
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 3176 to 3200 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Clark

    ***Registering an objection to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway expansion proposals*** My wife and I are residents of South Park, (redacted) that runs through from Gatwick to Reigate and then on to... Read more

  • Andrew Coker

    I am writing to object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport. I do not believe it has been demonstrated that the expansion is necessary given the approval of the new runway at Heathrow. This... Read more

  • Andrew John Burgess

    Brockham and surrounding areas already has significant Gatwick and Heathrow air traffic overhead, some low flying. The proposed new runway at Gatwick will greatly affect the population below due to... Read more

  • Andrew Tong

    There is no need for an extra runway at Gatwick because of the expansion of Heathrow. It is merely an exercise in muscle-flexing by the Gatwick chief executive. The negative environmental impact is... Read more

  • Angela Stone

    The main issue is that increased air travel increases pollution and thus the effects of climate change which at no level is good. This affects all of humanity and we need to address it or suffer the... Read more

  • Anna Wilkinson

    The planes we have are already noisy and we don't need more noise. Also more pollution, night flights and traffic congestion on our roads. People are actually flying less now for business. This... Read more

  • Anne Forrest

    The extra runway will increase road traffic in an already congested area. Increased noise over villages and towns E and W of the airport. Increased air traffic on the extra runway affecting the... Read more

  • Aviation Environment Federation (Aviation Environment Federation)

    AEF opposes this application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) on the basis that it is likely to generate a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and other climate impacts, that runs... Read more

  • Avril Howard

    I feel that another runway and more flights will not only be detrimental to the health of people who are under the flight paths, i.e., sleep deprivation and noise pollution, but also destroys the... Read more

  • Barry Hutt

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today so this application is for a new... Read more

  • Benjamin Matthew Sellers

    I adamantly oppose the expansion of Gatwick Airport's Northern Runway and any further expansion plans for Gatwick. I reside in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, relishing the uninterrupted vistas... Read more

  • Bernard Wright

    Increased traffic on flight path into Gatwick leading to increased noise and pollutants. Affects communities but does not offer them any direct benefit.

  • Bignor Park Limited (Bignor Park Limited)

    We consider that the additional air traffic caused by the expansion of Gatwick would be greatly detrimental to our business and to the National Park. We run a wedding venue and it is already noisy... Read more

  • Brenda Howlett

    Apart from the added pollution to the surrounding area, this would rip apart the homes of many species of wildlife, which is already in decline due to pollution and building etc.

  • Brenda Simmons

    I am deeply concerned about the over development proposed for Gatwick Airport. For an area to survive organisations must be mindful of the massive impact such an industry inflicts upon those residing... Read more

  • Bronwen Jones

    The proposal to bring the Northern Runway into routine use offers a sustainable, affordable, and practical solution to meet future demand for air travel to and from London by making better of what we... Read more

  • Campbell Bruce Horne

    Use of emergency runway is an artifice to avoid public scrutiny

  • Carol Ann Franks

    I completely object to the planning permission for the "second runway" at Gatwick. The number of planes already in the skies are beyond depressing and cause real anxiety to live with. Gatwick have... Read more

  • Caroline Faircloth

    Our way of life destroyed in the countryside. Decremental to our Health & wellbeing Wildlife We have too many, too loud and too low aircraft already! In the height of the summer aircraft fly over ever... Read more

  • Caroline Watson

    The application fails to take into account the impacts of increased noise pollution from additional aircraft flying over homes and communities on residents, namely our wellbeing and mental health.... Read more

  • Carolyn Chenery

    Aircraft noise has increased massively over the last year in Oxted. We have aircraft from both Heathrow and Gatwick flying quite low directly overhead. The noise pollution is bad enough already and by... Read more

  • Carys Tupper

    I’m against the huge expansion of Gatwick Airport that is being proposed by its overseas owners, as it will damage the local area, polluting the environment, bring traffic to a standstill and there is... Read more

  • Catherine Browning

    Increased aircraft noise, pollution, aircraft noise throughout the night disrupting sleep, impact on environment

  • Catherine Roa

    This will cause distress to many people with so much air traffic from Heathrow and Gatwick already.

  • Charles Thomas Waterlow

    I am in support of this proposal. It is known the south desperately needs more airport capacity, this proposal makes the best use of infrastructure that is already in place having the most minimal... Read more