
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3501 to 3550 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Stephen Hanks

    I am opposed to the Gatwick Airport New Runway Plan for the following reasons The application is in fact for a new runway. The existing emergency runway is to be relocated. Presently the emergency... Read more

  • Stevan Kelsey

    Noise pollution as a result of increased overflights & intensity of operation. Flight path changes to accommodate the propsal have adversly impacted quiet enjoyment of dwelling and surrounds, and the... Read more

  • Steve Birks

    Main impacts would be the increase on the number of planes in the sky along with noise, congestion and the volume

  • Stuart Barnes

    Totally support the project.

  • Suzanna Alice Miller

    We need better rail/buses not more planes. We cannot cope with existing traffic - damage to roads. Never mind more traffic to the airport. It will necessitate a bypass which will destroy homes and... Read more

  • Richard James Courtney on behalf of The Courtneys (The Courtneys)

    At a time when we are fighting climate change and dealing with its effects on the entire world, we should not be expanding any of our airports until they can operate with zero air polluting fuels.... Read more

  • Tom Mackay on behalf of The Mackay Family (The Mackay Family)

    My family and numerous neighbours oppose Gatwick’s plans to make their emergency runway into a second runway. Opposing the plans to expand the emergency runway at Gatwick Airport is essential to... Read more

  • Tony Cusano

    Concerned about increased noise and fumes as I am on the flight path.

  • Transport Action Network (Transport Action Network)

    We wish to strongly object to the proposals on the following grounds: - Climate change impact from all aspects of the development - Wider environmental impacts including noise and air pollution, not... Read more

  • Victoria Jade Butt

    A new runway at Gatwick is a terrible idea. Already we have far too much airplane noise disrupting our daily lives. When I'm outside I have to pause mid-conversation to wait for planes to fly... Read more

  • Zero Carbon Guildford (Zero Carbon Guildford)

    Zero Carbon Guildford statement on airport expansion Every major UK airport has plans to expand, with many hoping to double passenger numbers by 2030. This includes airports around Guildford – notably... Read more

  • Alfold Parish Council (Alfold Parish Council)

    We are an interested party, and are scoping village residents to ascertain what the situation is regarding comments, either positive or negative. we wish to make representations on the runway... Read more

  • Alister Peters

    Any expansion of the aviation business is clearly lunacy. We all know this but for some strange reason some chose to ignore this. Clearly the emissions from air travel are a major contributor to both... Read more

  • Alyson Gilbert-Smith MSc, BSc, Lic. RTPI

    I vehemently oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which... Read more

  • Andrea Lacey

    I’m opposed to the expansion because it will have adverse environmental impacts, noise, pollution

  • Andrew John Whitehouse

    My main concerns are: increased noise, increased levels of pollution, global warming, further environmental damage, being woken at night.

  • Andrew Philip Ritter

    My overriding objection to the proposal is related to the very significant implications for climate change and impacts on air pollution. The scale of expansion proposed will result in substantial... Read more

  • Angela Cotton

    I believe this development should not be permitted to go ahead, for the following reasons: Impact on climate change due to emissions from all the extra flights; Increase in aircraft noise, impacting... Read more

  • Angela Susan Shaw

    I object to the expansion plans at Gatwick and an additional runway on the grounds of additional noise and air pollution and a huge increase in CO2 emissions. At a time of climate crisis, the airline... Read more

  • Anne Jenichen

    I am very concerned about the expansion of the airport due to the large increase of carbon emissions and air and noise pollution the large increase in flights will cause. Instead, the government... Read more

  • Anne Robinson

    I object to expansion of all existing airports, including Gatwick. Aviation is pollution-intensive, primarily from both CO2-related and non-CO2 related emissions. Its dependence on fossil fuel has yet... Read more

  • Anthony Trinick


  • Ashley Brown

    I support the application for London Gatwick’s proposal to turn the Northern Runway into a second operational runway. Gatwick is currently severely slot restricted meaning there is always delays with... Read more

  • Aviation Connection (Aviation Connection)

    I support the project as is critical to local jobs and economy

  • Barbara Aspland

    My concern is air pollution over Lingfield and the addition noise pollution both of which will be inevitable.

  • Bernard William Halsey

    Main objection is increased noise pollution

  • Best Business Events Ltd (Best Business Events Ltd)

    We strongly support the development. Whilst acknowledging the additional flights and associated impact, it will bring additional capacity which is much needed as well as boost the local economy and in... Read more

  • Brian Freeston

    There will be a serious impact on the Cranleigh airspace, with considerable overflying of this 15,000 strong community.

  • Brian Gregory Ivan Harris

    Living in Rusper there is already considerable aircraft noise this proposal will increase it dramatically. Gatwick sits on the M23 already designated a non safe smart motorway, this will increase the... Read more

  • Brian Lutley

    I object to further expansion of Gatwick Airport. There is already too much aircraft noise and additional traffic on local roads

  • Carol Palmer

    The addition of another runway to Gatwick will adversely impact air quality with the health implications that brings. Noise pollution will increase and will be negative for residents in the area,... Read more

  • Carolyn Smith

    Unacceptable noise and pollution levels added to an already densly populated area, the preservation of The Monastery of The Holy Trinity at Crawley Down

  • Charles Williamson

    Gatwick Airport is large enough and frequently has problems with its services. It is an unstable employer and many Airlines have failed over the years, Eg B.Cal,Danair,Laker etc. At the moment it’s... Read more

  • Chris Neill

    Gatwick airport should not be expanded. The climate and nature crisis means that we should be making every effort possible to reduce carbon emissions, pollution and noise. This is essential to give us... Read more

  • Chris Pulsford

    The main issues are the impact of even more flights over this area of outstanding natural beauty where lots of people also happen to live. My biggest concerns are: - even more flights during the... Read more

  • Christian James

    I believe this proposal will be detrimental to the local environment, public health in a wide surrounding area and longer term undermine legal net zero targets at the national level. Noise and other... Read more

  • Christopher Gavin Moody

    My family and I (5 of us in total) object to the disruption, enviromental disturbance of any expansion of Gatwick or any increase of activity. Gatwick must accept it cannot be expanded. We already... Read more

  • Christopher McGonigall

    I fully support the expansion of Gatwick Airport. As a local resident I believe it is vital to the continued success of local towns and neighbourhoods.

  • Christopher Mills

    We have lived at this address for 29 years, initially I sent many complaints to Gatwick airport on noise, unfortunately to no avail, I even visited the airport to be shown the monitoring of plane... Read more

  • Christopher Stacey Marks

    The Main issue that i raise is the enviromental impact of the expansion. But none the less i agree that Gatwick should expand, and quite frankly needs to expand to provide job security after the... Read more

  • Christopher Stuart Robertson

    Dear Sirs, I am very concerned regarding the planning application for a change of use from an emergency runway to a permanent second runway and the subsequent expansion of Gatwick airport. Living just... Read more

  • Clive Stuart

    We have lived in Tunbridge Wells since 1986 and experienced a significant increase in a contiunuous stream of aircraft approaching Gatwick at a low height facing the prevailing (from the Soutrh West)... Read more

  • Craig Fast

    I object to increased runway use at Gatwick airport. This will cause an increase in air pollution which is unacceptable during our current climate crisis. The impact of increased noise pollution for... Read more

  • Dave Brown

    I fully support the expansion of Gatwick airport on the current site.

  • Deborah Hammond

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Dianne Halsey

    I am very concerned about the increased noise from aircraft and the overall adverse effect on the environment.

  • Doctor Judy Totterdell

    I am very strongly opposed to the expansion of Gatwick Airport and believe their application to be mendacious. The impact on the community would be enormous and I don't believe has been adequately or... Read more

  • Donald David Mackinlay

    I would like to register so I can make comments about: - The ever increasing negative impact of the already existing expansion of air traffic emantaing from Gatwick over the almost 30 years I have... Read more

  • Dr Martin Leach

    Gatwick already causes significant noise and fume pollution in my area, including vented fuel, causing significant disturbance to local people and wildlife. This is an area of outstanding natural... Read more

  • Dr Timothy Clive Marrs

    I support the use of the 2nd runway @ Gatwick