Cory Decarbonisation Project

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Showing 151 to 175 of 205 representations, newest first.

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  • Annette Leppla

    I write to express my deep concern about the applicant’s intention to obtain permission under a Development Consent Order (DCO) to build a carbon capture facility on Crossness Nature Reserve to offset... Read more

  • Graeme Mitchell

    Siting the Cory plant on a Nature Reserve which has been designated as a Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation is both ill-concieved and ill-considered. To sacrifice the nature... Read more

  • Karin Tearle

    I’m concerned Cory Group wants to expand on already diminished marshes

  • Lesley Anne Mann

    Cory want to take 11.7% of Crossness Nature Reserve, one of the last areas of grazing marsh in the Thames estuary, and build on it. They admitted at their presentation on 13th September 2023 that this... Read more

  • Linda Graham

    Rare wildlife Crossness Nature Reserve supports extremely rare and critically endangered wildlife such as water vole (Britain's fastest declining mammal) and shrill carder bee (the UK's rarest... Read more

  • Lloyd Turner

    I have been visiting Crossness Nature Reserve for the past 20 years and was appalled to hear that Cory are proposing to develop their carbon decarbonisation plant on a substantial part of the nature... Read more

  • Lucy Martin

    I am opposing this project. The main issue I believe this project would have a huge impact is the wildlife that exists on these marshlands. Endangered species live here and to lose them would be a... Read more

  • Marie Hammond

    it is deeply upsetting to see that a site noted for its diversity of exceptional wild life which has somehow survived in a heavily populated part of London, is to be destroyed by this proposal. One of... Read more

  • Mr Nicholas Hatton

    Not in a nature reserve! It seems to create a terrible precedent to propose taking a slice of a nature reserve for a hastily thought out scheme (the plan was for a data centre until last year, when... Read more

  • Mrs Margaret J White

    1)The local road area is blighted by heavy traffic on the A206 causing jams and blockages on the small side roads daily. Queens Road, Northend Road and Thames Road are particularly hit. (Some of this... Read more

  • Paul Johns

    We must preserve this nature reserve and its entire ecosystem for the benefit of wildlife but also for the humans whose mental health it supports.

  • Robert Stephen Morris

    1- the proposal is designed to tick boxes to reduce carbon emissions. The point of reducing carbon emissions is to reduce the detrimental effect on the climate as well as to reduce pollution, for the... Read more

  • Ruth Agnes Mary Moore

    England is the most nature depleted country in Europe We have destroyed most of our country and the wildlife in it for private profit It really is time to put public good above enriching a few people... Read more

  • Andrew Crawford

    I first discovered Crossness after moving to Woolwich in 2010, and have frequently walked to it along the riverside, enjoying the wildlife, and appreciating that somewhere like it still existed in... Read more

  • Andrew Denney

    This project should not encroach on the Crossness Nature Reserve. There is plenty of brown field and industrial land in the nearby area that could be used or re-purposed without destroying precious... Read more

  • Andrew Wardell

    I wish to make my objection to the planned carbon capture project by Cory. The area proposed is a natural oasis in an increasingly industrial landscape. This provides sanctuary for countless... Read more

  • Angela Jane Fletcher

    I am local to the area and am concerned about an eyesore building dominating the landscape and the negative effect on wildlife. It will affect many species and the effect on wildlife will be... Read more

  • Calum F Kerr

    I am a resident living within two miles of the site and a member of Friends of Crossness Nature Reserve, these comments are my own. I experience the reserve very regularly and it is valued for my... Read more

  • Carole Tolliss

    I am against Cory building their CCS facility on Crossness Nature Reserve. Their planning documents show alternative sites and I think one of these is more appropriate. We keep being told by... Read more

  • Caroline Gregory

    This development threatens waterways where Water Voles (Britain’s fastest declining mammal) live and where one of Britain’s rarest bees, the Shrill Carder Bee, is doing well, it is also where passage... Read more

  • Christopher Adrian Rose

    CORY CARBON CAPTURE SCHEME OBJECTION Chris Rose (redacted) I object to Cory’s ‘de-carbonisation’ scheme as currently proposed. In my opinion, Cory’s claim that it will enlarge the nature reserve is... Read more

  • Claire Badgery

    I strongly oppose 10% of a nature reserve and some of London's remaining wetlands being developed for a CCS project. The destruction of unique habitats, irreversible damage to wildlife and... Read more

  • Clare Margaret Cronin

    This project will have an impact on the quantity and diversity of wildlife in the Crossness nature reserve. Any further development will inevitably cause noise, disturbance and intrusion on nature. It... Read more

  • David Gardener

    I have recently moved to the area although I was fully aware of the North Kent and Erith marshlands as a graduate in ecology. It's a travesty that potential development is putting an already... Read more

  • David Larkin

    I wish to object to this planning application. Narrow-minded thinking is on display here in Cory’s attempt to destroy 11.7% of an established nature reserve which as well as offering recreational and... Read more