
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1126 to 1150 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Marie Szpak

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development. There are currently too many energy related projects currently seeking permission to progress with little, if any,... Read more

  • Marion Wells

    I think that the construction and operation of Sizewell C is an irresponsible act as it would produce large amounts of radioactive waste that will be hazardous for hundreds of years. This is not a... Read more

  • Marjorie Johnson

    The level of dependence on road transport will create significant disruption to everyday life in the area. It should be reduced and its impact mitigated as much as possible. I am particularly... Read more

  • Mark Beaumont

    I raise the following areas of significant concern over the Sizewell C Application specific to Theberton and the proposed Sizewell Link Road (Work No. 12B). 1. Community Consultation Inadequate and... Read more

  • Mark Hoare RIBA

    No one disputes that the UK needs long term energy security but additional nuclear capacity is not a sustainable or safe choice, and is certainly not appropriate in Suffolk. The east coast is... Read more

  • Martin Cooper

    1 The site for the two new reactors is the wrong project in the wrong place. 2 Because of global warming the the site could become an island containing 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste. 3... Read more

  • Martin Freeman

    The construction of a two EPR Reactor Nuclear Power Station with associated equipment and buildings on the Sizewell C site is too big for the site and will have a significant irrecoverable adverse... Read more

  • Martin Gilbert Ashdown

    The proposed development will lead to the destruction of the Natural Heritage both during the construction and its operation. The Natural Heritage of England is being destroyed at such a rate that it... Read more

  • Mary Corin

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. Firstly there should be no requirement for antiquated nuclear technology on the island of Britain. Secondly, as a result of... Read more

  • Mary George

    I wish to raise the following concerns about Sizewell C: The site itself • Flood risk - site lies partly within Flood Risk Zones 1 and 3. Climate change and sea level rise pose additional risks during... Read more

  • Mary Jane Austin

    Matters of must concern: Minsmere and the irretrievable damage to this crucial area by the project, and further loss of habitat and wildlife. Climate change and associated consequences - sea level... Read more

  • Mary Smirnova

    I am concerned about: The irreparable damage to wild life and our ecology in this area both on land and in the sea around this area of coastline Our areas of outstanding natural beauty and unique... Read more

  • May Raison

    I wish to raise the following concerns about Sizewell C: - The detrimental environmental impact of the vast site itself and the new road systems necessary to carry the transport to build it, that will... Read more

  • Melissa French

    Negative impact on Tourism and accommodation - My sister has been running a B&B for the last 3.5 years just 20 minutes drive from Sizewell and she is very concerned by the impact on her business and... Read more

  • Michael Barrett

    I wish to register my opposition to the building of Sizewell C Power Station. I agree with many of the points of objection that have been made in the media. The main points that spur me into making... Read more

  • Michael Mahony

    I fully support the relevant representations made by TASC and Stop Sizewell C. I strongly object to approval of the DCO application for Sizewell C on the following grounds (amongst others): 1. Need.... Read more

  • Michael Pritt

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe fundamentally this is the wrong project in the wrong place. It will adversely affect: 1.Adjacent internationally designated... Read more

  • Mike Marshall

    I was a warden for the Suffolk Heritage Coast from 1978 to 1997. i lived in Middleton. I saw the huge disruption to local communities and the vast destruction of landscape and wildlife habitat during... Read more

  • Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence)

    The site for the development falls outside of MOD safeguarding areas, however, falls within a military Low Flying area and offshore activity falls within quadrant 52 Blocks 24 & 25 and quadrant 53... Read more

  • Minsmere Levels Stakeholders Group (Minsmere Levels Stakeholders Group)

    RELEVANT REPRESENTATION OF MINSMERE LEVELS STAKEHOLDERS GROUP (MLSG) Minsmere Levels The Minsmere Levels are marshes starting south east of Reckford Bridge and finishing at the Minsmere Sluice. They... Read more

  • Miss Maria Toone

    The construction of a two EPR Reactor Nuclear Power Station with associated equipment and buildings on the Sizewell C site is too big for the site and will have a significant irrecoverable adverse... Read more

  • Miss Sarah Groves

    1. Site Selection With sea levels predicted to rise, the site is at risk of flooding. It sits within the Suffolk Coasts and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, putting this national designation... Read more

  • Richard Cooper on behalf of Mr A Cousins (Mr A Cousins)

    Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Relevant Representation – Sizewell C I write to you with deep concern and worry, hoping that you are able to consider my view points with, empathy, understanding and able to... Read more

  • Mr Andrew Checkley

    I live in South Africa but have spent most of my life in England. I have visited Minsmere regularly all my life, and latterly with my wife and our daughter. Minsmere is as wonderful as some of the... Read more

  • Mr C. Rochford

    Sizewell C: I wish to register my following concerns and am opposed to the development on the following grounds: 1. Adverse impacts on the integrity of the following INTERNATIONALLY DESIGNATED SITES:... Read more