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Im opposed because, you are going to destroy a park with established trees , plants and wildlife. Planting new trees is not the same as they will take years to establish. Also the fumes and noise from...
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I want to comment on the potentiometer noise impact on surrounding villages, as well as the impact on traffic and infrastructure
My main concerns are noise, frequency of aircraft through the day and night. Vibration and noise from aircraft engines both when they are being tested often late at night. The booming sound of the...
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Wigmore Park was given to the residents for their recreation purposes and utilised by a wider area of residents, employees of businesses including London LutonAirport as their wellbeing go to & it is...
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Currently the noise levels and pressure by the aircraft's is unbearable when flying over my property. By expanding the Airport traffic exponentially it will only further impact negatively on my...
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The current levels of noise are already to much with low flying aircraft at times every minutes or so. Pollution from the aircraft must also affect the local area
Extra traffic generated by increased passengers would cause more noise and congestion in the surounding roads. Building on Wigmore Park will also cause the loss of a very good amenity area and...
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Currently the noise levels and sound pressure by the aircraft's is mostly unbearable when flying over my property. By expanding the Airport traffic exponentially it will only further impact negatively...
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Current noise levels are unbearable and the worst I have ever known having lived under the inbound flight path since birth. The airport has visibly lowered the flight altitude of arriving aircraft,...
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As a nearby resident, I strongly object to the proposed development of Luton Airport on the basis of noise and disurbance. Whilst we fully support the development of LLA as a source of local...
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Pollution and increased road traffic
The current volume of daily overflights is already very disruptive to day-to-day life in terms of noise disturbance and therefore a large increase in flight numbers will make the noise problem even...
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I strongly object to the expansion plans. My house is under the flight path when the wind is in a certain direction and already there are continuous plane movements which are extremely intrusive.The...
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Expansion will lead to unacceptable levels of noise pollution over Harpenden and the surrounding area, and to excess traffic on the already overcrowded road through Harpenden.
I object very strongly to Luton Rising's application to increase passenger numbers from 18mmpa (Joke, it is already greater than this) to up to 32mppa. I have lived here since 2006, and the rate of...
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Health impact Environmental issues Noise, pollution & traffic congestion
1) I am disturbed by aircraft noise , particularly in the early morning. I was looking forward to a peaceful retirement but the aircraft noise both early morning and during the day is sometimes...
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The expansion of Luton airport will have a negative impact on the local residents. I am concerned about the following: Increased air pollution from aviation fuel Increased noise levels from additional...
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The expansion of Luton airport will have a negative impact on the local residents. I am concerned about the following: Increased air pollution from aviation fuel Increased noise levels from additional...
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I object to the expansion, The number of planes circling over our house is already too many and regularly wake us.
Please see attached
The pollution is already unbearable in the summer. The noise, light, smell and fumes emitted from the airport the aircraft overhead and the increased road users has a significant effect on life in the...
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My husband and I walk with our dogs over Wigmore valley park twice a day, it is local and a beautiful area used by many of the local residents, children play and locals picnic in the good weather, the...
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My husband and I walk with our dogs over Wigmore valley park twice a day, it is local and a beautiful area used by many of the local residents, children play and locals picnic in the good weather, the...
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