
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 200 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Graves

    I want to put forwards an argument supporting the second crossing allowing traffic to have an alternative route and take traffic away from the Current crossing. There may be a need to improve... Read more

  • Peter Hill

    I am concerned about the crossing charges as there will be no viable way off crossing the river from kent without paying a fee

  • Peter Masson

    On completion of the project there will be a toll for users. And this being an additional cost for motorists in the south east.

  • Peter Saunders

    As a thirty-year resident of Chadwell St Mary I am aware of the above average incidence of respiratory ailments here. I have seen a substantial increase in all traffic locally, owing to new housing... Read more

  • Peter Skelton

    We need this cossing to alleviate the Dartford crossings

  • Phil Stanier

    I believe that the new crossing is needed and would like to be kept informed about the process.

  • Philip Rickard

    I am a regular user of the Dartford Crossing and a second crossing is required to cope with current traffic congestion.

  • Ralph Cochrane

    My representation will be based on the following: 1. Design and fit for purpose. Value for money. 2. Effect on the Environment, Noise, pollution, Human health, wildlife and habitats, green belts,... Read more

  • Ray Sheehan

    I have two but I suppose you could say, very similar:1, I’m more then worried about the noise pollution and all the inconvenience of a project that is going to take, let’s say two/ three yrs to... Read more

  • Raymond Jackson

    I believe this is a very necessary road and crossing to be built to reduce the congestion at the current Dartford Crossing. Whilst I am a car driver only I believe it will greatly improve truck... Read more

  • Rebekah Marsh

    In a broad sense I support the principle of the lower Thames crossing between Kent and Essex. I believe for optimum outcomes for the economies of Kent and Essex, the South East Region, the... Read more

  • Ripe Now Limited (Ripe Now Limited)

    Reference Lower Thames Crossing Dear Sir, The Lower Thames Crossing is really important to us as a business, it means we can get more reliable traffic in to us here in South Lincolnshire, more quickly... Read more

  • Robert Hall

    Sort out the traffic problems on joining the tunnel at the A2 before proceeding with this unpopular project. It’s going to destroy this area completely.

  • Robin Dodridge

    I simply wish to exhort the planning authorities to expedite the necessary planning permissions. To my mind, the application has already been through an extensive consultation process, within which I... Read more

  • Robin Eatwell

    I support this plan as the current arrangements for crossing the Thames are not sufficient for the needs of the existing population. And with housing continuing to grow the demand for access across... Read more

  • Roger Slade

    This proposed crossing does little to remedy the problems seen at Dartford on a regular basis but destroys communities and agricultural land.

  • Ronald F.C.Ower

    I am very concerned over if the project proceeds . The inconvenience to residents in North Ockendon ,Upminster and Cranham. Where it has been reported that Ockendon Road in particular could be blocked... Read more

  • Roy Clare

    I support the Lower Thames Crossing and welcome the details so far provided to the public. It is daily self-evident that a second crossing over the Thames is long overdue. The existing arrangements... Read more

  • Roy Meleady

    I believe the consultation has been flawed because I have attended several meetings and have had bridge experts fail to explain tunnel issues at each meeting. I have asked fo an expert who can discuss... Read more

  • Rydon Homes Limited (Rydon Homes Limited)

    The impact of the proposals on the village of Shorne with particular reference to it's setting within the Green Belt and traffic movement.

  • Sally Templeton

    Traffic congestion.

  • Simon Winter

    PLEASE. Make sure that sound control measures are substantial and adequate. The current noise from the M25 is awful and is making many peoples lives an abject misery, please please don’t add to this.

  • Stephen Brennan

    Concerns on proposed project; 1. South Ockendon where I live will be surrounded (if this project goes ahead) by three major arterial roads. This in short will mean we will be exposed to excessive... Read more

  • Stephen Clark

    Access points to the new road

  • Stephen Lang

    My personal main concerns include but are not limited to the following points.... - Would not solve the problems suffered at the Dartford Crossing yet also create further congestion points. - The... Read more

  • Stephen Ray

    Local resident who will be impacted by the scheme and so will review and comment on the local issues and local impacts.

  • Stuart Holpin

    I am fully in favour of the works as this will help to improve the area and the current infrastructure

  • Terence Haines

    Concern about the effect of major works and activities on Thames Chase open space and its short & longterm impact on vegetation & wildlife.

  • Tevva Motors (Tevva Motors)

    On behalf of Tevva Motors (Battery Electric and Hydrogen Electric Lorries) we wholly support the this project and in particular the aims to deliver the project at the lowest possible carbon intensity.

  • Thames and Medway Canal Association (Thames and Medway Canal Association)

    My interest is to ensure that both the canal and towpath are not permanently adversely affected by the construction of a 'temporary' plant compound adjacent to the canal at Milton Range. I trust more... Read more

  • Thamesview Camping (Thamesview Camping)

    Objection letter. For the avoidance of doubt, we whole heartedly object to the proposed land grab of our campsite and land under the guise of environmental mitigation. The proposed use would be to... Read more

  • Toby Larkin

    1) consultation 2) planning 3) future These are the areas I wish to submit on

  • Tony Silver

    Building the Lower Thames Crossing as proposed will not solve the problem at the current Dartford Crossing. Building another two two bore tunnels next to the current tunnels would be more flexible and... Read more

  • Trevor Barham

    Arrangements for emergency evacuation within tunnel. Will a new rule be introduced as Auto Stradas in Italy and AutoBahns in Germany where traffic must move over to Crash Barriers on Lane 3 and Lanes... Read more

  • Vincent Hancock

    Personal interests in flow of traffic affecting Dartford.

  • Wendy White

    I live in the area and strongly object to this project which will not resolve current traffic issues, creates air pollution and destroys countryside habitats and communities

  • William Watson

    I intend to comment on the traffic effects either positive or negative on the flow of traffic on the M25.

  • Alex Bigham

    This scheme seems like a positive idea. I'm just interested in being kept updated on this scheme.

  • Andrew Craig

    At a time of climate crisis, combined with increasing road congestion, a new road project such as this one is entirely wrong. We should be changing our transport system to reduce the need for people... Read more

  • Annette Fletcher

    As a longstanding resident of Orsett, with ongoing health issues exacerbated by pollution, I have a vested interest on several levels in the planning of the Lower Thames Crossing.

  • Carol Lawson

    Further to your confirmation that more traffic will be diverted on to th A1089 which runs along the back of residence in Baker Street, Orsett and Orsett Heath can consideration be given to putting up... Read more

  • Colin Dearman

    I would like to support the design as suggested in the most recent video fly-through, that I viewed 10/01/23, because the main connections do not include roundabouts to connect to other roads. I have... Read more

  • Dan Harwood

    I admire the engineering of this new crossing but wonder about the need for such an undertaking in view of our intent to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • David Archer

    The Lower Thames Crossing as currently proposed is going to cause more congestion on the M25 and will do little to alleviate congestion on that and surrounding roads. Many years ago, a full upgrade... Read more

  • David Spence

    As someone who has been held in slow moving traffic heading up the A2 and then been held up in heavy non-moving traffic jams at the Dartford crossing from both sides. This new Lower Thames crossing... Read more

  • Diana Childs

    The Lower Thames Crossing is too costly. It will relieve congestion in a very limited way because it will have to feed into existing roads within a very short distance from the crossing. The amount of... Read more

  • Duncan Victor Simons

    I am a interested party who would be an end user I already have a Dart Account assume this would be along those lines

  • Essex Wildlife Trust (Essex Wildlife Trust)

    In respect of this development environmental sustainability is a paramount concern. An additional road based crossing of the Lower Thames is not, in our view, environmentally sustainable. We believe... Read more

  • Frank Woollard

    The road where it crosses Orsett Fen via a viaduct will be an unsightly concrete mess on the only green belt area in Thurrock. The noise and pollution created will be immense and this will get worse... Read more

  • Frederick Kilner

    1. The new crossing will relieve the congestion on the existing Dartford crossing 2. From the fly through and the following text the work will be carbon neutral 3. Air pollution adjacent to the... Read more

  • Gary Davies

    the new road is in the wrong place ,it should be going under the present road . and the new road has no turn for tilbury.The present plan uses the Orsett cock roundabout which make the junction... Read more

  • George Fereday

    I oppose the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) for the following reasons: • The LTC is estimated to emit more than 7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide during construction and the first 60 years of operation.... Read more

  • Graham Bates

    I have concerns over the A228 at North Halling through to Cuxton. The Halling Bypass ends at the new Redrow Housind Development and the A228 is a dangerous place to be at peak times. My concerns... Read more

  • Ingrebourne Valley Limited (Ingrebourne Valley Limited)

    We currently operate a significant PFA supply and extraction operation and a significant land restoration scheme of which the Lower Thames Crossing will have a severe impact.

  • James Gillies

    Having been a regular user of the Dartford Crossing for a number of years, it is obvious that the Bridge Crossing at Dartford is far quicker and less prone to delay than the Tunnel Crossing at... Read more

  • Jeremy Stanyard

    I wish to have an input to ensure a that the arguments put forward, both for and against the proposals are data-driven and that they debate is not 'hijacked' by narrow vested interests

  • John Awty

    I would like the opportunity to comment on this piece of infrastructure that I will probably use a few times a year. I have a degree in Land Surveying and have not only worked a dozen years as a... Read more

  • John Cooper

    I fully support the best, environmental and legal endeavours for this project.

  • John Otley

    I am currently fully supportive of this initiative and wish to continue to be fully appraised of its development.

  • June Watson

    We live close to the M25 A127 junction and this will have quite an impact on our lives. The traffic noise is on great concern as it is bad enough now. As a regular user of the Dartford crossing,... Read more

  • Kevin Tilson

    Net neutral carbon emissions - whilst the scheme and its objectives have merit e.g. improving the situation for Dartford/its residents as well as faster flowing access to motorways, the "policy" of... Read more

  • Lauren Rayner

    In summary, I believe permission to build the LTC should not be granted following reasons: -HE have not adequately assessed flood risks and the impact of rising water levels over the coming decades.... Read more

  • Marc Dobroch

    I think this is a good idea and long overdue it will ease Congestion around the Thurrock and dartford areas when there Are issues with the dartford crossing

  • Michael Bilton

    I have still some concern and lack of knowledge regarding final route, and more importantly the time scale for construction. The impact that problems on the existing crossing continue to significantly... Read more

  • Michael Newens

    Environmental Impact. Social impact in North Kent Impact on road congestion National Infrastructure Level of consultation

  • Mike Peters

    Myself and my family are regular motorists travelling from Kent to south Essex for family reasons (and returning), often undertaking a journey in both directions on the same day. We use the existing... Read more

  • Mr Richard Claridge

    Although the principal idea is sound and would ease congestion on existing routes the largest concern to be reviewed is environmental impact within the build and compounding of traffic issues due to... Read more

  • Mrs Heather E Colver

    I am in favor of the crossing as currently the Dartford Crossing causes many interruptions to the flow of traffic and serious congestion on the M25 between Juctions 1-3.

  • Michael Gray on behalf of Mrs Janet Vera Gray (Mrs Janet Vera Gray)

    My mother lives on Ockendon Road and this has deeply affected her health over the last few years - I will be representing her views so this is very much an initial list of things she has showed... Read more

  • Mrs Lin Weiss

    The Lower Thames Crossing has, to date, been through several consultations all of which have included strong opposition from local residents concerned that the crossing will divide communities and... Read more

  • Nick Andrews

    As an occasional user of the M25, M20 and M2 motorways by car and motorcycle, a rambler and a lover of nature, I can see both the tremendous advantages of the Lower Thames Crossing and the potential... Read more

  • Ardent Management Limited (Ardent Management Limited) on behalf of Orsett Golf Club (Orsett Golf Club )

    Ardent acts on behalf of Orsett Golf Club which is registering as an Interested Party. Orsett Golf Club is a well-respected 125-year-old golf club that will be significantly affected by construction... Read more

  • Patricia Janice Lang

    A waste of money and not the answer to problems with the Dartford Crossing. A massive impact on the environment bringing further heavy traffic to the area requiring extensive changes to the... Read more

  • Paul Mercer

    As a regular traveller to Scotland from Kent I am entirely in favour of this proposal on the basis that it continues to be managed in the open and transparent manner that I believe it has to date. I... Read more

  • Paul Reed

    I support this proposal for a new road link from A2/M2 and to join the M25 north of the Dartford Crossing The main reason for my support is that it will reduce the conjestion at the Dartford crossing... Read more

  • Peter North

    The tunnel should be sighted further to the east of Thurrock Inappropriate sighting of the service area Development to close to domestic housing Increased pollution adding further risk to public... Read more

  • Richard Edward Meredith

    Dartford Crossing is a bottleneck in traffic flows, which creates a high risk of failure. A second route nearby but far enough from the local community is an essential countermeasure:- with benefits... Read more

  • Richard Jones

    The construction of this Lower Thames Crossing is not only crucial to the economic viability of our Country but also vital, so that us local residents do not have to suffer the enormous backlog of... Read more

  • Robert Cassels

    I wish to ensure that the environment is given full consideration

  • Robert Rudge

    My representation will include why I am against this planned development. It is a costly, environmentally disastrous, civil engineering project that is in the wrong place. Many better options have... Read more

  • Samantha List

    In response to your latest letter regarding the local refinement consultation I would like it noted that I strongly oppose the proposed Lower Thames Crossing as it is a total unnecessary project. In a... Read more

  • Sharron Peel

    Would not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford Crossing Induced demand – increase in cross river traffic (around 50%) Lack of adequate connections, especially when there are incidents... Read more

  • Simon Walther

    A great idea and please get on with it. One strong factor will be to divert freight from the Dartford crossing - may I suggest ensure that the cost of crossing for freight at Dartford is always higher... Read more

  • Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group of the LGA (Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group of the LGA)

    Effect on aviation passenger market in Kent and Essex and flows/catchment changes between airports (Southend, Manston, Stansted, London Gatwick, London City). Effect on air cargo flows in same east of... Read more

  • Susan Harvey

    The Lower Thames crossing is in the wrong position and if it is actually necessary should be moved further east following the A128. The proposed route is throught part of the London Borough of... Read more

  • Swanley Town Council (Swanley Town Council)

    Traffic Flow Interests Environmental Impact The Impact on Swanley Town

  • Thompson Welding & Construction (Thompson Welding & Construction) on behalf of Thompson Welding & Construction (Thompson Welding & Construction)

    Using a certain % of Local companies on the project instead of just the big Laing O'Rourkes, Costains etc. How opportunities reach local companies What hoops local companies have to jump through to be... Read more

  • UK Regional and Business Airports (RABA) Group (UK Regional and Business Airports (RABA) Group)

    The UK Regional and Business Airports (RABA) Group represents 41 UK airports with scheduled passenger throughputs of less than 3 mppa…. covers all parts of the UK including 16 in the Devolved Nations,... Read more

  • Alison Craig

    The area along the Thames now has a surfeit of retail and leisure opportunities. We need to save space for nature, and was proved during lockdown, green space and access to such areas is vital to... Read more

  • Brian Pearson

    1. My views on the whole process from idea to submission of the final plan; 2. Why my views tend to differ from that of my friend and local MP, and why. 3. To reinforce the urgent and critical need... Read more

  • Catherine Sisterson

    I’m opposed to the LTC on environmental grounds, both damage to wildlife habitat and it’s detrimental effect on the move to net zero. Building more roads has been proven to increase traffic and so it... Read more

  • Chris Hossack

    My submissions would be centred around the economic benefits, the reduction in congestion and emissions, the offsetting proposals to minimise environmental damage

  • Derek Maslin

    Concerns on projected costs, timescales and precise location

  • Dr D J van Rest

    Insufficient consideration has been given to the consequence of generated traffic on the M25, especially on the pinch point of Bell Common tunnels which would be expensive and difficult to widen.... Read more

  • Farrukh Naeem Khan-Sherwani

    The video shows a complete absence of any service provisions to allow for the supply of fuel/adequate break areas for drivers, off site parking and lorry parking facilities along the proposed TLC and... Read more

  • Hutchison Ports (Hutchison Ports)

    Hutchison Ports operates 50 ports in 25 countries. In the UK it owns and operates the Port of Felixstowe, Harwich International and London Thamesport. London Thamesport is an important short sea... Read more

  • John Prescott

    The development of the Lower Thames Crossing is essential now to ease congestion and shorten vital journey times between East Anglia in the north and Kent, Sussex and the Channel ports and Channel... Read more

  • Marie Flynn

    I would like to follow the updates of the crossing I have followed this for years and look forward to it opening.

  • Maurice Leigh

    More countryside is being dug up and more animals being killed because their habitat is being destroyed, all in the name of progress. The Dartford Crossing was supposed to end all problems and that is... Read more

  • Michael Harris

    1) Damage to the green environment in east Tilbury and clean air 2) Increase in traffic in local and surrounding areas 3) Will this new crossing really help the traffic on the dartford crossing for... Read more