
Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project

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  • Ian Michael Neale

    I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable development as defined in... Read more

  • Julie White

    I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. This is untested technology. There proposals do not include a complete system. It requires a... Read more

  • Michelle Meyer-Masterson

    To whom it may concern, I am writing to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a... Read more

  • Rebekah Louise Wood

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. This effects everybody not just locals-we all breathe the same air and drink... Read more

  • Tim Wakeford

    I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable development as defined in... Read more

  • Antony Melville

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. Drax should not be burning trees to generate electricity, full stop; and... Read more

  • Brian David Gill

    This project is potentially a most damaging one, environmentally - and one sponsored by an untrustworthy organisation. I OBJECT MOST STRONGLY TO THIS PROJECT, AS BEING UNECESSARY - AND ENVIRONMENTALLY... Read more

  • Catherine Love-Smith

    I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units for a number of reasons. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Harry James Dignan

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Jack Nicholas Haves

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Mary Lester

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Roseanne Gough

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Stephen Alan Brown

    I object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I object because the proposal is not a sustainable development as defined in the National Planning... Read more

  • Arthur Jarrett

    I am an individual who is greatly concerned with the serious deficiencies and harms of large bio burners. The Drax scheme is the worst one yet, but is a huge success at sucking in big taxpayer... Read more

  • Delphine Holman

    I object to more burning of trees.

  • Gloria Joyce Murray

    This is a backward step for our environment, we must not continue logging forests which in itself is emitting carbon, and I therefore object to Drax's application. I also do not consider the carbon... Read more

  • Annie Beardsley

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Denise McCully

    Short term, noise and additional traffic. Long term risk to human health, my life and those of my family due to risk associated with chemical and gas emissions. Research highlights that the biproducts... Read more

  • John Coghlan

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Susie Laan

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Elizabeth Westwood

    I am concerned about the proposal to spend huge amounts of public money on unproven technologies for carbon capture which will take far longer to establish at scale (even if they do work) than we have... Read more

  • Ruth Alexandra Love

    This project will support ongoing development of biomass energy production rather than limit such production. The world needs trees and all other plant material to prevent climate destruction. Biomass... Read more

  • James Frederick Parkhouse

    hi, In the Guardian yesterday: 'The importing of wood to burn in Drax power station “is not sustainable” and “doesn’t make any sense”, the business and energy secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, told a private... Read more

  • Jillie Bracey

    No to DRAX planning application Drax is the world’s biggest tree burner and the UK’s single largest CO2 emitter. I’m replying to the consultation for Drax to apply for planning permission to add... Read more

  • Madeleine Massey

    BECCS is not a sound, renewable system. It is based on burning trees, emitting greenhouse gases at every stage from felling, pellet making, transportation to final burning to make electricity. BECCS... Read more