Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Lorraine Robinson-Brown

    Whilst I support the need for cleaner energy, I must take issue with the size, scale and sighting of the Rampion 2 development. At around 8 miles It is much too close to our coastline. If these are to... Read more


    I wish to object strongly to Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm. I am in favour of offshore wind farms and had no objection to Rampion 1, but the height of the proposed turbines just 8 miles offshore is... Read more

  • Ronald Alan Leggett

    There are already long queues of traffic travelling West into Cowfold Village every morning and evening with very many Heavy Good Vehicles. plus vehicles stopping for any more than a few minutes such... Read more

  • Sarah Patton

    The sheer scale of the scheme in environmentally sensitive inshore waters with a cleared transmission right-of-way through a National Park will disrupt and permanently degrade ecosystems in the sea,... Read more

  • Sheelah Baines

    This is one of very few unspoilt coastal areas in the south east with far reaching views. There are also many migrating birds. The enormous turbines will be extremely detrimental especially in the... Read more

  • Derrick Chester

    I am registering to express my support for the proposal. In terms of the mitigation I note it is proposed to bring the cabling ashore at Climping Beach. It should be noted Climping Beach and its... Read more

  • Robert William Gale

    I do not support the Rampion 2 Infrastructure Project. My concerns are in the following areas - 1.Location This is clearly not the best location for a windfarm. At best the winds can be considered... Read more

  • Terence Ellis

    The Rampion 2 Application (for a wind farm in the sea off West Sussex) ignores the UK Government’s strategic environmental advice to provide visual buffers for very large turbines. That is a primary... Read more

  • Aldwick Parish Council (Aldwick Parish Council)

    The Parish Council is an interested party in terms of representing residents' views: There are concerns over the scale of the proposals and visual impacts affecting Aldwick residents, and with the... Read more

  • Francis John Rodney Brown

    The central point of this Comment is that continued protection of the South Downs National Park and the Seven Sisters Heritage Coast should be a Principal Issue in this process. The proposal has a... Read more


    I feel this development is contrary Government guidelines that projects on this scale should be 14 miles from shore, and am also very concerned about the effect on the South Downs National Park in... Read more

  • Lawrence Haas

    My registration comment is made in association with Protect Coastal Sussex (PCS) which is a voluntary affiliation of community organisations and residents along the south coast and project-affected... Read more

  • Patricia Donaldson

    I don’t know how a project can be passed when the plans are not detailed so you can see them. It seems to be hidden which is not right

  • Peter Fairhall

    Destruction of wildlife rich countryside. Extra traffic, noise and disruption for many years. Safety worries on such a busy main route.

  • Richard Napier Luce

    1. Dragon’s Lane: This is a private unmade up lane with six houses. Rampion propose to use it for ‘operational access’ only. We have had assurances that there is no intention of using HGVs which would... Read more

  • Brooke S Essapen

    I am strongly opposed to the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm. My main objection is the inefficiency of the location as well as the environmental impact. There are many other sites around the UK,... Read more

  • Ian West

    We live on the sea on Middleton on Sea beach. The wind farm proposed would be directly in our view. There is no need to have it so high or so close to the coast that the sea views will be impacted for... Read more

  • John Briggs

    I live on rustington foreshore and rampion 2 will significantly impact the coastline landscape due to size of structures since rampion 1 I have noticed a significant amount of chalk washing up on our... Read more

  • Nicholas Maslin

    Too close to the land, having a detrimental effect on tourism, marine leisure activities, wildlife and fishing. The land link will destroy a large area of the South Downs National Park, for decades to... Read more


    I have attended a presentation by RWE on the Rampion 2 project and have studied their plans quite thoroughly. The key issues that were raised at the meeting by opponents were NOT properly answered by... Read more

  • Elizabeth Anne Leggett

    I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion , our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide. Traffic and Pollution in Cowfold Traffic in... Read more

  • John Marston

    To express my deep felt concerns over Rampion 2 from an environmental point of view.

  • Littlehampton Heritage Group (Littlehampton Heritage Group)

    The Rampion 2 Application ignores the UK Government’s strategic environmental advice to provide visual buffers for very large turbines. That is a primary mitigation and safeguard against unacceptable... Read more

  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)

    MCA will be responding to the ExA on matters concerning the safety of maritime navigation and maritime emergency response. MCA will provide comments on the Navigation Risk Assessment, Shipping &... Read more

  • Mark Renny

    DCO for application of the Rampion2 Offshore Wind Farm. Representation by Mark Renny, Director of Brookside Holiday Camp Limited, Lyminster Road, Lyminster, Littlehampton, West Sussex. BN17 7QE I am... Read more