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Whilst the very necessary requirements to transfer freight to Rail is important the preservation of vital green space in an area already scheduled for thousands of new houses is equally important. I...
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I am concerned about the potentially detrimental impact of building a rail freight interchange, so close to the beautiful and natural environment of Burbage Common. I am also very concerned about the...
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I am against this
More information required as to route and benefits to the community
It will impact the traffic on the road I live and makes mine and my family's life hell
This new development will seriously impact on the enjoyment of using Burbage Common both from noise and increased volume of traffic as well as pollution. There will be more trains also contributing to...
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We are Sapcote residents and would like the following comments to be taken into consideration regarding the HNRFI planning application by Tritax. First of all, both local MPs – Alberto Costa and Dr...
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I strongly contest that this is nothing more than a ‘trojan horse’ to install warehouses in green rural countryside, and the rail freight element is a front to bypass local planning procedures. This...
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1) No Requirement for HNRFI 1.1) Government policy is that “It is important that SRFIs are located “near the business markets they will serve (NPS paragraph 2.56)” andwith the existing nine...
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I do not believe this planning has been given enough consideration when looking at the broader environmental impact and water run off to villages in the corresponding areas. In addition to this...
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1.Noise and Vibration My property is [Redacted] and proposed site and I am concerned that noise and vibration during and after construction together with increased numbers of huge freight train...
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The habitat loss will be detrimental, in a time during climate change where we need to work with nature not against it. Our local nature reserve is a sanctuary for so many, the loss of this could...
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I object to the proposed HNRFI. It is a mistake to site such a facility so close to a town which already suffers from traffic congestion and is a junction of north/south and east/west local commuters...
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I'm genuinely concerned about the issues this will cause for our local wildlife and natural environment. Not enough is being done to protect nature across the UK, as one of the most nature depleted...
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1. The area in which this development is proposed is already served by a large number of existing or agreed distribution centres, including rail freight interchanges. This includes: · Northampton...
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I wish to oppose a new freight terminal near Burbage common. I am [Redacted] and it is the only near, free park available to me and has unparalleled space to roam in comparison with the other green...
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Been a resident of burbage all my life. My main point is the sapcote road cannot handle any more additional traffic. Burbage , sapcote , stoney Stanton are already bursting at the seams with over...
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As a Narborough Resident and voluntary Station Adopter, I am concerns regarding the increase rail traffic through the level crossing at Narborough resulting in local road traffic delays through the...
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RATIONALE for an RFT The proposed site is a near a rail line. However, this line is not electrified so will not be as efficient, nor is it a main line. It provides frequent and regular passenger...
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I feel this proposed rail hub would be detrimental to our local wildlife which is already struggling with the amount of building taking place in this area. I often walk across the fields,where they...
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Please could you note the following: 1. Generally - I strongly object to the proposals which I feel are inadequate in a number of areas. Additionally, the construction (over a 10-year period) and...
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REPRESENTATIONS FROM ELMESTHORPE PARISH COUNCIL 1. Introduction 1.1. Around 95% of the main site (excluding the proposed motorway slip roads) is in Elmesthorpe Parish. 1.2. The proposal will have by...
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This proposal is unnecessary and unwanted in this area. We already have Magna Park distribution which is the biggest distribution centre in Western Europe, Dirft.,Kegworth and recently built DPD...
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Damage to the infrstructure of Burbage Woods. Increase in traffic through Sapcote.
Wildlife pollution access usage