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The A5 already has warehouses virtually its entire length between Hinckley and the M1. A similar development would destroy the peace and tranquility of Burbage Common. An area we and many others like...
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The local infrastructure is simply unable to cope with the inevitable increase in traffic and, potentially, housing demand
Why do we need freight terminal in Hinckley when there is one in Rugby? Why not expand that one instead of planning it where traffic is already a problem. The surrounding roads simply will not cope...
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The proposed buildings will be a visual encroachment for anyone using Burbage Common. This leisure area and green space will loose its environmental and mental health benefits. Without doubt there...
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I am not adverse to progress and moving forward with projects within our area. My main concern volume of traffic on the A5 approaching the Longshoot and progressing towards the M69 junction. Likewise...
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My concern is about the likelihood of increased traffic flow along the A5 corridor between the M42 and the M69. I live in Witherley and access to and from the village from and on to the A5 is...
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I am so disappointed to see such a gorgeous part of our countryside disappearing to much a huge project. I worry for how this will affect the traffic on an already dangerous road on clickers way. What...
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I don’t want this project to go ahead as it will be detrimental to the local green space, increasing pollution for local residents and wildlife as well as damaging wildlife habitats. Additionally...
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I think the plans are perfectly acceptable for the local area and have my support 100%.
My constituents of 5000 are veermently against such a ridiculous proposal on infrastructure that will just not support all the additional traffic
Having seen the effects of large scale development on what was a village i am concerned about the impact of this very large development on the quality of life of local people through increased...
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The loss of habitat for the wild life major concern as there is a mass decline that is happening across the uK through rural land being lost, increase of traffic and its effects on our environment and...
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This application is lacking in detail. There is no joined up infrastructure planning in the area. The Midlands is already a logistics nightmare for those living in it. We have several hubs already in...
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I would like to know more about the impact it will have on the environment and the surrounding area
It will be in direct to our Property Noise pollution will have a direct impact on us Light pollution from the flood lights and the lorries Air Pollution from the lorries loading and unloading 24 hours...
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Will damage wildlife and people's homes and well being
The local area has already had significant changes as a result of large scale distribution centres on the edge of Hinckley on the A5. Even with development to the surrounding roads, the increased...
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This will impact with traffic increase. Too close to Burbage Common a well loved open space for the residents of Hinckley and Bosworth borough. The infrastructure in this area cannot cope with the...
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Will there be an increase in heavy lorries moving freight
Site – Greenfield. No review of brownfield sites. No review of other better ? development sites. The site is a water storage/flood avoidance resource Provides well used access routes to Burbage Common...
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In my opinion this development should not go ahead for a number of reasons: First the massive increase in traffic movements will lead to increased levels of air and noise pollution from diesel rail...
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Increased traffic along brookside and Burbage village without new infrastructure and also the roads between Burbage and Hinckley that cannot cope with the traffic as it is. The increased noise levels...
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Area not suitable for such a huge development.Burbage common and local wildlife will suffer, roads not suitable for all the additional HEAVY TRAFFIC that will have to be used to build it and to...
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My main concerns are the impact upon Burbage woods and common and the local environment. We also have only a small amount of truely wild areas around here and the farmland and open land surrounding...
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Rail Freight Terminal Burbage Common An unnecessary and environmentally destructive proposal. Many people enjoy Burbage Common and this would be detrimental to this as it is an easily accessible area...
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