
Mallard Pass Solar Project

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Showing 676 to 700 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Jane Allen

    It's scheduled to be on farmland that we urgently need as a country. It will reduce the biodiversity of the area needed for not just the farmland taken up but neighbouring farms. It will be of... Read more

  • Jeffrey Peter Mack

    I am currently working with two of the foremost authorities on lithium-ion batteries, Dr Paul Christiansen of Leicester University and a governmental advisor on lithium-ion batteries; and Richard... Read more

  • Jennifer Spicer

    I am not happy about the size of this project and the way it will impinge on the locality in many different ways My house will be directly affected during the construction of the farm Construction... Read more

  • Rosemary Adele Stainsby on behalf of Jonathan Edward Stainsby (Jonathan Edward Stainsby)

    Project is too large. Solar energy is inefficient given this countries old levels of sunlight and ambient temperatures. We should be concentrating on wind, power and nuclear power. Government should... Read more

  • Kate ellery

    My concern is all that farmland lost and covered will will lose all the birds and animals that live in that area plus the the stress of the people,house value going down

  • Kathryn Gorman

    I oppose this development due to its size and impact on valuable farmland. We are experiencing home grown food shortages and I believe this land would be better used in food production. I also object... Read more

  • Rosemary AdeleStainsby on behalf of Laura Pollock (Laura Pollock)

    This planned development, if it is given permission, will not adversely affect me as I as I am considered elderly. However, this will massively affect young people who will be in this area for many... Read more

  • Linda Eileen Davies

    Mitigation is the act of reducing the severity, seriousness and painfulness of an action. MPSF development plans contain massive mitigation actions which I believe from my experience of large... Read more

  • Maggie Horton

    I fear for Britains food security and food miles. Farmland is in short supply. It is my opinion that Solar panels should be on a roof not a field. Taking away farmland will mean that more food will be... Read more

  • Rosemary adele stainsby on behalf of Margaret Elizabeth Harmsworth (Margaret Elizabeth Harmsworth)

    Food should be produced on this land as it is good quality, agricultural soil, not effective solar panels which do not generate very much energy. Mental health will be massively affected by people... Read more

  • Michael Crowe

    This project is far to large, potentially the largest solar farm in Europe in the smallest county.It will have a detrimental effect on a large swathe of prime countryside and farming land. Wildlife... Read more

  • Michael George Glover

    Waste of good agricultural land when we need to be growing our own food Solar panels are better suited to roof tops Dreadful visual impact Reduction of habitat for wild life Will devalue nearby... Read more

  • Michael Hayward

    Loss of good farmland for a small number of individuals to profit from. Loss of biodiversity. Increase in pollution caused by construction. Local communities have no benefit from this project to... Read more

  • Mr Grahaeme Colledge

    I do not oppose solar in principle, but the size of the project and disruption it will cause is too great. I oppose it in it's current form. With significant modifications a downsizing I believe it... Read more

  • Mrs Wendy Gordon

    Prime farm land gone. Over 1500 house being built on farm/green land, with not a solar panel in site.

  • Olivia Adams

    I am writing to express my strong objections to the proposed solar farm near Stamford, Lincolnshire. Solar panels do not belong on agricultural fields— we need to be utilising our land for the... Read more

  • Pamela Shenton

    My concerns about the proposed huge Mallard Park Solar Park near to Stamford are that it is removing farmland increasingly needed, the detrimental effect on the local wildlife ,serious concerns for... Read more

  • Anthony John Orvis on behalf of Penelope Ann Orvis (Penelope Ann Orvis)

    The scheme is too large and will dominate the area. The land it will be built on is undulating making it impossible to screen the solar panels. Any screening planted will take fifteen years to become... Read more

  • Peter David Holden

    My objections to the proposal for the Mallard Pass solar farm to be sited around Essendine are mostly about the loss of BMV farmland, loss of habitat for wildlife and the size of the site The... Read more

  • Richard Joseph Stainsby

    This was my childhood home. I loved living with open countryside. Lovely fields country path to walk and a cleaner environment. This proposal if allowed to go through massively impact the local area... Read more

  • Roger Favell

    I am against the Solar farm ,because it is too large & will urbanise a rural area. It will also have a devastating affect on local wildlife, particularly the Barn Owls. Barn Owls will not hunt around... Read more

  • Rosemary Adele Stainsby

    This application will swallow a huge swathes of good agricultural land, which should be used for food production, particularly as we are facing a food security crisis now. Mental health will be... Read more

  • Sally Tymoczko

    I believe that the proposed Mallard Pass project will have huge negative consequences for the natural environment, both short and long term. For example, covering vast swathes of land with... Read more

  • Sarah Morgan

    The adverse impacts to biodiversity, the environment (including climate), local community and infrastructure associated with this proposal far out way any of the proposed benefits of bringing solar... Read more

  • Tamsin Hartles

    The impact on the environment, loss of farming land and the visual impact of the area which is currently a lovely expanse of countryside will be ruined by large solar panels. Impact on wildlife