
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 751 to 775 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Osben

    I am concerned about the impact of Sizewell C for several reasons. Primarily my concerns relate to the impact on the environment. Sizewell C claims to be carbon neutral but omits to consider the... Read more

  • Susan Skeen

    The application by EDF is incomplete or unsatisfactory (within the regulations) on a number of areas, including: - Protection of sensitive areas, including the SSSI at the proposed access road... Read more

  • Susan Southgate

    The construction of Sizewell C must not go ahead due to the following: Destruction of a very sensitive area for wildlife - mitigation plans are totally inadequate. This is in an AONB and such... Read more

  • Susanne Nujeerallee

    My family and I [Redacted] where the main control centre of the proposed build will be sited, and next door to the proposed worker's campus. We have lived here for 10 years, and in that time have... Read more

  • Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review and member org. (Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review and member org.)

    1. The radioactive waste management for waste from a new-build reactor has to have been clearly solved before an application for construction can be granted. It is not enough to have a policy that... Read more

  • The Alde and Ore Association (The Alde and Ore Association)

    The Alde and Ore Association is a charity, with some 2000 members, which aims to preserve and protect the Alde and Ore Estuary for the benefit of the public to enjoy. Summary: Concern that the long... Read more

  • Tim Pennick

    My objection relates to the long term environmental, and ecological danger posed by the building of a new nuclear facility, including unquantifiable danger to human life over a wide area. Although... Read more

  • Tina Stevens

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place, at the wrong time! The site is at risk from the effects of climate change, sea... Read more

  • Tracy Hateley

    My representation is to support Sizewell C. Long time resident of Leiston, two growing teenagers seen first hand the difficulties our rural young population face and the difficulty they can have... Read more

  • Vicky Scott

    I have a number of objections to the proposal to construct another nuclear power station at Sizewell when there are safer, greener and more cost effective renewable energy solutions available to... Read more

  • William Hone

    The proposed nuclear power station is a frivolous waste of taxpayers' money, and yes. it is us taxpayers who will bear the burden. The coastline is in danger of being engulfed by ocean level rise due... Read more

  • William Kendall

    I submit that this enormously complex application is not suitable for a digital process at a time when people have other priorities. it should be rejected or suspended. The Sizewell site is not suited... Read more

  • A W Bacon Will Trust (A W Bacon Will Trust)

    The key points are: Lack of meaningful engagement The environmental impact Alternative route The case for the road? Road design Mitigation measures Funding

  • Adele Maria Geere

    I would like to raise concerns about Sizewell C: 1. Nuclear is dangerous An accident with radioactive substances, either at the power plant or with fuel or waste convoys, carries the risk of high... Read more

  • Ailsa Kennedy

    Sizewell C I wish to raise the following concerns about Sizewell C I live near Bury St Edmunds and visit the coast frequently .. there are many worries about a lot of different issues for those living... Read more

  • Alde and Ore Community Partnership (Alde and Ore Community Partnership)

    The Alde and Ore Community Partnership is the guardian of the Estuary Plan for the estuary communities of the Alde and Ore area. The Partnership now involves the whole community, with every parish... Read more

  • Alexandra Millbrook

    I endorse completely the representations made by the Alde and Ore Association concerning the impact of the proposed construction on coastal erosion to the south of the site. The Alde and Ore... Read more

  • Alice Robeson

    - Risks of sea level rise and erosion likely to flood and have problems - Negative impacts on important ecological sites, cultural heritage and the landscape - The site could become and island with 5... Read more

  • Alice wilkinson-feller

    My main concerns about the building of a third nuclear power plan on the sizewell site is mainly down to its environmental impact. it has been said that the plant will take over a decade to build,... Read more

  • Alison Andrews

    I live permanently in Aldeburgh. Sizewell C will be on the Suffolk Heritage Coast and in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. My personal concerns are: 1. Impact on the coast- it is hard to... Read more

  • Alison Downes

    I wish to raise the following issues. I believe the location on the fragile Suffolk coast is inappropriate. EDF’s advisers, Cefas, told the East Anglian Daily Times that it is generally only possible... Read more

  • Alison Hainey

    I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I also consider the Sizewell C planning submission to be too nationally significant and be totally unsuitable for the... Read more

  • Alistair Cairns

    Broadly in line with the concerns set out by the Alde and Ore Association - who I think have done excellent research on this issue, I believe that the proposed planning application for Sizewell C... Read more

  • Amanda Crampton

    The proposed build of Sizewell C power station will encroach on fragile natural habitats of national and international significance. Minsmere Nature Reserve ( including Minsmere-Walberswick Special... Read more

  • Andrew Charles sayle

    With Regard to the current proposal from EDF - Historically Sizewell may have been seen as a sensible location for a nuclear power station but times have changed and the priorities that we have for... Read more