the road will be damaging to the local economy and unfair to any passing family on the A303. It could be all that is needed for... Read more

  • David Hurry

    This planned road & tunnel will wreck the Unesco featured "landscape without parallel".

  • David Lambie

    Please reconsider this proposal. It will irreparably damage the landscape of one of the world's most iconic heritage sites (the view of UNESCO) and there are other solutions that will not. For... Read more

  • David Robinson

    I am concerned about the environmental impact on rare birds, damage to a world heritage site and increased traffic flow through this area .

  • David Ware

    I consider the tunneling process to be a damaging act on a world heritage site. It's rationale is unclear and against the wishes of UNESCO. I do not agree with English heritage that covering the road... Read more

  • DD

    I am anxious that this historic site should remain unaltered without encroachment or harm to wild life and birds

  • Debra Bly

    I am true with the inner circle, know of the works before now and after at this heritage site.... please keep it as it is.

  • Deja Whitehouse

    I would like to register my objections to the the proposed A303 Expressway. I believe this will cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site, potentially undermining the structure of Stonehenge... Read more

  • Derek West

    It is unbelievable that Highways England are planning to route a dual carriageway through a World Heritage site. The added disturbance to rare birds such as the Stone Curlew and Great Bustard is... Read more

  • Diana Mills

    I have read and understood the above text for the submission of my representation. I do not feel it is justifiable to disturb or alter the environment surrounding such a historical site of such... Read more

  • Diana Wilson

    Stonehenge is a much loved, iconic, national heritage site. It is one of the jewels in the crown of British history and it is vital that it remains undisturbed as far as possible for inspiration for... Read more

  • Diane Castledine

    I object to any roadways in the vicinity of Stonehenge due to the potential for damage to our World Heritage Site.

  • Diane Drummond

    The proposed road and attendant works will irreparably destroy parts this Heritage Site - much of which is still undiscovered. There must be an effort to divert the road away from the area completely.... Read more

  • Diane Gan

    Stone Henge is a world heritage site and should be protected from damage from vehicles passing close by and from vibrations caused by lorries. Not to mention traffic pollution. This also includes the... Read more

  • Diane Hughes

    I believe there must be a better option that does not damage the precious and unique archaeology and environment of Stonehenge as this proposal does.

  • Dianne Sherlock

    Stone Henge is a World Heritage Site and together with Avebury is one of the most mysterious sites in the world. Placing such an iconic site at risk of damage, even unintentional, is unforgivable.... Read more