
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1126 to 1150 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Sara Dumigan

    Manston needs to stay to bring long term jobs to the area and a future for Thanet

  • Sarah Wallace

    Failure to establish an economic case for creating a freight hub at Manston and lack of credentials on the part of the applicant: There is no national policy to develop dedicated air freight hubs in... Read more

  • Shirley Davis

    The damage this proposal would inflict on the children of Thanet and Herne Bay. Damage to Health of Pollution and noise during the day. Damage to health and mental health with night... Read more

  • Stephen John Waller

    Dear Sir/Madam My representation is short and to the point. I have lived under a flight path to Heathrow airpor,t in Twickenham and believe me, no-one, other than those who can sleep through... Read more

  • Susannah Pomery

    I live in Ramsgate and have an interest in what happens at Manston in the future. I oppose the airport but am not opposed to mixed use development there.

  • Terry Boarder

    I believe that Manston airport must be used as an airport as against being used for housing or factories, etc; with the possible building of the new Thanet Parkway station, that would open the airport... Read more

  • Adrienne Ayres

    i am very much in favour of an airport at Manston. i believe that the infrastructure can deal with it and it could take pressure from the London airports and relieve some of the congestion on the M25... Read more

  • Alan Poole

    I have serious concerns regarding the damage to the environment of a cargo hub airport from aircraft exhaust gases and unburnt fuel pollution. Concerns about the pollution caused by 'run off' from... Read more

  • Rob Kenyon on behalf of Albion Place Heritage (Albion Place Heritage)

    Our group is firmly against night flights of any description. We mainly represent owners of residential buildings which are predominantly Georgian / Regency grade 2 and are prevalent in the local... Read more

  • Alison Humphry

    I wish to register my opposition to a cargo hub at Manston airport. I have significant concern regarding the noise and other environmental impact which will be occasioned by the hub. I am concerned... Read more

  • Andrew McCulloch

    I support the DCO application for the following reasons - by no means an exhaustive list 1. Improved educational opportunities. Within the summary of this project is a proposal for a flight... Read more

  • Ann Hermitage

    Having lived in Margate all my life and for the last 47 years just a mile from the Manston Airport I think the proposed Riveroak plan can only prove beneficial to the people of Thanet. We desperately... Read more

  • Anna Alward

    As a psychotherapist, I work with people who suffer from insomnia. I am particularly concerned that night flights will disrupt the sleep patterns of residents.

  • Barrie Coombs

    I object to the development of Manston for the following reasons.We will be particularly affected as our home is in the landing flight path.Night flights will affect sleep patterns and... Read more

  • Brian J Dickerson

    its easy we are at the end of the county no way out no way in only if you have a car we got manston airport so lets use it just look at the rest of england thay all have airports and got lots of work ... Read more

  • Chris Dewhurst

    Manston is rare national and local strategic resource. The development of a civil airport would add tremendously to the jobs of the area. And in times of national emergency it can accommodate heavy... Read more

  • Chris Newing

    My representation concerns the flight path. Previously commercial flights took off and landed over Ramsgate and flew out over Reculver. The cargo flights come in to land over HERNE Bay. They are... Read more

  • Colin Cooke

    1. As an existing infrastructure it should be allowed to further develop. 2. Kent is in need of new business opportunities with a ready made workforce. 3. The Riveroak group have shown good plan and... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of College of St John the Evangelist the University of Cambridge

    The presence of old dilapidated landing lights on property owned by St John's College, Cambridge, is a tremendous interference for the landowner and the tenant farmer. As such the landowner is very... Read more

  • David Green

    I oppose granting a DCO 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston and ask that the appointed Examining Authority thoroughly interrogate the following areas: 1. Qualifications and experience of the applicant. RSP... Read more

  • David Manser

    I remember the last time Manston had night flights and they frequently came over my home at two or three in the morning, I spoke to the then owner of Manston and was told it was happening because the... Read more

  • Denise Case

    I am a strong supporter of Manston Airport re-opening for many reasons. I would like Kent & Thanet to have the number and high quality jobs that Manston Airport will bring. An airport will also bring... Read more

  • Dorothe Steidinger

    I oppose the reopening of the air port as proposed by RiverOak Strategic Partners: - noise pollution in open air areas - which cannot be mitigated -, which will harm residents' and tourists'... Read more

  • Graham Ralph on behalf of Ernest Pay (Ernest Pay)

    I object to the reopening of Manston airport on the following grounds: Noise - when the airport was open it had a noticeable impacted on my health. I live immediately under the flight path, the... Read more

  • Frances Judith Turton

    I object to the proposals 're Manston Airport on the following grounds:- 1. High levels of air pollution which recent research links to intellectual dysfunction in ALL age groups. 2. High... Read more