
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 2826 to 2850 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Mark Segall Jones

    The number of jet airliners flying over Tunbridge Wells (where I live) and over Hever Castle (which I frequently visit) is already excessive. The noise pollution is highly intrusive. The government... Read more

  • Richard N C Perkins

    The main access for passengers and airport workers will be by road. There is no Underground, as for Heathrow, and the only rail link is the main line to Brighton which is already overcrowded. An... Read more

  • Richard Streatfeild

    The new levels of overflight over my business. I am also the member of Sevenoaks District Council for Penshurst Fordcombe and Chiddingstone which stand to be blighted by the expansion.

  • Robert Firth

    I am totally against the Gatwick expansion. The impact on the local area will be devastating- noise, pollution etc. it is unnecessary and is purely for the financial benefit of the NON UK... Read more

  • Robert Mantell

    Climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions is an existential threat to humanity. All efforts must be be made to reduce these emissions. We should be reducing flights, not increasing capacity.

  • Robin M K Daly

    Surrey is already blighted by air travel noise which, apart from the relief of the pandemic period, has increased steadily. This scheme is a backdoor way of doubling passenger numbers without the... Read more

  • Roger Allen

    This new runway project is designed to increase capacity of the airport, and therefore will increase both noise and pollution for those of us in and around the flight path. Extra pressure will also be... Read more

  • Roger Schembri

    I am registering so I can be kept informed of the ongoing planning for any Gatwick airport expansion. I am concerned about impact to the environment, air and noise pollution and increased traffic on... Read more

  • Rusper Parish Council (Rusper Parish Council)

    Increase in aircraft noise and air pollution Lack of Infrastructure/increase in local traffic Climate Emergency Costs

  • Ryder Marsden

    The expansion of Gatwick Airport will increase UK aviation carbon emissions contrary to the Climate Change Act 2008. In its July 2023 report, the UK Committee on Climate Change stated: No airport... Read more

  • Sally Dunningham

    In a time when everyone is talking about reducing the effects of pollution, noise and environmental issues, why is Gatwick Airport talking about expansion? In the surrounding areas around Gatwick,... Read more

  • Sam Frederick Streatfeild

    As a long standing resident of Chiddingstone I am registering my objection to any increased aircraft activity at Gatwick Airport. We are already frequently woken up early (5am onwards) in the morning... Read more

  • Sara Frohmader

    I object to the planning of the new runway on the following grounds. The runway would an adverse effect on climate change The runway was never used as a runway so it’s a back door approach The airport... Read more

  • Sarah Lambert

    Noise - the expansion of Gatwick airport will lead to a substantial increase in aircraft noise for those like ourselves who live under the flight path. At the present time we are woken up by the early... Read more

  • Sarah Mitchell

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport for the following reasons. Increase in fossil fuel use, at a time when we understand about the dangers of climate change, is very wrong. Air pollution and... Read more

  • Sevenoaks District Council (Sevenoaks District Council)

    It is appreciated that Gatwick Airport has economic benefits to the District and nationally however, Sevenoaks District Council has had longstanding concerns regarding the the noise from flights. The... Read more

  • Sheila Anne White

    My concerns are: The increased volume of aircraft during the day and the early hours of the morning therefore further noise and pollutants. This will lead to an inevitable decline in air quality due... Read more

  • Sheila Gladys Finch

    The extra planes as I live 5 min walk to Terminal One the increased plane fumes and flying over the property. 50 yrs ago in fog plane crash killing all this will happen if Second Runway built. No... Read more

  • Sheron Hujair

    The effect a 2nd runway will have on our day to day lives, the environmental impact on woodland and wildlife, noise and air pollution.

  • Simon Alderman

    When planes take off from Gatwick they frequently pass above my house. On Sunday when I was working in my garden I was unable to hear the podcast I was listening to without turning up the volume of my... Read more

  • Sonja Watsham

    The main issue is that we simply cannot keep expanding air travel. 2 groups of scientists have this week confirmed that planet is at a tipping point, and that one of the crucial changes that must be... Read more

  • South East Climate Alliance (South East Climate Alliance)

    The proposed increase in flights and associated infrastructure needs will incur a major rise in carbon emissions . This is at a time when the world is on the brink of multiple tipping points towards... Read more

  • Stephen Etheridge

    I live below the flight path of Gatwick and suffer regularly from the noise of take-offs and landings at the airport. I strongly believe that Gatwick should not receive permission for a second runway... Read more

  • Stephen Thomas Lewis Waller

    I believe the infrastructure project is inadequate, as a local resident we will see a huge increase in traffic and a decrease in air quality and an increase in noise pollution. I believe the safety on... Read more

  • Steve Diederich

    The increase in local traffic in an AONB, the disturbance to a pristine rural environment, the noise pollution affecting both residential and wildlife