
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2026 to 2050 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Milton

    We definitly need an International Airport near Kent & it would reduce congestionon on the roads near Gatwick & Heathrow & also create jobs in this area

  • Sylvie Bolioli

    I’m hereby formulating my concerns over the proposal made by River Oak Strategic Partners to acquire the site of former Manston Airport. 1) First of all, I was not informed about the consultation... Read more

  • Teresa Askew

    I believe that developing Manston in line with RSP’s proposals would come at too heavy an economic and environmental cost to the otherwise bright future of the area. Ramsgate is a picturesque town, ... Read more

  • Teri Olins

    As a Ramsgate resident, I am very concerned about the significant adverse effect on the town and the permanent damage the planned cargo airport would cause to our quality of life. I have not seen... Read more

  • Thanet & East Kent Chamber of Commerce (Thanet & East Kent Chamber of Commerce)

    The Thanet & East Kent Chamber operates in liaison with the Dover District Chamber of Commerce which traces its origins to the year 1850. Representing the commercial interest of the East Kent coastal... Read more

  • Thanet District Council (Thanet District Council)

    Thanet District Council welcomes the opportunity to be able to provide a relevant representation for the proposed Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) submitted by Riveroak Strategic... Read more

  • Jane Hetherington on behalf of The A Mcevoy and M Macmillan Family

    As mental health practitioners we are concerned about the cargo hub planned for Manston airport. RSP’s proposals would be 17,000 movements not the previous 500 a year, it is proposed ... Read more

  • Tim Fountain

    I wish to make my views known about noise pollution

  • TONIC Consultants Ltd (TONIC Consultants Ltd)

    As a local business owner, whose business is based in Herne Bay and is directly affected by these proposals, I wish to lodge my objections to the proposals. NEGATIVE IMPACT ON OUR WORKING... Read more

  • Tracey McEvoy

    I object wholeheartedly to the plans to revive Manston Airport as a cargo airport with c.12,000 aircraft movements per year above my house. My husband and I live in Ramsgate because of the health... Read more

  • Tracy Macassey

    I wish to represent myself as a Ramsgate resident who believes the health and welfare of my family and the community will be adversely affected in a huge way should the proposed reopening of Manston... Read more

  • Trevor Harvey

    It's an agreed point of the need more airport space in the south east - we have a ready made airport sitting at Manston. We have owners there willing to invest in the airport and turn it into a... Read more

  • Ubaldina Dale

    Thanet and surrounding areas needs the airport which will bring many jobs and convenience when it comes round to having passenger flights as well as cargo. We do not need houses as the area is already... Read more

  • Vanessa Thompson

    Please find my objection to the DCO of Manston Airport. ONE REASON THE AIRPORT IS A BAD IDEA 1/ Manston Airport is sited in the wrong place where the catchment area demand has never been high... Read more

  • Vereena Moore

    Keep mansion as an airport because Home of battle of Britain national heritage Bring in tourism Increase prosperity Put Margate on the map encourage regeneration

  • Warwick Humble

    Thanet and Kent as a whole needs a transport hub and the jobs of the future Manston is part of our national heritage too from the battle of Britain Don't destroy it

  • Wayne Waterson

    The Manston airport hub is not benifical to Ramsgate or Thanet as a whole. It can onl be disprutive to the whole community in a place which is growing by the year into a thriving tourism and small... Read more

  • William Woods

    I have lived in Kent for over 50 years and have always seen the necessity for the airport at Manston. Fiest and foremost for the cargo hub and the distribution from there to the rest of the UK. I now... Read more

  • Winbourne Martin French, Chartered Surveyors (Winbourne Martin French, Chartered Surveyors)

    5th October 2018 Registration as Interested Party, by Winbourne Martin French (with London East Kent Coast Airport (Manston) Limited) pursuant to Advice Notes Eight and Nine in particular... Read more

  • Christabel Smith on behalf of Writers Against Manston Cargo Hub

    This group represents those who work as writers from their Ramsgate homes, 135 members to date. We are deeply fearful at the prospect of a cargo hub with a limitless application for night flights... Read more

  • Zoe Tudor

    I have lived in Ramsgate all my life, 44 years and live directly under the flight path. I have always lived near and currently live under the flight path, the previous ventures at Manston airport have... Read more

  • Ian Brooman

    Please see attached

  • John Straker

    Dear Sirs, I moved to Thanet approx. 7 years ago and received a shock when an aircraft flew over my head at rooftop level. However my main objection is to the additional pollution being spread... Read more

  • Mr E Broadley

    The reason I am concerned re the development of Manston Airport becoming a cargo hub St Nicholas camping site is directly under the approaching or taking off flight path. Past experience ive have been... Read more

  • Mr Tony Atwood

    Manston Airpot should stay, it has been part of the community for years creating jobs and intake for goods to this county, it has one of the longest flight path which could be used in emergencies.... Read more