
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 150 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Richardson

    To see Manston reopened as a working airfield. This will benefit the the people who live in Thanet where there high unemployment it will also economically benefit the area, which for too many years... Read more

  • Peter Scott

    I wish to make a representation in support of the application. Points I wish to include concern the economic benefits to the East Kent Region and additional points on how an active airfield with its... Read more

  • Phil Hunt

    The airport will represent the greatest catalyst for East Kent to prosper instead of being "The arse end of Kent" as a KCC councillor described Thanet.The area is desperately in need of good quality... Read more

  • Phil Loader

    The use of the Manston airport site should be used for aviation purposes. It is clear that there is a need to increase the capacity for air freight in the U.K. and this site offers a viable solution... Read more

  • Philip Hayes

    The re-opening of Manston Airport would have a potentially beneficial effect to create revenue and employment that may help to reinvigorate South-East Kent's fortunes. The possibilities of of a good... Read more

  • Philip May

    Given the over-riding positive growth trends in civil aviation, I believe this site should be retained as an operational airfield with every opportunity afforded to allow it to be a civil airport. I... Read more

  • Polly Dryden

    I was born and brought up in Broadstairs and the influence that Manston had, and should still have, on the local area was always discussed. It was a place we visited often to admire the Spitfire and... Read more

  • Prof Ian Swingland

    I am the Emeritus Professor of Conservation Biology at the University of Kent and my family have lived in Kent for over 500 years. As the former Policy Advisor of the Countryside Alliance, former... Read more

  • R Challenor

    There is currently extreme and increasing pressure on both major airports in the south of england, to expand, more runways needed. Surely by using Manston this will alleviate this problem and share... Read more

  • RAF Manston History Museum (RAF Manston History Museum )

    The RAF Manston History museum is a small volunteer run museum that currently has 23 Aircraft and thousands of exhibits on display. Since the closure of Manston as an airport we have suffered from... Read more

  • Ray Owen

    Manston should be reopened as it would be a national asset. It would relieve pressure elsewhere in the system. An airport in East Kent will ensure the future of continued worthwhile employment in... Read more

  • Raymond Austin

    I am anxious to see the retention of the current airport site and that aircraft movements be restored at economically rewarding levels using enhanced appropriate infrastructure suited to international... Read more

  • Richard Card

    (1) That the applicant has avoided or failed to conduct necessary scope of Environmental Impact Study. Meaning Precautionary Principle, Public Health Impact, Epidemiology, Cumulative Impact... Read more

  • Richard Charles Davies

    I wish to register my support for the re-opening of Manston as an airport. I am ex employee and saw the potential for the airport as a centre of employment for local people in an area of high... Read more

  • Robin Edwards

    Manston has been an Airport for over 100 years, it should remain an active Airport. The local economy needs to be improved and more jobs need to be available. An active Airport would provide... Read more

  • Robson Keen

    Jobs need to be made here, not housing

  • Roger Mason

    My family feel that the airport should stay an airport, as there is enough houseing around here, and not enough work which the airport can provide,

  • Roland Wells Colyer

    It is vital to the Thanet economy to re open Manston as a working hub airport. The amount of work opportunities will be huge.

  • Ronald Barsley

    Having lived directly under the flight path for over 55 years I can recall the disturbance that flights over Ramsgate can and have caused. I will not spout on about health problems related to people... Read more

  • Roy Davies

    The plan submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partners [RSP] not only provides for an airfreight hub that can be of real value to UK PLC but is based on an existing facility, which eliminates the need for... Read more

  • Samm scollon

    I feel manston airport should be opened as an airport again no more houses

  • Sarah Bailey

    Manston Airport is a site of great historical and regional importance. With the advent of Brexit, air cargo will have increasing importance. Manston is ideally situated to act as a cargo hub for... Read more

  • Spencer Mills

    I believe the UK needs the air space for cargo that Manston and Riveroak can offer as well as the future protenshal for expansion and the local area needs the jobs created by a working airport.

  • Stephen Hutson

    I am in support of the return of aviation to Manston Airport. Thanet has the highest unemployment rate in Kent and is in desperate need of an economic boost. Having lived in Bristol for several... Read more

  • Sue Timmins

    I am a member of the public who used Manston Airport when it was open in the past for leisure travel. The convenience to the travelling public of having a local airport cannot be underestimated. ... Read more

  • Susan Hunt

    We are in desperate need of lots of well paid jobs with a future for the young of the area. Seasonal low paid jobs doesn't create wealth for our youngsters . The airport is a perfect solution to this... Read more

  • Terence Huckstep

    The airport will provide much needed employment in both unskilled, semi and skilled work. The plans by RSP are robust. Post Brexit there will be even more need for excellent air freight... Read more

  • Terry Barton

    This airport is geographically posititioned for aviation close to the continent and has previously been successful as an airport. It would provide much needed employment for the area. It has good road... Read more

  • Thomas Murphy

    the objections to the proposed cargo hub airport are mainly pollution thro noise and fumes from the aircraft the point worth mentioning is the fact that the cargo carrying aircraft are normally the... Read more

  • tina brown

    I have lived in thanet all of my life i am now 61 its been a very swings and roundabouts place but mostly we have very high unemployment there is no uniqueness in learning new trades. There is a... Read more

  • Tony Halls

    Previous attempts to operate from Manston Airport have,in my opinion,failed because not enough investment was put into the airport itself. I believe the airport with the right plans and investment... Read more

  • Tracey Deakin

    Manston Airport is a United Kingdom future national asset - Commercial airports are powerful economic engines – generating billions of dollars in annual activity and supporting millions of good,... Read more

  • Trevor Goldsmith

    I would like to submit my thoughts on the re opening of Manston airport. The airport has had a long history on this site and over the years has been an asset to the area,it has mainly been for... Read more

  • Trevor Shilling

    The main points i would like to put forward are the advantages of Manston Airport. 1.Take pressure off other airports, by taking a large portion of our air cargo flights. 2.Can add 100's jobs to the... Read more

  • Veronika Misi

    I would like Manston airport to re-open as I would like to travel from that airport. I travel by aeroplane frequently and before it closed I had the suitable flight for me.

  • Wendy Chaplin

    I object to the re-use of Manston Airport for aviation on the grounds that it has failed over a very long period of time and under several companies to make a profit, to provide many well paid jobs or... Read more

  • Wendy Hall

    If Manston airport is developed into an airport for freight flights, the noise will be excessive resulting in sleep deprivation. There will be increased traffic, especially HGV's which will also add... Read more

  • Wieslaw kapuscinski

    The reopening of Manston airport is not only a nationally needed Airport, but the economic strength it will bring to the one of the most deprived areas of the south east will know no bounds. well paid... Read more

  • William John Ransom

    I believe that Manston should be reinstated to full use as soon as possible for the following reasons. 1/ Employment in the area now and for many years into the future. 2/ The airport freight hub... Read more

  • William T Bee

    Reopening Manston International Airport will provide much needed employment in Thanet and East Kent for the foreseeable future. It will also bring a long-overdue boost to the economy in the Thanet... Read more

  • a pittaway

    I think its a shame its gone on so long we need airport for jobs and possible travel not for so many houses as what inforstructure will be availble for so many people and cars we are struggling with... Read more

  • Alan Roberts

    The airport can only be profitable by providing an ever increasing number of night flights that will create noise levels intolerable to those beneath the flight path including the birds at the Bird... Read more

  • alex watson

    I agree with this proposal and think that the airport should return to its primary use as an airport either for freight or passenger use. l feel this would be a better use of the space and more... Read more

  • Andrew Quinn

    To whom it concerns I and my family would like to have the airport reopened giving us the prospect of flights to Europe etc as it would be closer than travelling to Gatwick or Heathrow... Read more

  • Andrew Shilling

    I have lived my whole life in Herne Bay and am fully aware of any noise pollution from an operating airport. The South East corner has been slipping into an industrial and general employment ... Read more

  • Anthony Rush

    The proposal appears to meet the criteria to be accepted as a nationally significant infrastructure project. It provides the only realistic option for the necessary increase in air cargo capacity in... Read more

  • Anthony Smith

    I believe that the establishing of an airport at Manston will bring great benefits to Thanet and beyond. This would be by way of increased job prospects and creation of training opportunities within... Read more

  • Antony Nowak

    I am a General Aviation pilot and welcome the opportunity for Manston airport to return to an operational status. Additionally, Manston Airport should be retained as an aviation resource as part of... Read more

  • Brian Ridley

    I fully support the regeneration of the Manston Airport Site for use as a fully functioning airport. The Thanet area has been a depressed area for many years and desperately needs the advantages... Read more

  • Bryn Jones

    Environmental impact (atomospheric and noise pollution) Infrastructure impact (road capacity etc)