Cory Decarbonisation Project

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Showing 176 to 200 of 205 representations, newest first.

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  • Diane Molloy

    My heart sinks when I hear yet another nature reserve will be downsized for eternity. I grew up in Bexleyheath. Crossness is a haven in the concrete sprawl that engulfs the area now. Hundreds of... Read more

  • Dorothy Stein

    I raise a number of concerns with the CCS technology, and question assumptions that are made in the ES 6.1 Chapter 13. It should be noted that in 2018 there was widespread opposition from the GLA,... Read more

  • Edmond Rube

    The proposed plant amounts to the destruction of essential habitat

  • Elizabeth Cocker

    I object to this project because it will destroy a large chunk of a beautiful nature reserve that is much needed in a very suburban area. There are many at risk birds, mammals, plants and insects here... Read more

  • George Edgar

    I want to express my opposition to the project. The Crossness Nature Reserve is a rich and important area for nature and wildlife and the project would remove more than 10% of it and inflict damage... Read more

  • Gillian Sheffield

    I regularly use Crossness. I work in Woolwich and Crossness allows me to connect and see anray of wildlife/ nature, there is nothing else like this in the local area. It provides me vital wellbeing... Read more

  • Gordon Edwards

    I wish to support an objection to this project on the following grounds: The proposal will result in: ? Significant loss of incredibly valuable nature reserve land ? Irreversible damage to habitats... Read more

  • Helen Jewett

    There is not a lot of land left for horses and other animals such as voles. Most of it has been built on for industrial estates. We need to protect whatever land is left and an incinerator is not in... Read more

  • Iain James McCallum

    Although now living in Scotland I have long been a regular visitor to Crossness Nature Reserve as a surveyor for the National Plant Monitoring Scheme. I support the aims of the project but believe... Read more

  • Jane Banks

    Much of this land was designated as a nature reserve 30 years ago to mitigate against damage caused by Thames Water. It is completely nonsensical to destroy the local environment and a nature reserve... Read more

  • Keith Ridler

    I am against Cory building their CCS facility on Crossness Nature Reserve because it is critical habitat for nature including endangered species such as Water Vole. Cory have shown in their planning... Read more

  • Kelley Tolliss

    Although I am not local, I have family who live in Bexley and I have visited Crossness Nature Reserve. It is a beautiful, well managed place for people and wildlife and I know my sister (who does live... Read more

  • Laura Bower

    This project will be devastating for wildlife and people in the local area. The site proposed is a site of huge importance for legally protected species such as barn owl and water voles. As a section... Read more

  • Laura Johnston

    Object to planning application by Cory to acquire land designated as a Nature Reserve at Crossness, Thamesmead east and Belvedere.

  • Lisa Ridler

    I am commenting on Cory's proposed application to build a CCS facility on part of Crossness Nature Reserve (CNR) as a local resident. I am a member of the Friends group, and often visit the reserve to... Read more

  • Liz Mccormack

    CCS is too expensive for the small amount of carbon removed. The money would be better spent on research. I’m concerned that more carbon will be released from building on the land than can be... Read more

  • Louise Davey

    Crossness Nature Reserve is one of the last remaining area of grazed marshland within the Greater London area and as a Metropolitan Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (MSINC) it holds... Read more

  • Lynne Barry

    I want to object to the proposed development by Cory on Crossness Nature Reserve. The Erith marshes have a wealth of wildlife including the rare shrill carder bee. This is one of the last examples of... Read more

  • Malcolm Gerrard Russell Fletcher

    The East Paddock, Stable Paddocks, West Paddock, and Sea Wall Field will all have huge industrial infrastructure on them if Cory are granted planning permission for their Decarbonisation Plant. In... Read more

  • Michael Coleman

    The proposed development will have a disproportionately negative impact on the adjacent Crossness Nature Reserve. The proposed mitigations are inadequate and unguaranteed, so will not reduce the harm... Read more

  • Miren Edurne Urien-Esteban

    This is destroying wildlife for little benefit. There is no way Cory can make up for the land that they will build. We will lose a lot of wildlife that the public use and enjoy for spotting . The... Read more

  • Paul Hunt

    I strongly object to this proposal to despoil our world.

  • Peter Martin Rees

    This project will have an adverse impact on the quantity and diversity of wildlife in the Crossness nature reserve and the surrounding area. Sites with this variety of habitat are becoming... Read more

  • Ryan May

    i am against the planning due to the permanent impact that will follow to the wildlife, the area and the view surrounding. why pick a nature reserve and not a commercial land that has no wildlife

  • Sarah Beacock

    The land that is proposed to be built on is part of a thriving nature reserve that offers an invaluable habitat to many rare and threatened species of birds, bees and other insects. The site should... Read more