
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 200 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Elizabeth Nichols

    As a local resident of Swanscombe I have often been to the peninsula for walks and have always enjoyed the varied landscape it provides. It has been a haven for me during the pandemic, giving me a... Read more

  • Gary Northeast

    It is my firm belief that this hugely important wildlife site should remain so. In these days of terrifying climate heating and the devastating loss of wildlife and biodiversity, the last thing we... Read more

  • Gemma Baron

    The proposed development of the London Resort theme park at Swanscombe Marshes threatens this exceptionally important site for wildlife, and should not go ahead. The varied natural habitats here... Read more

  • Geoff Vine

    Swanscombe provides an open mosaic of habitats ie grassland, wetlands, scrub etc. Now that the site has been made an SSSI there is more reason to protect the area from development. Some important... Read more

  • Geoffrey Baker

    I support the development in principle but have a number of concerns relating to impact on the Swanscombe and Greenhithe area. Whilst parts of the site have now been designated as an SSSI, I defer to... Read more

  • Gillian Taylor

    Swanscombe Marshes, now quite rightly designated as a SSSI site has a diversity of natural interests that is very important and why anyone would even think of destroying it in this age of destruction... Read more

  • Godfrey Beaumont

    Dear Inspectorate The world is on a downward spiral for the environment and subsequently the economy, let alone human misery. We the British need to show the world, and lead by example, in preserving... Read more

  • Gordon Campbell-Thomas

    I sincerely believe that the area known as Swancombe Marshes should be protected as a SSSI, my reasons for this belief is that it is an area that supports a number of rare or threatened species,... Read more

  • Grace Brennan

    Wildlife across the UK is in drastic decline, and it is more important than ever to spare our national treasures. Large natural areas like this are precious as the climate declines; we need them to... Read more

  • Graham Reeve

    If the recent covid situation has taught us anything, it is the importance of preserving nature for its own sake as well as for our own. Swanscombe is a unique mixture of habitats giving all sorts of... Read more

  • Hilary Reilly

    Although I do not live nearby, I am gravely concerned about the drastic decline in wildlife across the whole country. As a nurse who has worked non-stop throughout this pandemic, I was kept sane by... Read more

  • Ian Holder

    I am extremely concerned for the future of wildlife on this site and across the UK. It has just been designated as a SSSI due to its wildlife value and this should mean that it is fully protected from... Read more

  • Irene Robson

    I am concerned to hear about the proposed plans to build a theme park on Swanscombe Peninsula. The peninsula is an area that has a mosaic of different habitats and supports a range of wildlife, from... Read more

  • Isobel Shorrock

    There are many accounts from the scientific community regarding the devastating effects od desecration wildlife habitats. Homo Sapiens is wrecking this planet and planning bodies tend to pay lip... Read more

  • J Arscott

    I grew up near Swanscombe & feel strongly about the proposed development of the marshes. The area is a mix of coastal, scrub, grassland & wetlands & provides an essential habitat for many species of... Read more

  • Jane Gornall

    I realise the project would bring a lot of jobs to the area but surely there’s a way to protect the marshes? We are supposed to be setting a good international example with the environmental meeting... Read more

  • Janet Aunins

    I believe that Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife and is crucial for the wildlife depends on it, as it is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and... Read more

  • Janet Barriskill

    London Resort theme park should not happen if you want to do this improve Margate which already has a theme park and look how that has turned out. Swanscombe Marshes should be left to the wild life.... Read more

  • Janice Minich

    I think this site is of great importance to insects of various types, some only found in one other place in our country and do NOT want this to be destroyed by building anything on it at all. Our... Read more

  • Jeffery Hacon

    I am writing to ask you to protect an SSSI. We all know that nature is under tremendous pressure at the moment. There is a serious biodiversity crisis and we are loosing species in UK at an allarming... Read more

  • Jennifer Haddon

    The charity buglife and others of its kind for example the wildlife trust has designated this specific site on which you have chosen to build upon as a SSI area. There are creatures here which you... Read more

  • Jennifer Makin

    I am delighted that the wildlife site at Swancombe has been designated as a SSSI thus acknowledging the unique value of this very special wildlife site. How fortunate we are to have it and personally,... Read more

  • Jess Hall

    It has recently come to my attention that the planning permission for building the London resort on the area of Swanscombe marshes has been approved. This deeply saddens me as it supports a massive... Read more

  • Jill Wyatt

    We are living in a time when our actions now determine the future of the planet. I strongly object to the proposal on the grounds that it entails destroying a very important site for wildlife,... Read more

  • JM Kelly

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is imperative we protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost.

  • Jo Fitz-Henry

    Swanscombe has already been recognised as a SSSI by Natural England. This is a unique mixture of diverse habitats and supports many forms of wildlife. The South East needs its wild places and not... Read more

  • Jo Small

    The plans for a theme park on this site concern me because wildlife across the country is in drastic decline, and it is more important than ever to spare our national treasures and wild spaces. The... Read more

  • Joe Annandale

    Hello I am local to Kent and a wildlife enthusiast, with wildlife in a shocking decline everywhere in the country, my county has been hit very hard by urbanization. There are developments of thousands... Read more

  • Joe Parker

    I live locally to the Swanscombe peninsula and have previously worked on the industrial estate too. I regularly walk with my family in the area and we spend time as a family on the peninsula observing... Read more

  • John Burthe

    Dear sir/madam, I am baffled as to how this project can go ahead. In a time when biodiversity and environmental sustainability are on a knife edge, when we need to be promoting and increasing our wild... Read more

  • John Chapman

    This area supports many rare plant species and populations of Otter, Water Vole, Reptiles and Bats. This site is favoured by breeding birds, which include Nightingales, Black Redstart, Marsh Harriers... Read more

  • John Ignatius Wareham Paterson

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • John McCrea

    We do not need another theme park, we need to preserve as much of existing habitat as possible- with the world heating up and the threat to the whole world, we must take a stand as a country and... Read more

  • Josephine Brown

    It is unbelievable to me as a local resident that anyone could think of building such infrastructure at this location. It is a SSSI area with animal and plant wildlife that has value beyond measure.... Read more

  • Judith Hible

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. I am concerned that wildlife across the country is in drastic... Read more

  • Judith King

    Swanscombe Peninsula has just been designated as an SSSI. It's a biodiverse site which is home to many rare birds, plants, and invertebrates, as well as locally important animal populations. I'm... Read more

  • Julie Carol Rudd

    With more and more of our country being given over to buildings and roads, with the state of the British flora and fauna, with the present climate of antipathy towards the causes of Global Warming, I... Read more

  • June Avison

    Does London really need this or does London need nature and the natural environment? It beggars belief that such a development could even be considered let alone get to this stage. I object strongly... Read more

  • K Etheridge

    Important places for nature, and for people to enjoy nature are precious these days. I’m sure this site is better as a nature reserve for people’s physical and mental health than if it were turned... Read more

  • Karen Arscott

    Dears, I was concerned to learn that planning is being considered for a building project on the Swanscombe peninsula. Such a development would have a devastating impact on the wildlife of Swanscombe... Read more

  • Karen Denton

    The building works being undertaken at Ebbsfleet Garden City have already destroyed trees, plants and bird/animal habitats and the scenario will be even worse if the Swanscombe peninsula is destroyed... Read more

  • Kate Boston- Williams

    I am very concerned about yet another example of loss of natural habitat in this country especially at a time when climate change and protection of the natural world is high on the world agenda. My... Read more

  • Katherine Grant

    I’m concerned about this development and object to it. Natural England have declared the area a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It’s of national importance that these sites are protected and that... Read more

  • Keith Dennis Gordon

    This site is a current stable safe environment for many species, some of which are in huge decline which is caused by loss of habitat all around the UK. With 15 red list species of nesting birds and... Read more

  • Kelsea Herbst

    I am writing to you regarding about the planning of a theme park. This would have devastating effects on wildlife & biodiversity at Swancombe. I think wildlife is more important than a theme park.... Read more

  • L Clark

    I personally really enjoy the wild, natural spaces near to where I live and the Swanscombe Peninsula is a special example as it supports an outstanding range of wildlife- and there are few enough... Read more

  • Lesley Mason

    Swanscombe supports nationally important Open mosaic habitat on previously developed land, coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands. In particular the brownfield habitat (OMHPD) is easily... Read more

  • Linda Gregory

    Dear Sirs I am dismayed to hear that planning application has been granted for a theme park to be built at Swanscombe. Natural England have stated that this site should be given SSSI protection as one... Read more

  • Linda Pryke

    Swanscombe Marshes merits SSSI status and is a site for many invertebrate species of conservation concern. The assemblage of habitats at the site is unique, and have developed over time. They cannot... Read more

  • Louise Pratt

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. It supports over 250 invertebrate... Read more

  • Lucy Williams

    I am very much opposed to the destruction of the SSSI on the Swanscombe Peninsula as, in addition to being of national significance, this marshland is locally very important to the people living in... Read more

  • Lyn May

    I am writing to ask that this area remain protected as it provides a precious landscape which includes ,coastal habitats,grassland,scrub and wetlands. This environment provides for the ideal... Read more

  • Lynne Henderson

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • M Meyer-Masterson

    Natural England declaring that it should be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), confirming it as one of our country’s best wildlife sites. So I am asking the Planning Inspectorate,... Read more

  • Malcolm Storey

    Swanscombe is a wonderful mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands supporting over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, including the Critically Endangered Distinguished... Read more

  • Margaret Harrison

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe a SSSI- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. It supports over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, including the... Read more

  • Marina Jirotka

    The Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife and is incredibly important for the wildlife depends on it. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub... Read more

  • Marion Fisher

    I am convinced that Swanscombe Marshes need to be recognised as a SSSI, and should not be used for development of any sort. Marshlands are an altogether too rare habitat in Britain, so many having... Read more

  • Mary Feeney

    Natural England have declared Swanscombe a Site of Special Scientific Interest, showing how important its wildlife is. It is acknowledged that wildlife across the country is in drastic decline and... Read more

  • Matt Shardlow

    Almost every day we hear that species and habitats are in decline and international commitments to conserve biodiversity are being failed. The planning system has been a key part of this picture, but... Read more

  • Maxine Clift

    I totally object to the utilisation of Swanscombe for this purpose. Yet again the planning department appears to put the environment and a nationally important site as second best to development. This... Read more

  • Meredith Muirhead

    Help stop the extinction of invertebrate species by respecting this SSSI. Thank you.

  • Michael Rozdoba

    I am concerned about environmental damage resulting from this application, should it be accepted. Given it has been recommended that Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, by... Read more

  • Michael Sneyd

    Dear planning inspectorate, I am writing in regards to the proposed development of the London amusement park. My concern relates to the presence of abundant species of wildlife including several... Read more

  • Michelle Lindson

    I am deeply concerned about this development. UK wildlife is at risk, yet a site deemed hugely important for wildlife is at risk from a theme park development. Even Natural England recommended... Read more

  • Mike Jones

    Please consider that we cannot keep nibbling away at the natural environment which is so important to us all in order to keep the support that it provides to human as well as animal and insect needs.

  • Molly Sendall

    Swanscombe supports 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern. It has been advised that it should be protected as an SSI. In this fragile world with all our concerns of global warming and... Read more

  • Molly Thompson

    Lack of biodiversity is one of the big drivers of the climate crisis!! Do not build another gas guzzler on an area of natural beauty. There will be no planet left to have fun on if you destroy nature.... Read more

  • Monica Davis

    I would ask that you consider carefully the implications that the building of a theme park on an area that is rich in wildlife. I live near to the Somerset Levels and belong to the Wildlife Trust and... Read more

  • Monica Masson

    In our already crowded area of Kent, our open spaces are precious; in particular those supporting multiple and increasingly rare wildlife. During the past year, many more people have used and enjoyed... Read more

  • Nicky Gregory

    I wish to object to the proposed theme park. I feel strongly that it is important to put the natural world before anything else. Because the Swanscombe Peninsula is so diverse in it is habitats it is... Read more

  • Nigel Tuck

    The Swanscombe Marshes are a unique home to over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, and 49 red listed species, including the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider. It also... Read more

  • Pamela

    We should not build on SSI's as a matter of principal. Insects are an important cog in the evology of the country and just in my lifetime i have seen a catastrophic decline. We must not concrete over... Read more

  • Patricia Mason

    Wildlife and the environment are far more important for the future of the human race than a theme park. Please don’t allow anything to be built here, let us all enjoy the area as it is and learn about... Read more

  • Paul Beech

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am deeply concerned about the preservation of Swanscombe Marshes as a haven for a huge variety of wildlife species, many of which are in danger of extinction. Though all are... Read more

  • Pete Bibby

    My introduction to the natural world came via brownfield sites, their wonderful diversity an unexpected joy in a bleak post-industrial South Yorkshire landscape. Having seen their value I cannot but... Read more

  • Pete Simpson

    My God. What has this country come to? On the one hand we have a government which tells us that it it is committed to the environment, biodiversity and wildlife and on the other we have this - exactly... Read more

  • Peter C Lysaght

    I find it hard to believe that the proposal for a theme park has made it this far in light of the destruction and havoc it would wreak upon the area, with devastating effects on native flora and... Read more

  • Peter Etheridge

    Swanscombe Marshes is an an important Wildlife site recently designated a SSSI and is a home for nationally endangered rare species. These sites are important for the health and well-being of... Read more

  • Peter Lawrence

    Natural England has recognised that Swanscombe should be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is a site of national importance because it supports so many endangered species of insects,... Read more

  • Peter Lethbridge

    As a local resident, my view is that this plan must be rejected. Building on such a precious natural (scarce) environment, now designated SSSI is criminal. You cannot enhance a gold standard nature... Read more

  • Peter Runacres

    I have lived all my life in the South East of England , mainly Kent and the London Borough of Bromley and I have walked all over this area, as a hobby, and have many times walked over Swanscombe... Read more

  • Peter Urwin

    I would like to register a strong objection to the application. The penisula is a beautiful place for humans, and an important place for wildlife. It's an SSSI, home to a wide range of endangered... Read more

  • Phil Angus

    Over 50 years, I have seen our natural habitats being destroyed through ill-conceived developments and a total disregard to the richness and variety of animal and plant life which Great Britain... Read more

  • Philip Van-Gucci

    The Swanscombe Peninsula has been recognized as an outstanding wildlife habitat worthy of S.S.S.I. status. (Natural England). Wildlife habitats and species are being lost or damaged at an alarming... Read more

  • Prof Michael Crawley FRS

    We really must begin to take SSSI status seriously. The biodiversity crisis is real and it is happening now. The national biodiversity interest must come before the profits of property developers, no... Read more

  • Prof Phillip Evans

    I support the Swanscombe Marsh Action Plan, as it is a place of outstanding ecological merit. I have no vested interest other than a wish to see this preserved for the benefit of future nature lovers.

  • Rachel Barford

    I have heard that, since I was a teenager 40 years ago, British wildlife has declined by 60%. This really shocks me to the core, that this has happened in my (relatively) short lifetime. Habitats such... Read more

  • Rachel Williams

    I am writing to register my dismay that this area of beauty, that is home to rare species and wildlife, is being considered as an area that development takes place. My main objection is the... Read more

  • Ray Morris

    The increasingly catastrophic loss of biodiversity taking place, particularly in the UK, is sufficient in itself to retain the Swanscombe peninsula as a site for wild plants and animals. Further... Read more

  • Raymond Cordell

    I am concerned that the proposed development of a ‘ fun theme park’ should be allowed on a site of Special Scientific Interest. This site is crucial for so much wildlife including rare breeding birds.... Read more

  • Rhona Haddon

    Please don't build on this site it is so valuable to so much wildlife. We need nature not leisure resorts! Without our green spaces nature can't thrive and continue to provide benefits to the... Read more

  • Richard Birch

    If the list of important habitats and species on Swanscombe Marshes is insufficient to halt its destruction in order to build a paltry self-aggrandising THEME PARK, then frankly trying to protect... Read more

  • Richard Montagu

    I ask that this application is denied. You must be aware of the rapid decrease in wildlife in the UK and to allow the development of this site, in the way proposed, would be a disgrace. It is home to... Read more

  • Robert Insall

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, I write in regard to a proposal to create a theme park on Swanscombe peninsula. I am really hoping that it will not take you long to come to the correct, negative decision... Read more

  • Robert Ogier

    Why have Natural England declaring that it should be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), confirming it as one of our country’s best wildlife sites, and then turn it into a theme... Read more

  • Robert Wiggins

    I have read with great frustration how area of such huge significance for many rare and significant insects, birds, plants and mammals is under threat from a development. The need we have in the UK... Read more

  • Ross Elliott

    Hello I often walk around around Swanscombe Marshes and Botany Marshes on the Thames Estuary. This area is already heavily developed and congested with traffic and pollution, over-developed with the... Read more

  • Ruth Bradshaw

    I wish to object to Planning Consent being given to the building of the London Resort Theme Park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Natural England has declared that the Swanscombe Peninsula should be... Read more

  • Ruth Evans

    About a year ago, I looked on the Buglife map, and discovered that my village had a buglife area near it. I then discovered the Woodland Trust had planted a wood about half a mile from my house, and... Read more