
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 326 to 350 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Jane A Edwards

    This proposed development will cause Environment damage and disturbance to wildlife. The close proximity of the project to Burbage Common and woods will spoil this peaceful area enjoyed by many and... Read more

  • paul lowe

    I am very concerned about HGV traffic transiting through Hinckley. I live on council road Hinckley and my House shakes when HGVs pass.

  • Rodney Hilton Cure

    The applicant has not provided sufficient data to justify an additional rail terminal to existing facilities

  • Stephen Smith-Phelps

    Totally opposed to this planning application. It will be environmentally wrong for the area, bring additional noise and traffic issues, destroy Burbage Common and greatly increase the usage of the... Read more

  • Sue Wareham

    I am full against any of this proposal as it will have a devastating impact on a vast area around the proposed site, villages, people, environment, wildlife, air pollution, train stations, travel,... Read more

  • Tiffany Back

    Concerned about increased traffic through villages that are already clogged with traffic too big for the roads and junctions. Magna Park and DIRFT are large logistics sites within close proximity to... Read more

  • Angela Dunnett

    Loss of green space impact on environment.impact on quality of life of those along the proposed route Impact on the train station at littlethorpe and Narborough. This will greatly affect residents... Read more

  • Castlewood Residents Association (Castlewood Residents Association)

    36 residents of our mobile home park having held a meeting to discuss the issues are concerned about the following: 1.The impact of more traffic in the local area impacting our ability to access our... Read more

  • Chris Dwyer

    Environmental impact to the area including: Noise pollution Light pollution Air pollution The railway infrastructure is a cross country network and is not electrified and therefore can only operate... Read more

  • Christine Vernon

    This is about how it will affect me personally and the community of Enderby and nearby villages. The traffic problems that will be caused for every village. The eco problems that will be devastating.... Read more

  • Hazel Sutton

    Excess traffic on roads which are clogged now. Burbage common wild life and tranquility will be jeopardised . This is one of the rare place’s people can go to unwind from the stresses of daily life.

  • Johnson Family on behalf of Johnson Family (Johnson Family)

    We feel that this project is not suitable for this location. It is very close to Burbage Woods and Common which is a country park and has a lot of diverse flora and fauna which will be disturbed by... Read more

  • Julia Dwyer

    Environmental impact to the area including: Noise pollution Light pollution Air pollution The railway infrastructure is a cross country network and is not electrified and therefore can only operate... Read more

  • Lisa Robinson

    With the amount of new developments being built in Hinckley and the surrounding area, it’s proving extremely congested and the noise levels have increases dramatically, this development will only make... Read more

  • Matthew Fowler

    The existing freight trains cause a manageable degree of discomfort to the day to day life for me & my family. There is a real concern that an increase in freight train traffic past our property will... Read more

  • Paul Hartshorn

    In my opinion, this development that is being proposed will create several significant negative impacts around the local area and across large parts of South Leicestershire where I am the... Read more

  • Richard Ian Booker

    The developers (Tritax) are using the railway as a reason to get this development approved, the line in question is two lines, isn’t electrified and I am told has no spare capacity to accommodate up... Read more

  • Steven Barton

    Access to our housing estate is via the A47 and our property backs onto this road. The level of traffic has noticeably increased in the 9 years we have lived here. Our main concern is the massive... Read more

  • Victoria clayson

    I’m very disappointed to see project progressing. We already have a very large rail freight very close to this site which isn’t even fully utilised, so this is really not needed so close by. We bought... Read more

  • Alexa Humphries

    I am deeply concerned about the safety impact of the freight trains at Narborough Station due to narrowness of platform, frequency of trains and the turbulence caused. I am concerned about the impact... Read more

  • Andrew Dottridge

    This structure is not needed as there is the Rugby hub nearby and it will destroy green fields and land that can be used for farming and leisure activities. It will cause massive traffic disruption to... Read more

  • Aston Flamville Parish Meeting (Aston Flamville Parish Meeting)

    Alternative site appraisals appear minimalistic, local traffic mitigation efforts are undefined, market need & areas served are questionable. Adverse effect on local environment in all aspects,... Read more

  • Claire Gray

    Burbage Common is a much loved and very well used area. We frequently take a trip out the city and find it peaceful and pretty place. Teeming with wildlife. I am not qualified to predict the exact... Read more

  • Jonny Bray

    I am a local resident, I have concerns over the project being built on my door step, number 1 is the noise, the trains already toot their horns during the night at the crossing, how will this get... Read more

  • Lynn Godden

    Concerned about the impact that the rail freight plans will have on the environment. Burbage common is a beautiful area that is well used by the community, but it will also affect the wildlife, flora... Read more