
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 425 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Rodge Brownlow

    Coming across our land and will make a mess

  • Britannia Duffy

    Our beautiful country side would be ruined! Destroying a beautiful part of Lincolnshire. Down south must be too posh to have them there. The damage the would do to so many lively hoods. Who wants to... Read more

  • Burton by Lincoln Parish Council (Burton by Lincoln Parish Council)

    Applications for PV Arrays, Electricity Generating Substations and Associated Infrastructure to support the NSIP development located in the District of West Lindsey in the County of Lincolnshire... Read more

  • David Myers

    I am concerned about local protest groups who oppose the solar farm due to unfounded opinions and NIMBYism. Their opposition is focuses upon food security (in an energy crisis), biodiversity (solar... Read more

  • David Turnock

    1. All FOUR applications that effect 10,000 acres should be viewed together. 2. Food production is vitally important to the countries self sufficiency particularly in this time of conflicts and... Read more

  • Janet Lansdown

    I object to the use of valuable arable land in a rural area being turned into an industrial landscape. Also, as there are four such sites in this part of Lincolnshire seeking planning consent and... Read more

  • Kathryn Ann Rainey

    I am deeply concerned about the loss of our productive farmland . The detrimental effect to our considerable wildlife and the visual effects.

  • Monica Mary Farley

    I object most strongly to have effectively a 10,000 acre industrial park on my immediate doorstep. The destruction of this massive area of agricultural land at a time when as Nation we are already... Read more

  • Heather Frier

    To put this concept into some sort of relatable context, the four projects being proposed for this tiny area of Lincolnshire each have a projected output of 600/700 mgW giving a total output around... Read more

  • Ian Birch

    The solar farms are on a large scale and will take too much farmed land away. The loss of views and impact visually is unacceptable. The increase in construction traffic will be detrimental to the... Read more

  • Mrs Dorothy Wain

    the proposed site is far to big and more consideration should be given to put these on all new builds, and not on farm land, we need this to feed ourselves.

  • Nicola BEAN

    I am registering my objection to excellent food producing land being used for a solar development.

  • Roger Holden

    1/ Loss of agricultural land 2/ Impact on countryside views, loss of rights of way 3/ Subsequent housing developments on what becomes brownfield land 4/ Excessive concentration of projects (others... Read more

  • Russell Winter

    I am not a NIMBY

  • David Lee on behalf of The Lee family (The Lee family)

    The main issue is the scale of the proposed solar array. There are two main reasons. The first is the vast amount of productive arable land it will put out of commission. Food self-sufficiency is as... Read more

  • Victoria Elwess

    Interested party

  • Andrew Gibson

    The use of best and most versatile agricultural land for PV solar plant is misguided sat best and downright foolish at worst. Food security has been shown to be an issue over the last two years, and... Read more

  • Bronwen Tall

    Basically a blot on the landscape and the feeling that this whole project is already in the bag whether residents like it or not! Disastrous. There is no doubt that as human beings we are merely... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    Cadent Infrastructure is within or in close proximity to the development Cadent has identified apparatus within the redline boundary or within the vicinity of the proposed works: Please note that... Read more

  • Colin Norman Miller

    The Solar project will use highly productive arable land. The project will create an industrial landscape visible for miles around in an area where planning would not be granted for for residential or... Read more

  • David Ernest Broadbent

    I am totally against the use of productive farmland for any purpose whatsoever other than the production of food. We already fail to produce sufficient food for the needs of our population. Surely the... Read more

  • David Lunt

    This project is one of several that are being proposed within the region. These collectively will occupy a very significant area and will therefore impact the residents in terms of well-being by... Read more

  • Fillingham Parish Meeting (Fillingham Parish Meeting)

    1. Fillingham Parish Meeting (FPM) is against the proposed Cottam Solar Project large-scale development, because of its limited contribution to decarbonisation and the adverse consequences arising... Read more

  • Geoffrey Richard Hobson

    Our soldiers fought in the second world war to protect our green and pleasant land. It is now under an even greater threat from this industrial vandalism. The environment will be ruined in the so... Read more

  • Helen Goring

    This project has had very little consultation. I made a conscious decision to live in the countryside for my own health and well being. Becoming surrounded by an industrial solar farm will undoubtedly... Read more