
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1026 to 1050 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Federation of Small Businesses (Federation of Small Businesses)

    As the UK’s largest business support group, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is the voice of small businesses and the self-employed. With circa 160,000 members across the UK, we have over... Read more

  • Gemma Benton

    I object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposal. The new NMUs will cause a lot of problems with unauthorised access and anti social problems. We already get off road motorbikes, quads and 4x4s... Read more

  • Gerald Kells

    I am writing to oppose this proposal. I do not believe this is the right approach to addressing traffic in the Dartford Tunnel, I am concerned about on the impact on the landscape and biodiversity,... Read more

  • Gina Armstrong

    This project is not fit for purpose, fails to meet the scheme objectives and will be hugely destructive and harmful. It will destroy and impact communities, homes, lives, health and wellbeing. It will... Read more

  • WSP (WSP ) on behalf of Global Mutual ( Global Mutual)

    On behalf of our client, Global Mutual (c/o Lakeside Centre Limited), we write to register as an Interested Party. Global Mutual have been the asset managers of Lakeside Shopping Centre since 2020... Read more

  • Graham Glombek

    I am against the LTC project regarding the route on the north side of the Thames which affects me personally. 1. On environmental grounds, it will have a detrimental affect on a long swathe of... Read more

  • Gravesham Borough Council (Gravesham Borough Council)

    Gravesham Borough Council PINS Reference: TR010032 Relevant Representation Gravesham Borough Council has consistently opposed the Lower Thames Crossing on an alignment east of Gravesend due to... Read more

  • Great Warley Conservation Society (Great Warley Conservation Society)

    Construction traffic through the village which has a weight restriction Routes that construction traffic is approved to use Access to the works site during construction Times that construction work... Read more

  • Hannah Stewart

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: - Biodiversity loss, particularly water voles, reptiles and rare insects. - Damage to and fragmentation of... Read more

  • Helen Fooks

    I live in Riverview Park and am extremely concerned that the project is failing to meet the scheme objectives. 6.6 million tonnes of carbon emissions is not compliant with net zero and damaging to the... Read more

  • Helen Martin

    Over capacity by the time it is finished Destruction of ancient woodland Waste of public money Increase in traffic in the area therefore increase in pollution Smart motorway design dangerous

  • Helen Whately MP

    Dear Planning Inspectorate,  I welcome this public consultation on the Lower Thames Crossing. Whilst the LTC does not pass directly through my constituency of Faversham and Mid Kent I am an interested... Read more

  • Hilary Davies

    I wish to make a representation concerning the assessment of the impact of the Lower Thames Crossing upon its immediate proposed environment. This is with especial reference to its impact on marine... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Will be submitted by email to the main inbox in letter form.

  • Ian Noble

    Native woodland is irreplaceable so should be.preserved for future generations

  • Imogen Slater

    ? Increase in carbon emissions (around 6.6 million tonnes) ? Waste of over £10bn+, not value for money, false economy as other spending would be needed as direct result ? Loss and impact to thousands... Read more

  • J Dand

    Significant errors/incorrect assumptions have been made throughout the application process.

  • J Whitehead

    Concerns regarding pollution, increased traffic and plant on over- stretched roads. Today A13 by Dartford Slip Road there is a seven mile tailback . Every day there are delays and accidents- building... Read more

  • Jackie Wells

    The new lower Thames crossing will damage irrevocably valuable and precious green belt land in a distinctly rural area. The pollution from vehicles, especially heavy goods vehicles, will have an... Read more

  • James Mullan

    This is a huge, not well thought out and poorly designed waste of money that will not improve the issues at the Dartford Crossing only make things awful for anyone living in Gravesend.

  • James Willis

    Dear Inspector/ Minister of state I have grown up in this area Gravesend side of Thames gateway when I cannot afford a car feel compete isolated from neighbours in Essex this scheme does very little... Read more

  • Jean Norton

    I am very concerned about the increase in emissions that this scheme will cause. I am concerned about the implications that this has for climate change and for meeting our national targets on climate... Read more

  • Jill Barnett

    The proposed Thames River Crossing scheme is not fit for purpose. If it is ever built, it will not solve traffic problems in the South East, and will potentially create more. The cost of this project... Read more

  • Jim Harkins

    Significant air pollution in the form of NEE ie fine particulates from the road/tyre/brake dust and does not future-proof the environment up and downstream A clean and environmentally sustainable... Read more

  • Jo Kemp

    The proposed LTC would would destroy and impact homes, lives, health and wellbeing, greenbelt, woodland (inc ancient woodland), agricultural land (inc grade 1 listed land), wildlife and habitats,... Read more