
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Martin John Wright

    Seems a good idea using the second runway

  • Martin Robert Sambrook

    The extra runway will bring a boost to the local economy

  • Martyn McCormack

    I have noticed more aircraft over three Bridges in the last few years clearly to get us used to more flights over the area. The second runway will increase the number of flights and this will mean... Read more

  • Matej Timko

    I fully support the expansion. It will create more jobs and career opportunities for people from Crawley and surrounding areas.

  • Matthew Bennett

    I believe that the expansion of London Gatwick and the regular usage of the Northern Runway will be excellent for the local area. Gatwick’s owners have committed massive investment into the expansion... Read more

  • Matthew Lilley

    Needs to be approved, as someone who works at the airport Gatwick needs more capacity

  • Matthew Purcell

    Increased noise and air pollution from increased air traffic.

  • Max Perry

    National Policy: Expansion of Gatwick will have a material impact on the UK’s ability to meet its carbon reduction targets. Locally: Carbon emissions will also result from construction works and... Read more

  • Maximillian Jordan

    Demographics, the UK is at 1.5 replacement rate it's need to be 2. 1 according to the ONS and the government is anti immigration. So that means in the next 30-40 years the population will crash,... Read more

  • Megan Warrener

    Increased air pollution over our town from the increase in flights. The roads to and from Gatwick are already struggling with the amount of traffic and cannot cope with this as well as all the extra... Read more

  • Melanie Bowden

    The main issues are increased noise and environmental damage to local residents. A lack of demand in shoulder periods of the day means Gatwick is not full, they only want to be able to sell expensive... Read more

  • Melissa Shinn

    Expansion of airports and subsequent increase in air traffic is not in line with UK's climate targets

  • Michael Charles Rosario

    I oppose Gatwick’s application for a northern runway and ask whether two Airports the size of Heathrow are really needed so close together. This would be over-saturation of a fairly small part of... Read more

  • Michael Harris

    To improve the traffic flow and save fuel

  • Michael John Bell

    Serious environmental impact of extra overflights impacting adversely on my wellbeing

  • Michael Love

    I believe it will create better employment prospects for the community. With greater footfall to the area I believe it will also improve transport links to the area.

  • Michael Munson

    Gatwick airport growth flies in the face of all national and international economic and humanitarian sense. Locally and nationally, it would have a very significant detrimental impact on carbon... Read more

  • Michael Pawson

    My concern is the resultant increase in noise pollution and the increase in intensity of the disturbance I currently experience. I already suffer noise disturbance from the very early hours, through... Read more

  • Michael Prudence

    I live over a flight plan and as long as the extension is managed correctly, as I am aware it will be, it will be a great boost to the area and the local economy

  • Michael Quittenton

    Push this through....Growth expansion, jobs

  • Michael Smith

    We are not in favour. There is enough plane noise round here, and the whole of the south east, already. We do not want more.

  • Michael Wall

    This expansion flies in the face of everything we should be doing with regards to global warming and climate control. We already have a drastic lack of fresh water in the south, so where is this going... Read more

  • Michael Wareing

    I do not support this planning application the additional noise/ pollution on the local community will be untenable. Furthermore, Surrey’s infrastructure (public transport, roads, healthcare, schools... Read more

  • Michael Williams

    Let it go ahead it will make Crawley so much better

  • Michel Cole

    I strongly object to a second runway at Gatwick. I and my family live under the Timba stacking approach path to Gatwick. During the summer months, we are badly affected by aircraft noise almost on a... Read more