
Cottam Solar Project

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  • Peri Hepburn

    Concern regarding size and scale of the Cottam Solar project .Ineffective scheme.Ill thought out use of this resource.inappropriate use of agricultural land and .generation of solar power in sunny... Read more

  • Philip Harpham

    I’m all in favour of this proposal, the more we can do to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels the better!

  • Raymond Stansfield

    The Cottam project has been presented in an isolated way that tries to disguise the cumulative effect that it will have along with the 3 other adjacent solar farms in the environment. These 4 projects... Read more

  • Rebecca Arden

    The Cottam Solar Project will impact on my home, and family life daily. 1. The fields proposed will be sited right next to the house, and will be in constant sight from all windows at the front and... Read more

  • Robert Cort

    I object to the proposed Cottam Solar Project for the following reasons:- Whilst I agree that solar power is a source of energy that needs to be considered, the solar farms should be built on... Read more

  • Shaun Darren Kimberley

    I am an landowner affected by the Cottam Solar projects (all of the various ones involving connections to Cottam power station). I wish to strongly object to these proposals as the parties involved... Read more

  • Simon Jeremy Parker

    I am very concerned that we are giving up thousand of acres of good quality farm land to inefficient power generation. The impact on the local scenery will devastating as well as on wildlife. The... Read more

  • Simon NS Stiles

    1) the most important issue is that you are only being asked to assess 25% of the proposal. Cottom is only one of four different neighbouring schemes. In order to give proper consideration it is... Read more

  • Steven Rose

    I'm a farmer with a Farm next to the proposed solar farm. The land next to me contains good versatile agricultural land some of which is grade 2. The amount food producing land is frightening. In this... Read more

  • Susan Jacklin

    The overall Solar proposals are too vast for the area. We are continuing to import food rather than ensuring that we are self sufficient and the proposed area will result in a loss of agricultural... Read more

  • Vicki Kirman

    This application is just too huge. It will have a massively detrimental effect on the lives of so many, on wildlife and food proctor. Total madness

  • Winterquay Limited (Winterquay Limited)

    Land owned by Winterquay borders Cottam 3A, Cottam 3B and Cottam 1. In my opinion, these areas are not suitable for large scale, long term solar development. The disruption to the daily life and work... Read more

  • Adrian Cooper

    With the gas price and electricity price so high. This is a great project and it’s going to help the environment, and help stop global warming.

  • Catherine Payne

    I oppose the Cottam Solar project on the following grounds. Cumulative effect of not 1 but 4 Solar NSIPs (10,000 acres) in West Lindsey with only a few miles between solar array stations. This would... Read more

  • Christine Freestone

    Spoil our countryside

  • Dave Cant

    The proposed project would be extremely detrimental to the Lincolnshire countryside views for not only residents but also visitors and tourists too. The aesthetic value of open green fields is greatly... Read more

  • David Michael Sylvester

    I agree in principle to having Solar Panels in the UK but not at the expense of using good Arable & Grazing farm land. There is plenty of suitable land available in the UK that cannot be used for... Read more

  • Elizabeth Allan

    Graded Farm Land being use for solar panels instead of food production. Solar panels are not viable averages are about 9% on a sunny day

  • Jack Skelton

    I strongly object to the Cottam solar project. Farmland is for feeding the nation not for the latest energy fad, which seems to be ground mounted solar panels. These land hungry schemes have no place... Read more

  • James Allan

    There are many aspects to my concerns over this and other proposed solar projects. The scale of the projects and others proposed is. This project on its own would be the largest of its kind in the UK... Read more

  • Jon Payne

    Using 3000 acres of food producing farmland on which to mount solar panels and calling it energy infrastructure is nonsensical and will not solve the energy crisis but could easily exacerbate a food... Read more

  • Michelle Cassidy

    I would like to inform you of the impact this project will have on the locals and the local economy. The land which has been targeted for Solar installation is land that is currently the recreation... Read more

  • Nicola Marie Prestwich

    I’m extremely concerned and upset about the solar planning in our area. We purchased the house in 2021 and one of the main reasons for buying this property was because of the beautiful views. I’m very... Read more

  • Richard Green

    the company Green island solar have failed to address any concern about the location of the panels with regards to the property i live in such as the visual impact. the flood risks involved and... Read more

  • Robert Hardy

    My main issues are :- These projects are a waste of good land. If the farmers and owners don't want the land it should be used for young people to start new farming ventures. Once the land is used for... Read more