
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2001 to 2025 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • s moss

    Manston Airport should definitely be reopened to bring jobs & prosperity back to the area. It has a history that should be remembered & is literally the entrance to Europe from Britain. If it... Read more

  • Sam Bateson

    Hello, my name is Sam, I am [Redacted] and I go to [Redacted] school in Ramsgate. I usually go to sleep at around 9:00 to 9:30 this means that the usual duration of sleep I get is 10 hours. If there... Read more

  • Sam Causer

    I object to a cargo hub at Manston. There are many reasons why this is the wrong place for an airport, from both a national and local point of view: - Siting an airport on a peninsula significantly... Read more

  • Samuel Johnson

    I am in full support of Kent International Airport, as it will provide a valuable economy boost to the local area with expansion of local and national businesses as the stock for the business will... Read more

  • Carmel Togher on behalf of Samuel Kane

    I do not want planes flying over my house because I have [Redacted] and then I will never get any sleep and will get ill. I don't want my little sister to get asthma like me - she is only [Redacted] .... Read more

  • Sandra Porter

    I wish to add my condemnation of the current plans to reopen Manston Airport to those already submitted. I live in Herne Bay, under the flight path. If there are night flights, my sleep and that of... Read more

  • Sara Patterson

    I am a local resident who is strongly opposed to the airport reopening . I am concerned about the noise particularly as we are expecting a baby in less than 2 weeks. I am also opposed to the airport... Read more

  • Sarah Craven

    Manston is an important sir cargo infrastructure both nationally and locally. I would like to be able to travel abroad from Manston even if it is a hub and spoke approach. My son would like to get... Read more

  • Sean Farrell

    This is from Sean and [Redacted]. We have lived in Ramsgate for more than three years. Our house is directly under the proposed flight path and our[Redacted] daughter’s school is close to the flight... Read more

  • Sean Lehan

    I am writing on behalf of my wife and myself to strongly oppose the planning application of RiverOak Strategic Partners to open Manston Airport as an 24/7 cargo hub airport. My wife and i moved from... Read more

  • Seymour Milton

    Re: Registering as an Interested Party in respect of the Manston Airport DCO I am convinced that the air pollution caused from the proposed freight hub would seriously endanger the health and... Read more

  • Sheena Quinton

    Agree. The cost of re-opening Manston and updating the infrastructure would be far less than any spent on expansion of other airports. It would bring business and jobs to this area.

  • Simon P Rood

    Dear Sirs I wish to be noted as an interested party for the reasons already adequately made by other Interested Party applications opposing and questioning the validity, accuracy and completeness... Read more

  • Soraya Coxon

    This Relevant Representation has been withdrawn.

  • Shahla Rushworth on behalf of Special Educational Needs Parents & Carers Against Manston

    We are a group of parents and carers of children with special educational needs, who live within the Thanet area (mainly Ramsgate) and will therefore be affected by the noise coming from the proposed... Read more

  • Stephanie Lafourcade

    I would like to oppose to the cargo flights. Having experienced the airport way back when the airport was still in action, i remember the noise, the house checking and the cracks in my walls but more... Read more

  • Stephen Gardner

    I fully support a working airport as it will provide much needed jobs and opportunity in the local area. I look forward to having the opportunity to comment in the future.

  • Steve Gambrell

    Dear Sirs I have lived in Ramsgate for over 50 years. and my concerns ver RSP DCO application is as follows: All the past efforts over 30 years to make Manston Airport a profitable and viable... Read more

  • Steven Harding

    I would like to make a representation on any issues identified within the Environmental Statement (‘ES’) in relation to the environmental impact associated with the proposed development. I am... Read more

  • Steven Holmes

    Sir, I wish to register as an interested party and to raise my injections to the proposed development of the Manston site as a 24/7 Cargo Hub airport. I live in Ramsgate which would be directly... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Stone Hill Park Limited

    Please see attached.

  • Stuart Wiggins

    My representation will include : The effects of noise pollution on the area especially the Nethercourt Estate where aircraft will be flying extremely low . The effects of air pollution and the fact... Read more

  • Sue Skinner

    RSP has not provided convincing evidence that the nation needs a cargo-hub at Manston. It seems quite likely that RSP is misusing the DCO process to achieve a land-grab. In truth this would be a... Read more

  • Susan Foskett

    I fully support the re-opening of Manston as a commercial airport. When other airports are at saturation point it seems thoroughly ridiculous that this land is idle when it could be turned around and... Read more

  • Susan Hopkins

    I oppose these plans due to the excessive noise, inconvenience and traffic problems that will accompany these proposals. This number of flights on a 24/7 basis will turn this peaceful part of our... Read more