
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 726 to 750 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Prof Howard S Wheater

    Submission to Planning Inspectorate Regarding the NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited DCO Application for Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station and Associated Works Relevant Representation of Professors... Read more

  • Rachel Smith-Lyte

    • It is unthinkable that 3,400 kg of fish will be interred in the cooling system (in addition to those already caught at B build of course) which will result in spreading many dead and dying fish over... Read more

  • Rebecca Greenwell

    I am very concerned regarding the environmental impacts of both building sizewell C and also having another nuclear reactor on our doorstep. I am concerned regarding the new infrastructure required in... Read more

  • Revd. Christine Redgrave

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C which I believe is too vast for the area, and has the potential to inflict lasting damage on the neighbouring communities, East Suffolk... Read more

  • Richard Bates

    I am very concerned about about the broad geographic impact of this, the impact on the local landscape and on wildlife. The impact on local community life, especially Yoxford and Middleton. Current... Read more

  • Richard Gray

    1. Site selection a. The site on the East Anglian coast is at severe risk from flooding due to climate change, sea level rising and more extreme weather events. b. There are 8 other energy projects in... Read more

  • Robert Boad

    1. I do not believe that we need to build Sizewell C to ensure our future energy security - renewables can take care of that with appropriate investment in battery technology and other storage... Read more

  • Robert Wynn & Sons (Robert Wynn & Sons )

    Robert Wynn & Sons is a UK based specialist shipping operator who currently owns and operates two government funded heavy lift vessels. We are keen to see the Governments "water preferred" policy for... Read more

  • Robin Lansdell

    I object to the construction of Sizewell C because :- 1.The coast of East Anglia at Sizewell is the wrong location for a nuclear power station, due to the eastern side of England sinking, coupled with... Read more

  • Rose Hart

    Lack of infrastructure Environmental damage Increased ability of renewables to replace nuclear

  • Rosemary Clifton-Sprigg

    At a critical time for the health of our planet when we must do everything in our power to help and protect our precious and vital natural ecosystems, how can anyone, anywhere, justify the further... Read more

  • S.Moss

    Suffolk as a rural county has areas of outstanding natural beauty and rare habitat therefore species of flora and fauna. The coast is already dominated by Sidewall A and B, which will never be truly... Read more

  • Sally Boast

    I live in a flint cottage that is in close proximity to the railway track that will be used to transport materials to the proposed construction site at Sizewell C. EDF have said that during the 'early... Read more

  • Sally Bone

    I wish to raise the following issues concerning the selection of Sizewell for further nuclear power generation, especially a project of this size. The site is entirely inappropriate, being at risk... Read more

  • Sally Wood

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Radioactive Legacy for future generations. • No means of eventual safe disposal remaining dangerous for hundreds of years. • The... Read more

  • Sarah Leach

    Relevant Representation of Sarah Leach to the Planning Inspectorate with regard to the Development Consent Order (DCO) submitted by EDF for the development of Sizewell C. My name is Sarah Leach... Read more

  • Sheridan Steen

    I object to EDF's plans for 2 nuclear reactors at Sizewell. The site is too small and the impacts on the fragile echo system is unacceptable The proximity to the town's of Leiston and Aldeburg and the... Read more

  • Simon Frampton

    I, Simon Frampton OBJECT to this planning application until such time as the points below can fully calculated and advised nationwide to the British Public with absolute certainty. 1. Embedded Carbon... Read more

  • Simon Ive

    This small area of the East Suffolk Coast (supposedly The Heritage Coast) is now wracked by uncertainty and insecurity arising from the potential cumulative impacts of all the energy projects of which... Read more

  • Simone Lister

    I am concerned about the obvious damage to the environment. I know myself and other like minded people probably can't stop it being built but I can try and ensure mitigation is adequate. Having been... Read more

  • Snape Parish Council (Snape Parish Council)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, DCO application Sizewell C Registration as an Interested Party - Snape Parish Council The issues below have been submitted at Stage 3 and 4. It is of concern that, despite... Read more

  • Sonya Exton

    EDF’s Sizewell C DCO Relevant Representation Please note my following concerns regarding the above application on the issues of: Climate Change: The IPCC has stated that we are at a crucial point for... Read more

  • Stephen Leach

    Relevant Representation of Stephen Leach to the Planning Inspectorate with regard to the Development Consent Order (DCO) submitted by EDF for the development of Sizewell C. My name is Stephen Leach... Read more

  • Sudbourne Parish Council (Sudbourne Parish Council)

    Dear Sirs, The main points/concerns Sudbourne Parish Council wish to raise are those based on their response to the Stage 4 Consultation submission. The SZC DCO proposal has not adequately addressed... Read more

  • Susan Jackson

    I have grave concerns about The effect on the environment Sea levels rising and climate change. Coastal erosion Flooding The effect of influx of people on local services. The effect on tourism on... Read more