
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Hugh Vigurs

    Too many planes are taking off and landing above us now. They come in much too low at one a minute at busy times and we have flights all through the night, something many other airport's do not allow.... Read more

  • Hywel Evans

    Increasing the number of Gatwick flights will have a huge negative effect on the environment. Noise pollution! Exhaust pollution! Light pollution! The local infrastructure is not adequate!!!! This... Read more

  • Iain Henderson

    Extreme concern at the prospect of more planes filling our skies when we are already plagued by aircraft noise day and night.

  • Ian Simkins

    Gatwick’s expansion is not needed and the company who own Gatwick are not sensitive to the local community

  • British Airways plc (British Airways plc) on behalf of International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (International Consolidated Airlines Group SA)

    We have taken note of the proposal by Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) to bring its Northern Runway into regular use. Our view is that any airport expansion should meet certain key conditions: 1.... Read more

  • Ivy Brunt

    It is urgent that the UK takes positive steps to reduce climate breakdown as far as possible. A new Gatwick runway would do the opposite of this. It would also increase local pollution and mean... Read more

  • J Lineker

    From: Jonathan Lineker Subject: Gatwick redesign of departure and arrival routes and procedures - initial options appraisal Date: 27 October 2023 at 7pm To: CAA, Minister for Aviation, Gatwick... Read more

  • Jacqueline Phillips

    Climate impact of additional flights & land journeys associated with passenger travel to & from airport - increasing carbon emissions will exacerbate climate crisis which has implications for... Read more

  • James Christie

    Totally unacceptable for the people in the villages on the aircraft corridors. The noise levels from the low flying aircraft currently is highly intrusive and impacts my wellbeing. In fact in short it... Read more

  • James Lewis

    The new runway would cause unacceptable addittional noise, congestion and inconvenience to me as a resident of Charlwood. Pollution will be increased to harmful and illegal levels with the increse in... Read more

  • James Millar

    Gatwick already large and busy enough. Noise pollution has become a terrible detriment throughout the day for residents and air quality has deteriorated. Too much traffic. Roads cannot take already.

  • James Snowden Chester

    We are very concerned about the Potentially increased noise Over Hever Castle & also our own property.

  • Jane Aebi

    It seems completely contrary to the climate issue we are experiencing. Why would you want to increase an airport which will bring an enormous amount more pollution than one runway does Shouldn’t we be... Read more

  • Jane Hlisnikowski

    I am particularly concerned that another runway will lead to even further infrastruture being required in Sussex, together with more and more homes for people. We are already under considerable... Read more

  • Jane Rosam

    I live and farm in Hever and have found the noise level from overhead planes to be overwhelming. It is such that it drowns out birdsong and any other natural noise. It is impossible to have a... Read more

  • Janice Hegarty

    I am puzzled that whilst we try to protect our heritage and safeguard our future under the category of listed buildings, World Heritage sites, AONB, Green Belt, Conservation Areas, National Parks and... Read more

  • Janice Parish

    There will be more air pollution. The extra road traffic will cause more pollution. Increased noise for residents. Greater flood risk.

  • Jean Parker

    I don’t want this at all. Where I live in [REDACTED] leads directly to Gatwick Airport. A new runway will increase the amount of traffic through our village and directly onto [REDACTED]. We already... Read more

  • Jeannette Clare Simmons

    I think the main issues are pollution, increased traffic in the area and noise. All of these would adversely affect the quality of lif of people living in this area. I am therefore against any... Read more

  • Jennifer Ann Edwards

    The expansion of this airport is a disaster in terms of safety, (what happens a in an emergency?) Environment - we need to reduce the number of flights not increase then. Building more warehouses and... Read more

  • Jennifer Nicholls

    I am a supporter of the annual Hever Festival at their Open Air Theatre during the summer months and have attended on several occasions in the past. This venue is iconic as it is located in the... Read more

  • Jeremy Broadhead

    In a short space of time rural tranquility has been hugely altered by loud frequent aeroplane noise. This has very significant impact on our quality of life. I appreciate that airoplanes are part of... Read more

  • Jo Vigar

    Traffic on local roads. Habitat loss to wildlife. Noise and air pollution for local villages/towns. Safety concerns- no spare runway for aircraft in distress, should it be needed.

  • Joanna Cockerill

    I think the additional flights will have an impact on my ability to relax in my garden which is important for my mental health

  • Joanna Horne

    Gatwick doesn’t have internal infrastructure to support more flights. Every flight I have taken in last 6 months has been delayed by at least 2-6 hours Aircraft noise is already unbearable and will... Read more