
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

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Showing 601 to 625 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Philip Walker

    Excessive noise and traffic to already overwhelmed local villages with little to no current services

  • Richard Ninness

    Initial plans again seem to be poorly thought out with lack of consideration of traffic increase and road capacity. Previously the plans referenced various ‘data’ as parts of studies done etc to... Read more

  • Rob Pell

    Disgraceful distruction of wildlife and green areas in an already over crowded road network.


    1. Considering the potential growth in population of Hinckley, I would expect recreational facilities for the area to be matched to such growth. Considering Burbage Common to be a recreational... Read more

  • Robert mason

    I’m worried about extra traffic through Sapcote

  • Roberta Baker

    This is unfair on the residents of Sapcote. The amount of traffic going through the village will be terrible and the roads have been deemed unsuitable for HGV in the past. There are dangerous u bends... Read more

  • Samantha Louise Savage

    I don't think it should go ahead, the impact on the surrounding area and the surrounding villages would be catastrophic.

  • Sarah Beastall

    Sapcote is a lovely quiet rural village. This abomination that’s being built between Sapcote and the road in to Hinckley and burbage will ruin the local surroundings and wildlife. These small villages... Read more

  • Sheila Lyon

    I walk with the Walk for Health on Wednesday mornings run by Hinckley Council, we rely on the area to be built upon for our walks. We meet many other walkers who also use this area.

  • Stella Weston

    High impact on Burbage Common and woods, therefore detrimental to wildlife and public amenity. This area is used by very many people who value its green space. We are already a wildlife-depleted... Read more

  • Stephen James Windram

    How on earth is the road systems in Stoney Stanton and Sapcote going to deal with the additional traffic and lorries associated with this scheme. At busy times, the roads cannot cope now, especially... Read more

  • Steven craig land

    I think this project is a complete disaster. Green belt land being destroyed for a frieght yard that only serves big business. The surrounding villages will be swamped with HGV lorries used to... Read more

  • Suzi Osborne

    Impacting on natural woodland/Common with flora and fauna. Drastically increasing traffic through local area. Roads won't cope, especially with proposed local housing estates. No need for rail hub,... Read more

  • Uwe Heinzerling

    I do not agree with putting a development such as this in a rural village location. The added traffic, noise and light pollution is going to have a massive impact on all the surrounding areas. It will... Read more

  • Vicki Anne Lock

    This will decimate local countryside and wildlife habitats and become a huge blot on a very pleasant landscape. Burbage common will be at huge risk as a recreational and conservation area. Traffic... Read more

  • Wayne Hayes

    I want to understand the impact on my horse that I keep at Langton Farm

  • Alex dodds

    Absolutely ridiculous. Not needed. Would ruin a stunning green space in the local area enjoyed by thousands. Already too little green space as most areas being taken over by new housing estates.... Read more

  • Angela eaton

    That there is a lack of information about local apprenticeship opportunities and that I feel the M1 j21 will not be able to cope with the extra inbound traffic as it can barely cope with normal busy... Read more

  • Anne Whelan-Kelly

    I believe this development will increase traffic within the area, meaning increased commuting times, increased exposure to pollution which will impact quality of life. The restructuring of the natural... Read more

  • Barbara A Kretzschmar-Morton

    Impact on the wildlife and nature itself. The impact on the environment and quality of life. Taking up more of our pastured green lands for commercial use. The infrastructure will be cause more... Read more


    Main issues would include hugely increased air, noise and light pollution affecting the area - such a big project will significantly impact these. Environmental impact, will lead to a loss of wildlife... Read more

  • Brian Martin-Simpson

    The proposed HNRFT will have a hugely negative impact environmentally and on the local road infrastructure. The location will be right next to Burbage Common and Woods and will have a detrimental... Read more

  • Caroline Roffey

    My concerns are the scale of this project and the impact from increased traffic volumes particularly in relation to roads in Hinckley and the link to Leicester road and the A47. Also very concerned... Read more

  • Celia Pearce

    Massive overdevelopment in this area already. Size of proposal is breathtaking considering proposed location amongst what is a group of rural villages. Character of area will be altered irreparably.... Read more

  • Claire Marion Harrison

    I do not want Burbage common destroyed by a Rail Frieght Terminal being built