
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Claire Andrews

    Noise pollution will be at a level that disturbs thousands & thousands of local residents which is unacceptable. Infrastructure will not be able to cope with increased traffic to the airport.

  • Crawley Town Centre BID Co Ltd (Crawley Town Centre BID Co Ltd)

    Gatwick Airport is a vitally important organisation for the economic and social prosperity of this area, it's growth and the Northern Runway is a positive step forward for an area that was hit very... Read more

  • Darren Stead

    I would like to object to this application on the grounds of its environmental impact plus the plan does not adequately address the improvements needed in infrastructure outside of the airport to... Read more

  • David William Loye Strong

    I object to the Northern runway being used for routine use alongside the main runway. It will create more pollution from the additional planes as well as more road traffic noise pollution and... Read more

  • David William Toye

    Further pollution of the environment, more housing in the countryside, more travel congestion, more noise, more stress on hospitals, more sewerage pollution, more water supply problems. Nothing to... Read more

  • Deborah Speirs

    Objection to the increased noise and pollution levels that a second runway will inflicted on local residents around Gatwick and under the flight path, with the proposed dramatic increase in flight... Read more

  • Diana Andrews

    Dear Sir/Madam We are residents of Wisborough Green and own the Estate Agency in the village (Redacted). We cover Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire. We are more than aware of how we have, in valuation... Read more

  • Diane Oak

    We will ruin our local towns and Villages. It will effect holiday trade. Beautiful areas. The noise level will destroy villages. Turning them into rented out ghettos catering for a run way no one but... Read more

  • Ebernoe Parish Council (Ebernoe Parish Council)

    Ebernoe Parish Council objects to the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick Airport. Please see attached

  • Edwin Paice

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway. Policy has been misinterpreted and misrepresented by the applicant... Read more

  • Evelyne Crowley

    I object to the construction of another runway at Gatwick airport for the following reasons. - It doesn't make sense from an environmental point of view to add to the pollution from flights, the air... Read more

  • Fiona Fell

    I strongly object to the proposed 2nd runway being built at Gatwick Airport. Mainly due to noise & pollution affecting the environment. There is not sufficient infrastructure to support all the staff... Read more

  • Gatwick Aviation Museum Ltd (Gatwick Aviation Museum Ltd)

    Gatwick Aviation Museum (GAM) is a registered charity providing the preservation of lmid-late 20th century aircraft and artifacts, as well as providing valuable insites and education to the history of... Read more

  • Gavin James Lyndon

    Living in (Redacted), we already suffer from extensive noise pollution following the Route 4 decisions several years ago. The addition of another runway and the associated flight burden will only... Read more

  • Gillian Harris

    I think a second runway at Gatwick is not viable due to the area surrounding it. The roads are very congested now and with the additional flights proposed per year of more than 100,000 the resulting... Read more

  • Glyn Trathan

    We have non-stop planes flying low overhead all day now as we are in both Gatwick and Heathrow flight paths . It is obviously pollution that we are suffering from the amount of planes NOW !!! And also... Read more

  • Helen Copeland

    I object to the second runway and additional flights as this will have a significant impact on wildlife and traffic in the area. The current infrastructure in Horley and Gatwick is insufficient to... Read more

  • Helen White

    In a time of extreme climate crisis and fabulous conferencing technology I find it beyond belief that Gatwick is proposing 1000's more flights per day. This will cost the environment dear as well as... Read more

  • Helena Page

    London still needs greater passenger capacity .

  • Ian Fulcher

    Fully support the extension of the second runway.

  • James Redmile-Gordon

    The current sitiation at Gatwick is appaling. I have flown numerous times since lockdown and it's become the worst aiport to travel through due to staff shortages and unhappy workers. I live locally,... Read more

  • James Stefanopoulos

    We object to the proposed new runway as it impacts us by planes circulating above Godstone, which causes noise and fuel pollution. In addition, it affects our TV and Radio reception.

  • Jane Rieman

    To have another runway at Gatwick would severely impact our neighbourhood. The road structure is not up to standard to cope with all the extra passengers. The noise pollution over the Gatwick area and... Read more

  • Janet Francis

    I am totally against a new runway at Gatwick Airport. Our property is already affected by noise from planes, particularly when departing the airport

  • Jason Rafferty

    I object to the proposed new runway at Gatwick. Noise pollution is already extreme - all night flying - making it impossible to open windows on warm nights (an increasing phenomenon ). Air pollution... Read more