
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1101 to 1125 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Kaaren Whitney

    Because of potential flooding from the sea this is not a good site for the project and it will adversely affect an environmentally special area. The infra structure necessary will dominate and change... Read more

  • Karen Cartwright

    I am utterly appalled at even the possibility of a new nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast. It will Devastate local tourism and related economies and there will not be a comparable number of... Read more

  • Karen Harris

    Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: The environmental destruction will be harmful, not just for the wildlife, but for residents and... Read more

  • Kate Viscardi

    - I live in Dennington on the A1120. This is a "tourist route" between the A14 and A12 but already heavy lorries use it; a foretaste of what would come and there would also be many more cars as... Read more

  • Kathy Drake

    We are totally opposed to the building of Sizewell C because we believe there are alternative, more green and less damaging means of generating electricity and the negative effect on a beautiful... Read more

  • Katy Farenden

    Environment Roads Coastal The use if nuclear power Health concerns Transportation The economy of the local community

  • Keith Dickerson

    I intend to object on the grounds of the consequent reduction in biodiversity, specifically in the Parishes of Yoxford and Kelsale-cum-Carlton. This is due to the loss of wildlife corridors arising... Read more

  • Kelvin Smith

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds.   The Site for the proposed Sizewell C is too... Read more

  • Kevin Allenby

    I would like to take the opportunity to raise the following concerns about the proposed development of Sizewell C. 1) The negative effects on the local community, including the difficulties that... Read more

  • Kirton & Falkenham Parish Council (Kirton & Falkenham Parish Council)

    The parish council is interested in submitting views on transport link s and environmental issues.

  • Laura Fidment

    I Know that we are meant to create our own text to represent the reasons we object however I fully endorse all the points below and don’t want to edit the list. The time for this dated and... Read more

  • Laura Purkis

    I would like to register the strongest objection to the project on the following grounds: 1-unsuitable site, in an area of coastal erosion, and vulnerable to flooding 2- damage to the environment and... Read more

  • Laurence Moss

    from Laurence Moss[Redacted] Submission regarding Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010012 Sizewell C I wish to register to submit a statement regarding the above case. The focus of my submission... Read more

  • Lawrence Stevens

    I object to this development on several levels : 1. The adverse effect on Minsmere RSPB nature reserve 2. The destruction of ancient woodland 3 The destruction os SSI designated land 4. Pollution risk... Read more

  • Lindsey Hines

    Hello, I am writing to express concerns about the sizewell C project. This project would have a significant and negative impact on local wildlife, and is not in line with moves towards renewable... Read more

  • Lisa Sanders

    Nuclear power is outdated and unnecessary. Wind farms and solar power should be the option for Suffolk instead of causing an ecological disaster to the AONB. We should be working to protect our... Read more

  • Liz Pierce

    As a resident of Westleton, who loves our very special landscape and environment, and anowner of two holiday cottages in Eastbridge I have serious concerns about the building of Sizewell C, both... Read more

  • Lobar Family

    We believe the site is totally unsuitable for erecting another nuclear power station due to rising sea levels which would flood the site. There would be loss of natural habitats as its next to... Read more

  • Louise Wheatley

    1. Site suitability - unsuitable in an area at considerable at risk of flooding and coastal erosion 2. Site inaccessibility - site location difficult to access without considerable interventions to... Read more

  • Lucia Daniels

    This project fails to meet the necessary benchmarks to make it viable in terms of: a) cost, b) security of supply, c) environmental impact a) COST o The enormous price of construction, including... Read more

  • Lynne Morton

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Suffolk resident, my address is:[Redacted]and I am writing to strongly object to the proposed Sizewell C nuclear power station being built. And I ask you please, withdraw your... Read more

  • M Hegarty

    Insufficiently complete planning seems to have gone in to the question of coastal erosion. Specifically: the assumed time frame for coastal erosion/remoulding of the coastline etc is far too short -... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Magnox Limited (Magnox Limited)

    Submission Withdrawn by letter dated 30 September 2021 [REP9-031] JOINT RELEVANT REPRESENTATION OF THE NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING AUTHORITY AND MAGNOX LIMITED 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 The Nuclear... Read more

  • Marc Linton

    I am deeply concerned about the financial viability of EDF, the main partner for the project. I believe that it will leave the government in an indebted position for many decades, including during the... Read more

  • Marguerite Daw

    I endorse the Relevant Representation made by Stop Sizewell C, raising my deep concerns over the development of third generation nuclear power plants on the site of our unique Suffolk Heritage... Read more