
Manston Airport

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Showing 301 to 350 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Stephen Weale

    Manston Airport would be important to Thanet, as it would be a much needed boost to the local economy and would also be a significant service to the community, as many would prefer local flights. I... Read more

  • Tadeusz Norton

    I support the reopening of Manston as an Airport because it would create a lot of employment in the area. Also it would releive the pressure on Gatwick and Heathrow, and don't forget that we have the... Read more

  • Tim Bentley

    Dear Sirs, Thank you for the opportunity to express me personal thoughts regarding Manston Airport. I would urge you to support the restablishment of Manstonas an airport for the following... Read more

  • Tom

    I believe that cargo planes coming to and from Manston would benefit the area. Yeah they might be noisy but how else am I meant to get my goods from around the globe with one day delivery? I feel that... Read more

  • Vince Francis

    Thanet is in desperate need of real work, this plan offers hope to the future of Thanet, and I can only support the development. It is well documented that the airport has failed a number of times,... Read more

  • Alan West

    Dear Sir,The Planning application to re-open Manston Airport for Aviation use is crucial to the health and wellbeing of all the people of Thanet. We desperately need long term jobs in the area. The... Read more

  • Amie Miles

    When considering the airport and the owners standing, I drew some conclusions from the documents made available. In one of the documents for public viewing it was noted that the buyer of the airport... Read more

  • Barry Greenleaf

    With Gatwick and Heathrow at virtual capacity for freight, manston could provide much needed airspace. The local infrastructure is already there, roads, railway etc with little or no detriment to the... Read more

  • Clifford Farrall

    I totally support the plan to reopen Manston Airport. I live near the flight path and I know measures will be taken to minimise environmental concerns. My biggest concern is to see quality jobs and... Read more

  • Daniel Bradley

    I believe that a well funded and run airport facility at Manston will be an amazing thing for Thanet. It will provide the investment and job opportunities that Thanet needs desperately.

  • Daniel Totten

    I fully support the planned development of Manston Airport. This is the best option for the area and ensures that the air field continues to be used as intended. The proposed plan will increase the... Read more

  • Daniela Flowerdew

    Serious concerns about planned cargo hub and night flights for reasons of health and economic wellbeing of Ramsgate. Also concerned at loss of farm/green land due to where housing might end up if... Read more

  • David Copeman

    The airport is long established and it's continued use is of significant value to both local and national economies.

  • David Hammond

    I am not in favor of Manston is reopened as a freight hub, I have lived through the Americans and since they have left a number of companies have tried to make it work but have failed, I enjoy the... Read more

  • David Jarman

    I want to see manston back open, I used to clean up there and I love to go back and clean the planes David jarman

  • Deborah Walsh

    The claims of those proposing a busy cargo hub are willfully ignorant of the facts on the UK's air pollution crisis so they clearly don't have the capacity to run this project. In the UK, NO2... Read more

  • Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding (Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding)

    DIO Safeguarding has previously been engaged with the agent regarding the proposed scheme for Manston Airfield. The proposed development occupies the statutory technical safeguarding consultation zone... Read more

  • Guy Topping

    The SE requires greater air-freight capacity and Manston airport already exists. Kent needs an international airport and Manston already exists. Using an existing resource makes a lot more sense... Read more

  • Hayley Bradley

    I believe that a well funded and run airport facility at Manston will be an amazing thing for Thanet. It will provide the investment and job opportunities that Thanet needs desperately.

  • Ian Douglas

    I support the application for Manston to be used as an airport. It can be developed to provide a valuable hub for commercial and civil flights. With the prospect of increased air traffic from... Read more

  • James Nash

    I wish that Manston remains as an airport not only for the job situation but because if housing were allowed to progress then Thanet will be finished ! Not enough schools , hospitals, surgeries Etc,... Read more

  • Jean Barton

    The much need employment in Thanet. The historic and future value of an already existing airport facility. The much needed additional runway and flightpath for both freight and passenger... Read more

  • John Barton

    The much need employment in Thanet. The historic and future value of an already existing airport facility. The much needed additional runway and flightpath for both freight and passenger... Read more

  • Joyce CoomberSewell

    I support the reopening of Manston Airport. I believe this will bring sustained employment for the people of Thanet. I also believe that as Manston Airport takes on more & more cargo & freight it will... Read more

  • Kathleen Matharu

    I have lived in Kent for 16 and a half years and saw Manston when it was operating as a passenger service airport. Unfortunately it was not managed very well and the airline folded which in turn led... Read more

  • Lee Sellman

    noise pollution aircraft pollution environmental damage sleep deprivation (night flights)

  • Michael Harrison

    To reopen Manston and create opportunities for local young people to learn an aviation related trade.

  • Michael Liston

    I have lived directly under the flightpath in Southwood Gardens for over 41 years and would support the reopening of Manston airport for cargo purposes as well as,hopefully at a later date, passenger... Read more

  • Morven Hammond

    I do not think opening up Manston is a viable proposition, I have lived in Cliffsend for over 54yrs and in this time I witnessed quite a few air companies trying to make it work, the Thanet Council... Read more

  • Mr Frank Settle

    Having lived and worked in this area of Kent for 10 years it is clear to me that jobs are needed and wanted in east Kent. The once in a lifetime opportunity of an investment such as Riveroak propose... Read more

  • Mrs Linda C Proctor

    I am in favour of opening Manston back up and restoring it as an airport. It has an amazing history as a valuable asset to the South East and the rest of the country. With one of the longest runways... Read more

  • Ms N Andrious

    To outline the merits of re-opening Manston Airport for the benefit of the local area and as a strategic hub for national benefit. Along with ground transport support the potential has many positive... Read more

  • Newington Community Association (Newington Community Association)

    To give residents of Newington the chance of a proper job.

  • Norma Hoose

    With Brexit arriving this would make a whole lot of difference, importing and exporting. Plus having normal flight will be amazing as we fly frequently. Bring back the airport please

  • Paul Lees

    Manston airfield runway is one of only three ever built to such dimensions, and is amongst the widest in Europe and is the eleventh longest civilian runway in the UK. That alone makes it an asset... Read more

  • Perry Marchant

    Manston Airport is very important part of Thanets way of life.... To build houses on this land would be the most madness thing ever Employment in the area is badly needed so to keep Manston Airport... Read more

  • Richard Burke

    I support the reopening and upgrading of Manston Airport as this will be an asset  localy and nationally for the following reasons: We have a shortage of jobs in Thanet and the airport will create... Read more

  • Rob Stringer

    It would make sense to open manston airport again due to the amount of people it would employ over the years, we can't have more houses as the roads arnt built for more cars more have the water. Will... Read more

  • Robbie Robson

    There seems to be a general expectation that everyone in the Thanet area wants this failed airport to reopen. This is far from the truth. Those of us without vested interests can see it for what it... Read more

  • Sean Howarth

    That I wholeheartedly agree with this application in terms of its economic benefit to a region that has been economically depressed for decades. To further support the application for the... Read more

  • Sue Bedingfield

    Man ton airport is vital for Thanet and the South east for our future generations for Career prospects , employment and most important the Aviation industry. The runway is equipped to take all... Read more

  • Sue Forrester

    Manston Airport should remain as a working airport with not only cargo but passenger services as well. This will bring more jobs to the area which must be given to people already living in the area... Read more

  • Thomas Dance

    My personal belief is that Manston, as an airport should continue and it's development as an air-freight facility is of paramount importance to UK trade post "Brexit".

  • Tim Smith

    I believe that this application is in the interest of the country and of the area because it will help alleviate pressure on the the two main airports of Gatwick and Heathrow as far as cargo goes and... Read more

  • Tom Maddison

    I am a local resident I feel the airport will provide a much needed amenity and provide economic activity much need in thanet

  • Vicky Alexandrou

    I am against the use of the land as proposed. River Oak plan to fly freight at all hours of the day and night. This will be extremely noisy for the residents of many areas in Thanet both night and day... Read more

  • Andre Hessler

    Living directly under the landing approach of the proposed airport development, I intend to raise serious concerns in regards to unacceptable levels of noise pollution, emissions and safety.

  • Anne Hancox

    I am sure that Thanet needs regeneration through the reopening of Mansion airport. The S E of England is in desperate need of more air freight- Mansion is perfectly situated to offer... Read more

  • Brian Watkins

    Manston Airport should be opened and utilized as a cargo airport as support for the project is essential if this deprived area of the country is to undergo genuine regeneration. Long term skilled... Read more

  • Colin Heath

    There is much talk regarding the third runway at Heathrow, this has yet to reach the planning stage even before the objections are voiced. In the mean time Britain will be trading with the World... Read more