
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 300 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Tom Gallop

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good agricultural land will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable... Read more

  • Brian Challis

    I object to this Application as for a start it is really a Battery Storage Farm as opposed to a Solar Farm as such. I have grave concerns regarding the safety of the planned storage Batteries, and the... Read more

  • Dr Harry Sidebottom

    The proposal by Sunnica would ruin over 2,000 acres of countryside and have a catastrophic effect on the lives of the inhabitants of several villages.

  • Julia Theophilus

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Kevin Wright

    I object to this scheme based on the following: 1. We have lost enough countryside in Burwell to lose any more. 2. I believe that there will be a new 12m high Substation to be built in Burwell. Enough... Read more

  • Mark Fletcher

    *huge scale of project blights countryside and destroys farming land *serious concern about battery safety *panels will cover the area where 12 aircrew were killed when their Boeing B-50 Superfortress... Read more

  • Mark Goldsack

    Despitae acceptance to the contrary the good folk of \Isleham have not been afforded fair opportunity to debate this application. In addition what we see now is an unjust and ill thought out plan to... Read more

  • Richard Furlonger

    1. I don't believe Golf Links Road in Worlington should form any part of the scheme, most especially during the construction stage. 2. The right of quiet enjoyment for the members at Royal Worlington... Read more

  • Veronica Turner

    The impact on our beautiful countryside and the Agricultural land that is being taken over. The enormous batteries that are being used, noise pollution and danger of them exploding and causing fires.... Read more

  • Anglian Learning (Anglian Learning)

    I am writing as CEO of the Trust responsible for The Pines Primary School, Red Lodge. Having reviewed the documentation relating to the development, and further materials relating to this technology,... Read more

  • The Hemp Store (The Hemp Store) on behalf of Ann Thornalley (Ann Thornalley)

    I would like to register my objections. The hemming in of the oldest pilgrim way to Walsingham (green Lane between Worligton and Elms Road). It will become a ghostly way bewteen concrete, steel and... Read more

  • Jenny Moss

    Management of land beneath and around Sunnica solar PV arrays during operational phase Overall, I support the Sunnica application, but have concerns about site management once the construction phase... Read more

  • Margaret A Lowe

    RIGHT TO A HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE. My husband and I grew-up in the industrial North West. We moved to our current address in Worlington in 1990 to pursue a "country life-style". We have dogs and ponies, a... Read more

  • Pamela Wilson

    1.There is NO infrastructure to substantiate building on the site. 2. Our house boundaries are on Silver Street AND North Street. At this point, these two streets are the only route to the designated... Read more

  • Rosalyn Bartlett

    I am very against sonica taking over our village and all the agricultural land !!!! Also I believe it is dangerous and I don’t want to live with dangerous batteries so close by !!! All the large... Read more

  • Simon Foreman

    I object to this proposal on a number of grounds : 1) the scale of the project is inappropriate for the area, being over 10 times larger than any other operational solar plant in the UK 2) the project... Read more

  • Annabel Freestone

    • I do NOT want this to go ahead • I do not want countryside to be lost • plant trees to help environment- dont lay over 100 acres of concrete

  • Frances Sidebottom

    Sunnica’s proposed development would ruin over 2,000 acres of productive and beautiful countryside, and have a terrible effect on at least three communities. It is unsustainable, having an operating... Read more

  • Jill Worth

    I object to the proposed Sunnica solar farm development in its current form for the following reasons: 1. It is far too large many times larger than other solar farms in the UK. It will be an eyesore... Read more

  • Julia O’Dwyer

    There was no adequate consultation carried out. The infrastructure will not be able to accommodate such a huge project. There are no plans in place in case of a fire or to decommission the plant in... Read more

  • Linda Porter-Cohen

    1. why take good productive farmland out of production? surely there are less fertile areas. we are told to try to become more self suffient; this is totally against advice. 2. the batteries. how do... Read more

  • Lisa Sidebottom

    The use of good agricultural land. Destroying the beautiful countryside. The possible danger from the large batteries close to villages.

  • Matt Stannard

    This development has an impact on me as it is in the community where I live, not only will it mean an immense amount of disruption during construction if approved, it takes away areas of wildlife,... Read more

  • Paul Pickles

    I object to the Sunnica energy farm being constructed because it is much too large and will have a massive impact on this area. The Sunnica energy farm would take up too much land that could be used... Read more

  • Ryan Collen

    Do not allow. This is against local peoples wishes. Its too big, not thought through. Offers nothing to the local community, no jobs, no infrastructure, no benefits to local businesses and nothing to... Read more

  • Samantha Munro

    I fully and completely object to the proposed Sunnica Solar Farm, or any other Solar Scheme, that is large in size that includes any battery storage surrounding settlements.. Solar on large scale is... Read more

  • Tony Paxman

    (1]The loss of the proposed amount of top-quality growing land in England's "Bread-basket" cannot be justified. (2) The importation of over a million Solar Panels and storage batteries from China is... Read more

  • West Row Parish Council (West Row Parish Council)

    West Row Parish Council, on behalf of the residents of West Row, has severe concerns around the following aspects of the proposed scheme: - Visual impact on landscape - the site is enormous and would... Read more

  • William O’Dwyer

    Greenbt Land should not be used for something like this. There is plenty of barren land on the area that would be more suitable, The project is too close to the local schools and villages and there us... Read more

  • Alan Wright

    I am objecting to the application. [Redacted], I rely on peaceful walks in the countryside around the village for my physical and mental wellbeing. The initial building process would disturb the calm... Read more

  • Burwell Parish Council Climate Forum (Burwell Parish Council Climate Forum)

    Management of land beneath and around Sunnica solar PV arrays during operational phase We have concerns about site management once the construction phase is over and the operational phase begins.... Read more

  • Catherine Gibson

    The proposal for this ginormous solar park which will blight the landscape and environment for thousands of people and swathes of wildlife, without any contribution to reducing our carbon emissions in... Read more

  • Catherine Gurnham

    I am deeply concerned about the environmental impact of this scheme. It would occupy thousands of acres of productive agricultural land, creating a habitat desert at a time when we should be... Read more

  • Chrissie Sadler

    Health and safety of the battery storage system

  • Christopher Sadler

    I am concerned about the health implications to myself and the community. The safety of the batteries used. The damage to the farming community and to the landscape.

  • Dan Mules

    This project is a violation of local wildlife and although there may be benefits, the scale of the project is a concern to all local residents , I thoroughly object .

  • Karen Burgess

    I wish to object to the above application on numerous grounds , these include but are not restricted to ; The size and scale of the project The risk of storing batteries for the site The loss of... Read more

  • Nicola Espley

    I have serious concerns regarding the safety of the battery storage facilities, as far as i know there has been no plan put in place for if these catch fire, causing a huge risk to local residents.... Read more

  • Nigel Cooper

    Inadequacy of the biodiversity surveys Inadequacy of the on-site and off-site protections for key biodiversity Inadequacy of the biodiversity offsetting and on-site enhancements Incorrect... Read more

  • William Frost

    This scheme is wrong on many counts, including but not limited to the following. It is too big and will swamp the area, changing the very nature of the locality from village and mixed farming to an... Read more

  • George G Rusk

    I am objecting to the Sunnica Solar Farm for the following reasons: 1. Sunnica Solar farm will take up 2800 acres of good quality irrigated vegetable growing farmland which must not be lost. We are... Read more

  • Mrs Phyllis Rusk

    I am objecting to the Sunnica Solar Farm for the following reasons: 1. Sunnica Solar farm will take up 2800 acres of good quality irrigated vegetable growing farmland which must not be lost. We are... Read more

  • Jonathan Pearce

    I am objecting to the application on the following basis: - The size and scale of the development - The loss of much needed productive farmland and the effect on food security - The effects on... Read more

  • Mr Matthew Hedley

    I wish to discuss the Long term impact studies that have been completed. I also wish to discuss how much carbon will be produced during construction and when this project will begin to be carbon... Read more

  • Patrick Cross

    Environmentally unfriendly project covering over 2500 acres of greenfield land affecting flora and Fauna which provides habitat for 100's of species. Loss of good quality agricultural land. Over... Read more

  • Samantha Spillane

    I want good solar, not bad solar 1 - Your scheme is extensive most likely imported from china, 2. Extensive fencing will keep wildlife from roaming free and trapping certain breeds who are able to... Read more

  • Sandra Judkins

    A ticking time bomb on a vast scale Very close to residents,homes,schools Land which can be used for food chain making us more self sufficient Why are solar panels not used on every new build,very few... Read more

  • Tim Wood

    • This project is about money, rather than a 'green' project, Sunnica's get rich scheme • Covering acres and acres of fertile arable land with outdated solar panels is wrong • This beautiful landscape... Read more

  • Adam

    I am objecting to the application due to multiple factors. Environmental Concerns There are multiple environmental concerns with this application: - The planned panels and battery storage intended to... Read more

  • Callum Orford

    I object because of: 1. Loss of countryside, look industrial, effect on wildlife habitat. Industrialisation is not good for mine and other people's mental health. I enjoy the countryside and an... Read more

  • Claire Mills

    My parents and my sister’s family moved to Worlington and Red Lodge respectively in the last six years and were assured by their solicitors that the area surrounding their houses was designated as... Read more

  • Cllr Brian Peter Harvey

    As the local District Councillor representing the Residents of Manor Ward which includes both Worlington & Freckenham Parishes and also as a resident of Worlington. My concerns are :- 1. Scale and... Read more

  • Hannah Patten

    I think this is amazing that we have finally started to think about our planet . Although I feel that there isn't enough information put out there for people to understand what solor farming means for... Read more

  • Jennifer Hall

    The size and scale of this project 20 smaller solar sites within 20 mile radius of proposed scheme 2500 acres of productive farmland lost when UK is only 64% self-sufficient in food production... Read more

  • Jill Collins

    My concerns about the Sunnica project are: 1) The size of the project and how much good agricultural land will be lost. Since leaving the EU it is even more important that we are as self sufficient as... Read more

  • John Robert Savage

    Solar Farms should not be situated on prime agricultural land. Large scale Lithium Battery storage should not be situated anywhere near residential properties. There are frequent reports of Lithium... Read more

  • John Tapster

    I live on Riverside Isleham Marina on the river Lark downstream of the proposed Sunnica East Site development. Obviously, our lodges and boats are extremely sensitive the level of the river Lark. The... Read more

  • Margaret Thompson

    I object to the Sunnica planning application to put solar panels onto prime agricultural land. In this country we are only 60 to 70% self surficient in food and import the rest which is not good for... Read more

  • Norman Ferguson

    I am objecting to this proposed Solar Farm installation mainly due to the location and sheer scale of it. Solar is supposed to be a benefit to our environment and society. How is using 2,500 acres of... Read more

  • Russell Milne

    I am objecting to this application, for these reasons: a. this development will cover approx 2,500 acres of greenfield land, which is good quality arable farmland, which will no longer be available... Read more

  • Timothy James Lawson

    I am most interested in ensuring the:- 1. Protection & safety of all those using the very major and A.11 trunk road towards Norwich, which carries huge numbers of VERY fast moving vehicles, especially... Read more

  • Joanne Elmer

    I am strongly opposed to this application for several reasons. The loss of agricultural land which could never be returned to its natural state. Disruption to wildlife. No provision for the disposal... Read more

  • John Newstead

    I would disagree to this application on the following grounds To much disparate development that is complex to link To much development near to urban areas To much development on locally productive... Read more

  • Julie Thornalley

    The sunnica proposal will mean an enormous loss of usable agricultural land. The affected villages are unsuitable for the scale of heavy goods traffic. The loss of wildlife habitat and corridors is... Read more

  • Michael Bullions

    I am opposed to the Sunnica application because it is a poor use of valuable farmland, is a project too vast and of detrimental impact to the local communities that have been in the area for hundreds... Read more

  • Robert Neil Brown

    no fire service to cope if problem use of good farm land after fourty years possible to build more houses must be brown land better suited

  • Sam Lee-Mccloud

    Failure of the consultation for our village as we were added late so we were not adequately consulted. Lack of in-person consultation. Their refusal to attend public meetings in our village. The... Read more

  • Shirley Bullions

    I believe the sunnica proposal is totally wrong for this area of rich farmland. The local communities should not be put at risk by the unknown risks concerning battery storage. The scheme is too big... Read more

  • Angela Wells

    Not against solar energy,but to cover over 2 600 plus acres ,which is fertile arable land to feed our growing population dosn't make sense at all. Why oh why dosn't the government make law that every... Read more

  • Brian Barrow

    I consider that the development is too large and some of the sites proposed will have a significant impact on the Character of the area. The southern Sunnica sites are principally within the East... Read more

  • C knight

    The loss of agricultural land

  • Cheryl Caves

    As a resident of the local area I am concerned about the loss of prime agricultural land, the impact on local wildlife, the impact on local communities through both the construction and use of the... Read more

  • David Ellis

    This so called energy farm is not only taking good farmland out of production it is far too big. It will surround many villages and cause major disruption to wildlife and peoples lives.

  • Evelyn Graham

    Loss of food producing arable land . Much more important to produce food here without the carbon imprint of importing. Huge batteries which are not guaranteed safe. Banned in other countries. Years of... Read more

  • Graham Gordon

    My Objection to Sunnica - Loss of residential amenities, The noise from the existing (small) existing battery storage is already noticeable and a constant feature despite a distance of ~1,500m from... Read more

  • Julie Smith

    I own a property in Worlington, a beautiful village in lovely countryside. My concern is the village will disappear into industry. The country views will be spoilt.Worlington is already at threat of... Read more

  • Paul Butcher

    As both a local resident but also a in citizen I am in favour of renewables. However looking at the proposal it is simply too big for what is already an area where non residential/ commercial land is... Read more

  • Ramblers, Newmarket & District Group (Ramblers, Newmarket & District Group )

    My role as Group Footpath Secretary for the Newmarket and District Group of the Ramblers Association, (Newmarket Ramblers), enables me to write on behalf of the Suffolk Area of the organisation. We... Read more

  • Amanda Manchett

    I am objecting to the application due to my concerns for Burwell and surrounding villages loosing valuable good quality farming land for over 20 years. The UK is only 64% self sufficient in food now.... Read more

  • Benoit Herinckx

    -monstrous development in its scale with huge tentacles choking several small villages -poor consultation and no democratic debate -attempt at deceiving the public about the true purpose of the... Read more

  • Ian Rees

    1) Losing 2,500 acres of green field and productive land and then being forced as a nation to import many tens of thousands of tons of food is completely wrong. 2) As a nation we should import energy... Read more

  • Jack Leitch

    I believe that a lot of the complaints against this project are unsupported as they are almost always without reference or citation to the studies they are quoting. I think as a community we need to... Read more

  • Jen Waterfield

    This is too large for the area and will be detrimental to villager life and the natural habitat and wildlife

  • Jenna Clark

    Too large Concerns regarding site traffic through red lodge Permanent loss of potential farm land Large batteries very close to primary schools which could be very dangerous if they catch fire - only... Read more

  • Jillian Gamlin

    I am objecting to Sunnica's application on the following grounds: Burwell substation already has a number of battery storage units which are a fire risk and create a constant hum due to the fans in... Read more

  • Shannon Elizabeth Manchett

    I am concerned this is not a Green scheme because over one thousand solar panels 2.5 m high will be imported along with batteries from China, will it create more carbon in its life time than it saves?... Read more

  • Susan Chapman

    We live in Burwell on a rural farm with horse paddocks .Now we find a piece of our land is included in the link up to the sub station . We do not want the pipeline to go through our land and disturb... Read more

  • Tim Slater

    I am objecting to this application for a giant solar farm in our area. * The planned site will cover a 2,500 acre area encompassing the villages of Snailwel, Workington, Kenneth, Barton Mills, West... Read more

  • William Holt

    I am very concerned about the planned use of large battery banks in this project. Both the scale and the planned location of batteries is extremely dangerous to the local population. In the case of a... Read more

  • George Gibson

    Vast areas taken by solar farms are removing prime agricultural land from food production. The power predicted is during daylight, mostly at periods of low demand, and the battery back up is of short... Read more

  • Lina Boyd-Rochfort

    Loss of good farm land Footpaths adversely affected by construction of a Solar Farm Solar Farm too near to villages - possible danger with regard to fires. Already traffic on the road to Worlington is... Read more

  • Sally lewis

    Although I am not against solar power I am totally against the Sunnica project. It will destroy good agricultural land and because of the size I think it will totally destroy the area . Nobody feels... Read more

  • Sarah Ganiford

    This application will have a substantial impact on the village where I live and surrounding countryside, which does not seem to be in proportion to the benefits of the scheme.

  • Albert Edward Mills

    1. does it have to be Solar power, 2. why is it so large, 3. Alternative WIND power 4. the effect on the countryside and wildlife, 5. Closure of a footpath that is in constant use by dog walkers and... Read more

  • Birgitta Gaston on behalf of Betty Duncan (Betty Duncan)

    I am objecting to the Sunica Energy farm on the grounds of: 1, Taking up valuable green field sites needed for agricultural use. 2, There will be no local benefits as it is being built by Smith... Read more

  • Birgitta Gaston

    This huge project will be built on valuable agricultural land which will be needed especially now when we have left the EU. I have lived here a very long time and do not want to have a gigantic solar... Read more

  • Bridgette Scott

    *At 2,500 acres the proposed development is far too large for the area. *The proposed development will irreversibly damage valuable agricultural land, m land that the UK cannot afford to lose as we... Read more

  • Caroline Prince

    With the ever increasing need for this country to reduce it's dependence upon other countries for its food supply, it is wrong to use good agricultural land for the mounting of solar panels and... Read more

  • Christina Engelbrecht

    I strongly object to this application. My reasons and main concerns are as follows: 1. Loss of high grade agricultural farm land which is now needed more than ever to ensure the UK produces more of... Read more

  • Christopher William Henson

    Traffic passing front door, road not built for heavy /large vehicles, Why Solar, why so large, Effect on the wild life and countryside, effect of vibrations on the property