
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1101 to 1125 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Gary Dumigan

    Manston Airport is the jewel in Thanets crown, it will bring much needed highly skilled jobs to a very deprived area, with brexit we need another airport to take the freight from new markets that we... Read more

  • Holiday Homes Against Manston (Holiday Homes Against Manston)

    Since Manston failed and closed its doors for the third time in May 2014 Thanet has seen a significant increase in tourism. Visit Kent published data in 2016 covering 2015 that showed that more than... Read more

  • Jacqueline Smith

    the airport should be used for aviation - this will allow for better transport links to other parts of the world and the country for both commercial, food transportation and travel options. This will... Read more

  • Jan Gipson

    I truly believe that using Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub, with all the business and local jobs that this will create is the best possible use of the site and facilities. I am 68 and remember the... Read more

  • John Haslett

    I am most concerned that any use of the Manston airport site for night -flights would be extremely disruptive for my and my families` sleep patterns. This is not an imagined problem but a memory of... Read more

  • Karen West

    I have safety concerns with cargo planes flying so low over my house causing sleep disruption not only to me but my husband and children as well. Pollution including unburnt fuel, nitrous and... Read more

  • Kevin Bird

    I am appalled that this planning application is even being considered by the Directorate given the flawed business model presented by RSP with its over optimistic projections and inaccurate data... Read more

  • Laura Marks

    Irrationality There is no rational case or evidence for the DCO application as I see it. Additional capacity exists at numerous existing cargo facilities in the UK (East Midlands and Stansted),... Read more

  • Lesley Robertson

    I should like to see Manston Airport open for business, for cargo and later passenger travel as soon as possible. This area is crying out for employment and investment. Thanet needs Manston Airport,... Read more

  • Martin Jewell

    The loss of Manston as a usable aviation site has two significant issues for the area of Kent in which it is located. 1. No Lower Airspace Radar Service is detrimental to aviation safety. This is... Read more

  • Med clean south (Med clean south)

    To create good payed local jobs preventing the need of commuting to other airports to carry out our work

  • Michael Redmond

    1. The airport will encourage entrepreneurship and business opportunities. It will become a magnet for relatable businesses that benefit from exporting high value products that an airport cargo hub... Read more

  • Mr Anthony Whitehorn

    I write as a resident of Herne Bay situated beneath what would be the flight path of cargo planes operating from Manston airport. My representation concerns (a) the proven damage to health in... Read more

  • Mr J Ager

    Mr James Ager representing my family. I live under the proposed direct flight path and am deeply concerned regarding the following— 1. Night flight noise = lack of sleep 2. Pollution = effecting our... Read more

  • Mrs Barbara Cawte on behalf of Mr Robert Cawte

    My husband fully supports manston and we flew out of it some years ago .It was easy and quick

  • Mr. M. Skerratt

    As a Thanet resident of some twenty years, I would like the opportunity to give my positive views on the potential reopening of Manston Airport, rather than any alternative use. In summary the main... Read more

  • Mrs West

    I wish to appose Manston being opened as a cargo hub due to it being detrimental to our health due to the amount of air pollution and sleep departmentation from on going night flights. Including for... Read more

  • Mrs. Marian Doidge

    I am a resident of Ramsgate and have been for 13 years, I live under the flight path to the once known Manston Airport. In the years I have been a resident and living under the flight path we had... Read more

  • Nigel Briant

    I am deeply concerned about the proposal, when Manston previously had some flights the plans flew over Herne, the plans were so low you could see the pilots, and pictures rattled inside the house, the... Read more

  • Nigel May

    I want Manston Airport to return as a working airport to create jobs and wealth for Thanet and the country as a whole. It is of national importance.

  • Peter Worrell

    Noise from aircraft day and night. Potential loss off property values. Drop in quality of life. Pollution from both aircraft and increased road traffic.

  • Raymond John May

    Can I just say that Manston Airport should of never closed,the people of Thanet want the Airport open again as a freight-hub which will employ many local people, Thanet is one of the worse employment... Read more

  • Richard A Smith

    I would strongly urge the inspectorate to not seek to "green light" this project. Submissions by RSP have been deeply flawed and mis-leading in terms of noise modelling and their intentions regarding... Read more

  • Rubina Florini

    I strongly believe a cargo airport in Manston means high level of noise during the day and night with significant consequences in our health. At the moment we are all aware of the environmental... Read more

  • Sally Smart

    I feel the proposals to reopen Manston airport as a cargo superhub have been fraught with uncertainty and misinformation. The highly technical documents offered by RSP have been deliberately... Read more