
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 225 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Simon Barker

    I believe that the park and ride site has been moved too close to the village of Marlesford. it will be a 10-15 year blight on the community from both light and chemical pollution. The foot dragging... Read more

  • Walberswick Parish Council (Walberswick Parish Council)

    1. Application We wish to raise concerns about the inadequacy of the Planning Statement with particular reference to: ? Approach to environmental mitigation, management and development flexibility ?... Read more

  • Andrew Weight

    There are a myriad reason why this project would be devastating to both the natural beauty but also the local population who live and work here day to day, as well as the UK economy in general. The... Read more

  • Bill Hough

    To continue with this project is very worrying. If it's passed it will completely ruin our life and we will become a build site and constant traffic. I ask you to Stop this very bad project and it's... Read more

  • Catriona Donkin

    I wish to my register my interest in the planning application relating to the granting of permission for Sizewell C Project, Planning Inspectorate Ref. EN010012 I was brought up and spent much of my... Read more

  • Daisy Franklin

    I intend to submit the following, in relation to the building of the new Sizewell C nuclear power station: - that the proposed site will have the potential to impact flood risk and impact ecology... Read more

  • David Robertson

    I would like to make the following observations about the proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power station. Solvency and efficiency EDF is fighting to stay solvent in France where it is struggling to find... Read more

  • Deborah Bragg

    Relevant Representation These are my main areas of concern over Sizewell C and why I believe it is the wrong project for this site: Wrong Location • The project is too big for the setting and land... Read more

  • Dennington Parish Council (Dennington Parish Council )

    Dennington Parish Council has some concerns about this DCO. We would like to ask that ANPR cameras are extended to the A1120 at Stowmarket to monitor and control Sizewell traffic entering the A1120,... Read more

  • Henry Franklin

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: Access The timing of the EdF public... Read more

  • Ian Cook

    Objection to the plans for SIZEWELL C When Sizewell C was first proposed the cost was £6 billion - now it is estimated at £20 billion. As with nearly all projects, this cost will rise even further,... Read more

  • Jasper Garland

    I am an expert in energy, I consult for the UNDP on the matter and hold a Master's Degree in the subject. In my opinion, the arguments against building Sizewell C (ie environmental, financial, social)... Read more

  • Jeremy Lovett

    I completely object to Sizewell C proceeding. In 2020, there is now no valid economic or environmental justification in my opinion. The project is based on old and outdated thinking - it will not make... Read more

  • John Squirer Kirkham

    I have followed the course f this project with interest and a general attitude of support. however, with the geopolitical changes that have occurred since it was decided upon by government, I must ask... Read more

  • William John Price on behalf of Judith Mary Croton (Judith Mary Croton)

    THE OBLIGATION OF EDF TO MITIGATE ON THOSE LIVING VERY CLOSE TO THE DEVELOPMENT SITE A GENERAL OBLIGATION The construction of Sizewell C will have a quite devastating impact on Eastbridge, a hamlet... Read more

  • Julia Blackburn

    I am a much published writer who has often described the almost unspoilt beauty of this coastal stretch of Suffolk where I have lived for forty years. I object to the proposal of a third power station... Read more

  • Kristina Elvin

    I live and have grown up in Leiston which has suffered significantly due to the two already nuclear plants. The town is full of either charity shops or empty ones. It has been left to suffer after the... Read more

  • Lesley Taylor

    This Representation is sent on [Redacted] and my behalf. We live in a property on the B1122, that even with the ineffective proposed bypass, will be directly adversely affected by the transport to... Read more

  • Margaret Wendy Colles

    I wish to state that I am opposed to the construction of Sizewell C and its 2 nuclear power station on just about every ground I can think of. We have lived in Suffolk for 40 years and have seen many... Read more

  • Mark Youngman

    A concerned East Anglian against the building of Sizewell C I recently decide to do some reading on the proposal from EDF to build a new nuclear power station at the site of the current Sizewell B... Read more

  • Paul Macartney

    Used fuel refers to the uranium fuel that has been used in a commercial reactor. The fuel is made up of metal fuel rods that contain small ceramic pellets of enriched uranium oxide. The fuel rods are... Read more

  • Penelope (Peppy) Barlow

    I am an interested party both in general and as a resident of [Redacted]where I will be affected by the noise of night trains. 1. At this stage I don't think the development is needed at all. Due to... Read more

  • Penny Cook

    1. There's going to be a lot of pollution from its construction through traffic and materials used. 2. Locals may loose jobs as the area will loose a natural beauty spot, it may make the area less... Read more

  • Rev Dr Anne Morris

    I oppose the new Sizewell development as I believe it will have a negative impact on rare and important habitat. I am concerned about both the building process which will increase traffic on local... Read more

  • Richard Noble

    There are a number of reasons for opposing Sizewell C. • China’s involvement is quite clearly now hugely controversial. • We are living through a now recognised climate crisis. The proposed plans for... Read more