
A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

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Showing 101 to 125 of 213 representations, newest first.

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  • Tendring District Council (Tendring District Council)

    As the neighbouring Authority we would like to remain informed on the plans and responses. No comments at this time.

  • Malcolm Campbell

    this is about th land north of perrywood garden centre kevedon road inwoth essex 1. this field has a high pressure gas main running through it and i have not seen support from CADENT that the proposed... Read more

  • Cllr Paul Thorogood

    If the A12 widening project goes ahead, these are my main concerns: 1) Although some minor improvements to Inworth Road (B1023) are now being included in the proposals following strong concerns... Read more

  • Colchester City Council (Colchester City Council)

    Dear Sirs Planning Act 2008 – Section 55 Application by National Highways for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening (TR010060) Proposal: A12 Chelmsford to A120... Read more

  • Ilene Ambrose

    This would cause a huge increase in traffic 34% on the Main Road Boreham and 25% on Plantation road Boreham The increase in traffic will have an adverse effect for residents ranging from air quality,... Read more

  • Mr Mark David Cathcart

    Concerns about the Environmental Impact of the high pressure gas main as it crosses the River Blackwater, the Blue Mills nature reserve and adjoining mature woodland.

  • Mrs Mary Walsh

    I appreciate that our roads need upgrading due to the ever increasing traffic. My understanding of the highways ethos was to remove traffic from the local roads and put it on the A12 where it belongs.... Read more

  • Shaun Norton

    I reside on a road that directly exits onto the Main Road Boreham and am extremely concerned about the potential additional traffic through Boreham upon the suggested closure of junction 20a. Recently... Read more

  • Christopher Vigrass

    I object to the proposed project because of the many deleterious effects it will have upon my home and my local community, including without limitation increase in traffic volume, environmental issues... Read more


    I am objecting to the proposed project for the following reasons: 1. Environmental concerns particularly regarding the considerable increase in traffic through our village and the resulting increase... Read more

  • Islanders Fish Restaurant and Takeaway Ltd (Islanders Fish Restaurant and Takeaway Ltd )

    We are very concerned that our land has been marked for possible compulsory purchase. this will have a severe impact on the current business trading from our site and our development plans for the... Read more

  • John Chilcott Lindsay

    To the Inspector, The Planning Inspectorate. Sir, [Redacted] Adjacent to the proposed new Junction 24 [Redacted] is a 250 year old period cottage located 100 metres SSE of Park Bridge and is clearly... Read more

  • Richard Baranowski

    Objection to the A12 widening scheme and detrimental effects on Boreham Village

  • Terence Paul Convoy

    Although the plans for junction 20b seems to be a benefit safety wise, as this is currently a very likely accident black spot, from personal experience, I do object to the closing of junction 20a.... Read more

  • Wendy Maureen Convoy

    Although the plans for junction 20b seems to be a benefit safety wise, as this is currently a very likely accident black spot, from personal experience, I do object to the closing of junction 20a.... Read more

  • Christopher Gillham

    In any sane society I ought not to have to explain why you should not massively add to carbon emissions, destroy wildlife habitats, wreck landscapes and harm communities by building a road with no... Read more

  • John Charles Cockell

    In no specific order of priority: I disagree with the contention that traffic volumes and air quality in Maldon Road will be no worse that at present. This flies in the face of logic given: - the huge... Read more

  • Julia Atigla

    To whom it may concern, I am writing to confirm my and my family objections to the A12 widening project.  Since this has commenced, I have witnessed several accidents the latest being the road being... Read more

  • Mrs Carole Mountney

    The increase of traffic already when you close the slip road to the A12 at Boreham is absolutely horrible. I live on main road and the huge articulated lorries going past my 600 year old listed... Read more

  • Rivenhall Parish Council (Rivenhall Parish Council)

    The A12 widening is proposed to include a southern bypass of Rivenhall End and detrunking of the "old" A12 through the village. Both matters are of acute interest and importance to many local... Read more

  • Carter Jonas (Carter Jonas) on behalf of Stephen Butcher (Stephen Butcher)

    The A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme proposes the permanent acquisition of half of the rear garden to provide the project with replacement 'open space' and the temporary use as a haul road of... Read more

  • Alan Swash

    This project is fundamentally flawed. It cannot be right or ethical spending huge amounts of public money where the outcome is to put very significant amounts of additional traffic through a community... Read more

  • Daniel Paul Wilkins

    My concerns are i have the current A12 at the front of my property,now with the planning in place i have a motorway (6 lanes) just at the rear of my property. As we speak i have a beautiful view of... Read more

  • Stanfords (Stanfords) on behalf of J R Crayston & Sons (J R Crayston & Sons)

    Stanfords act as agent for J R Crayston & Sons [Redacted] and are instructed to make this representation on their behalf to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening... Read more

  • Mr Nigel Richard Brown

    The aim of the scheme is to remove traffic from local areas onto the A12. With regard to the village of Boreham the scheme as currently designed does exactly the opposite and will result in an... Read more