Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 351 to 375 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Christopher John Waller

    I am concerned about the proposal for a new substation on the A272/Kent Street. The A272 is always busy and difficult to join or cross from Kent Street. Additional traffic would increase the risk of... Read more

  • Christopher Nobes

    I am a frequent visitor to the West Sussex coast, going many times per year for the last 20 years. I go to get the beautiful natural views and the quiet. It is an escape from the noisy city. This... Read more

  • Clapham Parish Council (Clapham Parish Council)

    Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Notice Publicising A Proposed Application For A Development Consent Order (DCO) Whilst Clapham Parish Council recognises the importance of wind farms as an alternative... Read more

  • Henry Adams LLP (Henry Adams LLP) on behalf of Claudia Langmead Farming Ltd (Claudia Langmead Farming Ltd)

    I am the land agent acting on behalf of Claudia Langmead Farming Ltd, which owns [REDACTED] and is a directly affected claimant. As at 6th November 2023, my client still has not received key terms or... Read more

  • Climping Homes (Climping Homes)

    As the potential residential developer (for circa 300 new homes) of a land parcel that abuts this project's own proposed access point, we would wish to see continuity of design, so as to ensure that... Read more

  • Constructive Heritage (Constructive Heritage)

    To whom it may concern I am a sound reinforcement engineer, operating equipment capable of generating significant sound pressure levels. I understand sound and acoustics and how high levels of it (and... Read more

  • CPRE Sussex (CPRE Sussex)

    Rampion 2 Registration Comments CPRE Sussex is part of the CPRE network. It has about 2,000 members, volunteers, and supporters. CPRE Sussex sees the need for sustainable renewable energy sources that... Read more

  • Diane Playford

    I am registering my opposition to the Rampion substation/cable route proposal. I have received very little information, despite the Rampion staff at the open evening on 21st June this year, telling me... Read more

  • Elizabeth Leanne Marogna

    To whom it may concern, I am writing in with concerns about the impact of the Rampion 2 wind farm if it is accepted. These include but are not limited to: -It is an inefficient use of tons of rare... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    The Planning Inspectorate The Square Temple Quay Bristol Avon BS1 6PN Our ref: HA/2023/125437/01-L01 Your ref: S56 Date: 6 November 2023 Dear Sir/Madam RAMPION 2 OFFSHORE WINDFARM - SECTION 56 -... Read more

  • Henry Adams LLP (Henry Adams LLP) on behalf of Executors of D Bowerman (Executors of D Bowerman)

    We act on behalf of the executors of D Bowerman, a claimant directly impacted by the cable route. We share the objections made on behalf of other landowners, namely: - We object to RWE seeking the... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    The Forestry Commission is the government department responsible for protecting, expanding and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands. As part of our role, we are a non-statutory consultee... Read more

  • Geoff Loveman

    This representation is in support of Rampion 2 - It is important that the UK continues to pursue sources of renewable power and to move away from the use of fossil fuels which are environmentally... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Grant Talbot and Theresa Talbot (Grant Talbot and Theresa Talbot)

    06 November 2023 Our Ref: DNB/HC/PW Dear Sirs, [REDACTED] Rampion 2 response to section 56 Notice I am writing on behalf of my client, Grant Talbot and Theresa Talbot, who own and occupy a property... Read more

  • Lester Aldridge LLP (Lester Aldridge LLP) on behalf of Green Properties (Kent & Sussex) Ltd (Green Properties (Kent & Sussex) Ltd)

    RELEVANT REPRESENTATIONS Rights sought 1. Green Properties (Kent & Sussex) Ltd (“Owner”) is the freehold owner of plots 33/4, 33/22, 33/23, 33/24, 33/25, and 33/26 (“Land”), listed in Category 1 of... Read more

  • Gregory Neville Brownrigg

    I regularly fish the area of proposed windfarm also all spoil from trenching will move east to Worthing Shoreham areas, littlehampton fishermen will be forced to fish off Worthing and Shoreham majorly... Read more

  • Hazelle Woodhurst-White

    Inappropriate site for Rampion 2 . Traffic delays for several years on a very dangerous stretch of the A272 already . I will follow up with my full online objection again, once registered herewith.... Read more

  • Savills UK Ltd (Savills UK Ltd) on behalf of His Grace Edward William Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk (His Grace Edward William Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk)

    Dear Sirs RE: The Duke of Norfolk, Angmering Park Farms LLP, Trustees of The Bernard 16th Duke of Norfolk’s 1958 Settlement Reserve Fund, Trustees of The Angmering Park Estate Trust, The Personal... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Introduction Historic England is the Government’s statutory adviser on the historic environment. It is our duty under the National Heritage Act 1983 to secure the preservation and enhancement of the... Read more

  • HJ Burt & Son (HJ Burt & Son)

    I act for a number of landowners and occupiers along the proposed cable route with land affected by the scheme or access to it

  • Joanne Higgins

    Draft Development Control Order (DCO) EN010117” and the supplementary Notice of Acceptance of a DCO Plot Number 32/13. I object to the above DCO. I live at [REDACTED] with my 18 month old daughter and... Read more

  • Keiko Ueno

    I am against the windfarms for the following reasons: • The lack of transparency, including changing the Planning Inspectorate link recently for anyone wanting to register an interest. • The impact on... Read more

  • Henry Adams LLP (Henry Adams LLP) on behalf of Keith & John Langmead, and their associated trusts & companies (Keith & John Langmead, and their associated trusts & companies)

    I hereby submit this objection on behalf of Keith and John Langmead (the "Landowners") with regard to the Rampion 2 project, specifically addressing concerns derived from the contents of the... Read more

  • Lorraine Doris Powell

    I strongly oppose the proposal. I do not feel that the Cowfold Community have been properly consulted, no knowledge of this at all, some people had a leaflet, i certainly had nothing. In the drop in... Read more

  • Lyminster and Crossbush Parish Council (Lyminster and Crossbush Parish Council)

    We understand that members of our community have previously responded to your consultation exercise yet their views appear to have been disregarded in some of the latest proposals. Namely routes... Read more