
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 4101 to 4150 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Chris Stanton (Mr)

    Making more effective use of the existing northern runway will, I believe, contribute many of the economic advantages offered by flight capacity expansion while at the same time minimising the damage... Read more

  • Chris Taylor

    This Gatwick Airport plan fails to address the negative impact a second runway will have on my community and the countryside. The existing level of aircraft noise already disturbs my sleep and... Read more

  • Christopher Dickinson

    Fully back the proposal it will bring much needed investment to the area

  • Clare Beacham

    At a time of climate crisis we need to be reducing air traffic not increasing it. It effects carbon emissions terribly, air pollution, local traffic adds to carbon emissions and air pollution. The... Read more

  • Clive Andrew McGovern

    I object to the creation of a second runway. I live under the flight path which has been altered in the past several years so that planes now fly close to and sometimes over my property. The flight... Read more

  • Cllr Jonathan Essex

    Introduction This submission has been drawn from that prepared by the Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (GACC). I strongly oppose this Gatwick Airport Ltd (Gatwick) DCO application. GACC was actively... Read more

  • Colin Barbasiewicz

    I think sharing flights between lhr and Gatwick will reduce the noise of flights over Wokingham plus Gatwick is a much easier airport to get to than Heathrow.

  • Colin Watts

    Bexhill-on-Sea used to be quiet with little disturbance from passing aircraft; at times these can now be relentless and intrusive even though our noisy neighbour (Gatwick Airport) is fifty miles away.... Read more

  • Damian Savage

    Expanding Gatwick airport will be good for the area and split the load from Heathrow

  • Daniel Peters

    Second runway will provide lots of scoring opportunities and also job opportunities and will help the local area become stronger

  • Darren Scopes

    Working all over Gatwick in the construction industry. I now 100% realise how import the airport is to the area . Especially my home town of Crawley. I welcome any growth to protect employment to my... Read more

  • David Charles Callcott

    I am in favour of changing the use of the northern runway for take offs etc. any complaints about noise are not valid as by the time the runway is operational aircraft will be quieter than they are... Read more

  • David Clements

    Concerned by excessive and intrusive noise as this is already too much fro, aircraft flying overhead our home.

  • David E Howard

    It's a complete joke to be expanding an airport during a climate emergency. It's not even a debate. The airport should be reduced in scale commensurate with the scale of the emergency as proven by... Read more

  • David Jeyes

    Great idea. Low cost. Enhances services and jobs.

  • David Lee

    I strongly object to the increased pollution, noise and other detrimental effects such as more road traffic to the airport. It is likely that extra infastructure will be required to support this... Read more

  • David Reece

    The additional passenger traffic would put unacceptable pressure on the surrounding area in terms traffic congestion, the lack of affordable housing for the additional workers required would also be... Read more

  • David Taylor

    Gatwiçk nèeds to expand and grow and with ulez is the only airport NOT in the zone as such cheaper to get to

  • Debra Gibson

    It will bring much needed employment in this area and also reduce waiting times for take off/landing slots. This is not a new runway but utilizing the existing emergency runway..which is a good thing

  • Derek Evans

    I am concerned about additional noise from increased air traffic and impact to local infrastructure. Furthermore, Gatwick is one of the dirtiest airports in the world. When they can look after the... Read more

  • Derek John Farley

    I am totally in agreement for the conversion of the taxiway/emergency runway at Gatwick into a full-time runway. I assume that the conversion would be to a standard which would permit full parallel... Read more

  • Derek Wailes

    I support the use of the runway to accommodate existing air traffic and reduce delays but I am also aware that this could lead to expansion of the airport by stealth without the additional... Read more

  • Desmond O’Connor

    Fully support the initiative based on economic development in the area and an alternative to Heathrow where we are still forced to go on many occasions

  • Dominic Devrim Unlu O'Grady

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not... Read more

  • Dr Heather Smith

    During a climate emergency it is not in the interests of human health to open a new runway at Gatwick, both because of carbon emissions and air pollution.

  • Dr Robert Leigh

    The introduction of a second runway at Gatwick will be horrendous for those of us who are close to the flightpath. There are already too many flights and in an age when we are all supposed to be... Read more

  • Dynamic Beauty (Dynamic Beauty)

    Gatwick Airport plays such a large role in the local economy. When Gatwick Airport is thriving the small local business around it thrive too. As the owner of Dynamic Beauty on Gatwick Road, I saw... Read more

  • Ed Winter

    Ed Winter GATWICK AIRPORT “Relevant representation” INTRODUCTION I have lived in Betchworth, which is a rural village situated 7 miles north of Gatwick airport, for 36 years. I am a retired airline... Read more

  • Edd Charlesworth

    As someone who has worked at Gatwick for over 7 years this would be great to help ease currently on the main runway during peak times. Development of Gatwick as a whole, is wildly needed. I am fully... Read more

  • Edward Austin

    Operating two runways concurrently at Gatwick would increase aircraft movements significantly. Therefore the associated noise and air pollution impacts to people living underneath existing flight... Read more

  • Edward Eldridge

    With the world in a climate emergency it makes no sense to expand airports. Airplanes are some of the worst polluting forms of transport. Instead, it makes more sense to heavily tax air travel in... Read more

  • Edward Morgan

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway and as such does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy (Gatwick does not have 2 runways... Read more

  • Elizabeth Collyer

    For it to not happen. Gatwick is already busy and noisy

  • Elizabeth Lee

    We must meet our legal obligation to achieve the net zero target by 2050. The sooner we reduce our carbon emissions the easier and cheaper this will become. Increasing air traffic is completely... Read more

  • Ella Whitlock

    This should not be allowed. We already deal with the businesses of Gatwick, let alone a 2nd runway. This will affect our property values; mean we'll probably subjected to 24 hrs of noise or certainly... Read more

  • Emma Selwood

    The additional environmental impact from a second runway is wrong, when we are already seeing harmful effects from climate change. Also, as a resident of Crawley, there will be increased noise... Read more

  • Enter Air LTD Carrier (Enter Air LTD Carrier)

    As Enter Air LTD, an airline carrier, we are interested in the development of LGW airport, increasing its capacity, and enhancing the flexibility of slot availability for ground handling agents. We... Read more

  • Felicity Sims

    Expansion and / or increasing the capacity for the number of flights at Gatwick is the wrong decision. It is wrong at a local level, nationally and globally.

  • Fulya O’Grady

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not... Read more

  • George Carey

    I see nothing but benefits in opening the existing runway for scheduled flights. Will bring more jobs, more tourism and more money for our local economy

  • Gerry Diebel

    Increased volume of air traffic across a designated area of outstanding natural beauty which so many enjoy

  • Gillian Grant

    Flying is not good for our atmosphere It contributes to global warming and climate change; the use of fossil fuels should be reduced. Airplane noise is already disruptive in the area around Gatwick as... Read more

  • Gillian Hill

    The boost to the local economy would be wonderful. Because of the east-west alignment of the runways, the nuisance impact on Crawley would be minimal.

  • Greening Steyning, Bramber and Beeding (Greening Steyning, Bramber and Beeding)

    On behalf of Greening Steyning, I want to express our strong opposition to any expansion of Gatwick Airport capacity. We are an active climate action group with over 1000 members. We are working hard... Read more

  • Guy Smith

    Adverse consequences of additional flights; noise, nuisance, environmental impact. Adverse consequences of additional traffic on local quality of life.

  • Harris Brandon

    I fully support this proposed project, Gatwick airport needs to be able to compete internationally and this will allow that, bring more jobs and infrastructure to the area and will positively impact... Read more

  • Hilary Roome

    I object to any proposal to extend Gatwick airport or build an additional runway. The grounds for my objection are environmental - air pollution, noise, consumption of non renewable resources and... Read more

  • Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council (Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council)

    Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council (HTNC) is very concerned that the expansion of the Airport will negatively impact the Trafalgar Neighbourhood and HTNCs position is to oppose additional runway... Read more

  • Howard Thomas Dobson

    This expansion is not in line with what humans need to do to fight climate change. Unless zero emissions aircraft technology is discovered and zero noise pollution, this proposal is merely benefiting... Read more

  • Hugh Miller

    Absolutely no need for this,aircraft held off. Stands for 30 mins plus as no staff available , how is increasing capacity going to improve this. More pollution and noise, May create jobs but not good... Read more