
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Kristian Evans

    I am deeply concerned that the proposed works will cause irreparable damage to this internationally important World Heritage Site, which has been described by UNESCO as a "landscape without parallel."... Read more

  • Laura Hackett

    I am against the building of the A303 Expressway at Stonehenge. The character of Stonehenge is peace and tranquility, it brings about feelings of connection to the past when humanity paid much more... Read more

  • Laurence Elvin

    As an archaeologist and visitor to the west country throughout my 73 years, I object to this proposal to remove the historic view of the stones from the A303, which is a major feature of this historic... Read more

  • Lawrence Daniels

    The scale of the new roads and associated earthworks and tunnels is nothing short of neo-brutalism on such a sensitive , world heritage site.

  • DEV ANAND BALLOO on behalf of Le Visionaire Vegan And Yoga Society (Le Visionaire Vegan And Yoga Society)

    STONEHENGE was originally built and inhabited by the Dravidians, the first civilisation on Earth, assisted by Aliens. The head of my organisation, Yogi Tamby Chuckravanen, a descendant of the... Read more

  • Leoncia Flynn

    I object due to the disruption & disturbance to rare & local bird life The damage more traffic will do to an outstanding British World Heritage Site The surrounding area still could offer up... Read more

  • Lesley Ford

    The proposed route will devastate a site unique in size and importance. A site which must be preserved for generations to come so the history already discovered can be handed down and further... Read more

  • Linda Griffin

    I believe that it would be great folly to allow this historical monument of world status importance to be tampered with in any way and it must surely be left alone as no one knows how much historical... Read more

  • Linda Plummer

    I am very concerned about the potential for irreversible damage to this World Heritage Site by the road construction plans. I believe wildlife and the immediate environment in general would be... Read more

  • Liz Meadows

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and is of Special interest for archaeology and history around the globe. I strongly object to the proposal of building any sort of tunnel or anything that damages... Read more

  • Lou Selene Sayell

    I object to this scheme on the grounds that it will a, damage irreparably the archaeology, water table and ecology of the area b, damage the habitat of curlews and greater bustards c, damage Blick... Read more

  • Louisa OShaughnessy

    I am concerned that tunnelling under Stonehenge will destroy crucial elements of the wider WorldHeritagesite, will potentially destabilise the stones and as disrespectful and intrusive on a site of... Read more

  • Loyal Arthurian Warband (Druid Order) (Loyal Arthurian Warband (Druid Order) )

    As a senior Druid, (I speak for a large number of Druids) having worked in and around The Stonehenge Landscape for more than thirty years; Having attended many planning meetings, applications and... Read more

  • Lyn Morgan

    Irreparable damage to the site and setting of Stonehenge and Blick Mead as a UNESCO heritage site. UNESCO are against this tunnel going ahead. It will cut the site off from the road, giving... Read more

  • Lynne Walmsley

    1.International specialists from UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS have advised against the scheme; while UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee in 2018 urged the government to explore less... Read more

  • M McLaren

    I object to the scheme for the reasons below: It will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • M.l.Bensen

    De voorgenomen aanleg van de weg zal mijns inziens onherstelbare schade aan het wereld erfgoed veroorzaken met geluidsoverlast voor de natuur, bedreiging van eeuwen oude ecologische systemen. Deze... Read more

  • Maggie Ollerenshaw

    My objections are that such works will cause damage to a World heritage site, wildlife will be disturbed including rare bird species and there will be an considerable increase in traffic.

  • Maggie Parkes

    UNESCO objects to the irreparable damage that will be done and so do I.

  • Malcolm Isted

    While I use the A303 as a route to Devon and am therefore aware of how traffic is affected as it passes Stonehenge I strongly object to the current proposal to improve traffic flow. The proposal has... Read more

  • Marc Ellis

    I strongly object to the proposed plan for the highway on A303Stonehenge that has been put forward. Stonehenge is a sacred monument and should be respected as such. The act of building this proposed... Read more

  • Mardi Lee

    The tunnel will take away a historic view. The only way to to see stonehenge will be to pay a private company a lot of money. This is not fair to people on a low income. It will destroy ancient... Read more

  • Margaret Hughes

    Absolutely unbelievable that this can even be considered. This will cause untold damage to the archaeological remains at Blick Mead.

  • Margaret Robshaw

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and the proposed plans would conflict with its existence. It is also a unique archaeological site and therefore should be left as it is. If the proposed plans are... Read more

  • Margaret Tatchell

    I object to to the proposed plans for a tunnel under the stonehenge landscape. I believe it will do irreparable and as yet unknown damage to this World Heritage Site.