
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1051 to 1075 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • John Conway

    This project is a waste of upwards of ten billion pounds of public money. It will increase the traffic that travels across the Thames, increasing carbon emissions and the emission of particulates from... Read more

  • John Harrison

    Noise pollution Air Pollutants Wild animal conservation Noise from night time construction at night.Pile driving ect

  • John Stewart

    I object to this project. I support policies which reduce overall levels of traffic. It will not do this.

  • Joshua Kay

    Opposed to the lower thames crossing due to the harmful impact it will have on local residents of the area these include: Increased pollution in an already heavily polluted area Increased noise... Read more

  • Julia Broad

    1. The project will increase traffic leading to an increase in emissions which is not in line with government’s Net Zero strategy. 2. It will not solve the problem of congestion at the Dartford... Read more

  • Julia Guest

    I object to this project on the basis that it can only increase carbon output in its construction and use.

  • Julie Cooke

    This will be a disaster for the wildlife etc in the are. Having attended public events residents of the Stanford-le-Hope end will not be able to return home direct from the crossing without going... Read more

  • Julie Johnson

    Dear Sirs, I am concerned on how this tunnel will affect my and my family’s physical health with noise and pollution,with the traffic increase. And CO2 emissions I also believe it will severely affect... Read more

  • Julie Wetherall

    Very briefly, my concerns regarding a new Thames Crossing include issues with destruction of the local environment, whether this is the best place for a crossing, pollution concerns for the area... Read more

  • Kate Geary

    I object to this road project on two grounds: it’s destructive local impacts and it’s impacts on climate change.

  • Kate Styles

    I object for the following reasons: Increased traffic contributing to increased emissions and the emissions from its construction when we need to achieve 68% reductions in UK carbon emissions by 2030... Read more

  • Kent County Council (Kent County Council)

    Please see attached.

  • Kimberley Richardson

    This solution will not decrease traffic at the Dartford Tunnel. It will increase traffic through sole street which is already dangerous with no street infrastructure. It will rip through an AONB.

  • Laura Blake

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed £10billion+ Lower Thames Crossing. We are living in a time of climate emergency, we should not be pushing ahead with projects that are so destructive and harmful.... Read more

  • Linda Beard

    I am concerned that the Lower Thames Crossing scheme fails to protect habitats and protected and priority species from harm, and that it fails to mitigate or compensate adequately for harm that cannot... Read more

  • Liz Brandon-Jones

    A new Thames crossing will have a destructive effect on the biodiversity of this river and its river valley.

  • London Borough of Havering (London Borough of Havering)

    Please see attached.

  • Lucy Bubb

    As a frequent traveller on both the M25 and the local roads around Thurrock, I am extremely concerned about the proposed plans. I have seen no evidence that the problems currently experienced on and... Read more

  • Lucy Grant

    As a local resident and an employee based as Tilbury Docks this road will have a major effect on my lifestyle personally and professionally. My journey times to work will be increased as bd become... Read more

  • Lynda Kay

    Loss of greenbelt Damage to the environment and wildlife Unacceptable pollution levels Not solving the problems at the existing Dartford crossing Years of disruption to communities along the route No... Read more

  • Maidstone Borough Council (Maidstone Borough Council )

    Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) has regularly engaged with National Highways throughout the pre-application stage of the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO). This includes... Read more

  • Malcolm McKee

    My personal view is that insufficient assessment has been made to understand the long term needs of the transportation system with the uk. This project along with a number of others seem to to be... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Malthurst South East Limited (Malthurst South East Limited)

    Malthurst South East Limited (MSEL) is part of Motor Fuel Group and is the owner and operator of Cobham Services petrol filling station (PFS). MSEL is the owner and occupier of plots 06-175 and 06-196... Read more

  • Mark Coleman

    The proposed new Thames crossing is a waste of money because it invests in in fossil fuel architecture. It will lead to a great amount of Carbon emissions, and increase the effect of climate change... Read more

  • Mark Costin

    The new crossing is in completely the wrong place. It is too close to the existing crossing. Placing the the crossing closer to the mouth of the Thames I.e. further to the east, will allow for traffic... Read more