
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1251 to 1275 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Catherine Manthorpe

    I am against the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport. We are facing a climate emergency and need to reduce, not increase air travel. We need to stop thinking about short term financial gains in... Read more

  • Catherine Smith

    Noise pollution Increased volumes of traffic on narrow country lanes already at capacity Increased effects of global warming. If the pandemic showed us anything, it was that less flights, less... Read more

  • Catherine Victoria Hanson

    I own a flat close to the proposed development and I’m concerned about the detriment impact it will have on my flats rental value due to the noise of aircraft’s and the increase of traffic. I will... Read more

  • Catriona Dunhill

    Local residents views are not being taken into account. Luton airport is in coalition with the local council with no thoughts about the concerns of the local residents

  • Knight Frank LLP (Knight Frank LLP) on behalf of Cella UK Property Unit Trust 1 (Cella UK Property Unit Trust 1)

    Knight Frank LLP represents Cella UK Property Unit Trust 1 the freehold owner of Preservation House, Airport Way, Luton LU2 9LF. Cella UK Property Unit Trust 1 (“Cella”) wishes to register as an... Read more

  • Central Bedfordshire Council (Central Bedfordshire Council)

    Introduction Based on the information currently available Central Bedfordshire Council object/raise concerns to the proposed development as it is considered that the proposal would have a significant... Read more

  • Charmian Chapman

    1. Initial consultation was flawed as I understood from my parish council, my MP Jonathan Djanogly and my neighbours that the aims were to do with stacking in peak times 2. Our area is extremely quiet... Read more

  • Chiltern Society (Chiltern Society)

    The Chiltern Society would like to register as an Interested Party in relation to the examination of the DCO application for expansion of Luton Airport. A summary of our comments is set out below.... Read more

  • Chilterns Conservation Board (Chilterns Conservation Board)

    The Chilterns Conservation Board submits the following ‘registration comments’ in support of our application for registration as an interested party in the examination (notwithstanding our role as a... Read more

  • Chingjung Chang

    The expansion changes the wigmore area which will affect the daily traffic in and out to Luton. The level and the frequency of noisy will affect the living conditions. When a flight flies pass, the... Read more

  • Chris Lewis

    Pollution, increased noise, increased traffic

  • Christina Goxha

    My road goes directly into Eaton Green Road and I am very concerned with the amount of road works proposed in that area. It will force the traffic to use the surrounding roads, eg Fermor Crescent to... Read more

  • Christina McCabe

    We already get far too much plane noise in this village & air lane, & any expansion would increase noise and pollution. The snowballing effects of climate change mean that we need to put the brakes on... Read more

  • Christina Scott Stedman

    I have lived only yards from the Luton airport flight path for the last 70 years; with my late husband and family we have borne with the noisy roar of take-offs, the foul smell, the horrible air... Read more

  • Christine Couch

    I am concerned about the impact of more pollution and noise. I am also worried about an increase in traffic in the surrounding areas. I particularly want to be sure that our greenbelt won't be... Read more

  • Christopher Peter Gorringe

    I strongly oppose the further expansion of Luton Airport, on the grounds of changes to benefits, impact on local communities, impact on wildlife, impact on wider environment and noise pollution Luton... Read more

  • Christopher Squires

    My parents live in Breachwood Green and I visit them frequently with my wife and children. We regularly walk down the village to use the recreation ground and play area and I take long runs through... Read more

  • Civil Aviation Authority (Civil Aviation Authority)

    The CAA's comments have been submitted separately. Siân Evans, Case Manager, assured us that they would be submitted following registration.

  • Claire Gallagher

    1. Eaton Green Rd breaches the local plan that was adopted in 2017. 2. That Local Residential roads will become the main access route to Terminal 2 from the east of England. 3. That much of Wigmore... Read more

  • Claire Godfrey

    I am against the further development of Luton airport due to noise pollution and air quality where we live. The only way it would be bearable is if the planes were cleaner and quieter and were flying... Read more

  • Claire Jones

    Fed up of the constant low flying aircraft disturbing my life

  • Claire Tily

    I am concerned about the proposed expansion of Luton due to the main following points (but with many further issues in play which will be raised as further consultation takes place). - Environmental... Read more

  • Claire Turner

    Luton is already a congested and air polluted urban settlement. With the proposed airport expansion, the town and surrounding countryside would see a significant increase in congestion, noise and air... Read more

  • Colin Wilson

    Luton Airport expansion is unnecessary and not green. Noise from the aircraft, especially air braking, disturbs our lives, sleep and enjoyment of our amenities.

  • Cristina Gacek

    I am strongly opposed to this project. The level of pollution already present in the area is above acceptable values, such development will only make things worse. Note that the infrastructure... Read more