
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 225 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Philip Taylor

    I have objections to the proposed development for the following reasons. This is one of 4 applications either due to be made or already at the planning approvals phase. All four proposals need to be... Read more

  • Samantha Curtis

    This project is a threat to rural communities in Lincolnshire, to the rich wildlife and biodiversity of the area but most importantly, to the food security of the British people. Lincolnshire is... Read more

  • Sophie Dhokia

    Why are we selling our land to the Americans and the Chinese for something that doesn't work. They are laughing at us. Taking our money and leaving us with total crap. WHO have looked in the impact of... Read more

  • Alan Morton

    Dear Sirs, My comment is an objection to the proposed project on the basis that it will destroy an historic vista which should be preserved by order, and which will contain landmark and property... Read more

  • Anna Leckey

    This proposed project is one of four known solar developments that are approaching the planning phase for this area. I live right next to one of these proposals that considered collectively, the sheer... Read more

  • Gillian Sarah Procter

    I urge the Inspector to reject the application for the Cottam Solar Project. Solar power is only ever going to be an adjunct form of energy generation in England. Destruction of thousands of acres of... Read more

  • John Arnold Hallam

    The proposed project is 1 of 4 large solar and electrical storage facilities proposed in this area with a combined area of 10,000 acres. This project and the others will have devastating visual impact... Read more

  • John Malcolm Hannis

    The Cottam solar project is totally out of scale with the local environment and will eliminate a large area of prime productive agricultural land. The local roads are narrow and likely to be unable to... Read more

  • Lindsey Haller

    I feel very strongly that our fields should be left for the production of food,

  • Lorraine Broadbent

    The Cottam proposal is one of four sites in this area and I think they are really one big site that should be assessed together. I believe all the power cables connect in to each other which prove... Read more

  • Penelope Sedgwick

    It is unacceptable to use large tracts of productive farmland for solar farms, especially when there could be more suitable sites such as factory and supermarket roofs for instance. Also, with climate... Read more

  • Peter Sedgwick

    The use of valuable arable land to site solar farms would be totally irresponsible and a gross misuse of our nations much needed natural resources. The narrow country lanes are inadequate to cope with... Read more

  • Springthorpe Parish Meeting (Springthorpe Parish Meeting)

    Springthorpe Parish Meeting wishes the Inspector to reject the Application for Cottam Solar Project We are concerned that the local infrastructure (our country lanes and narrow windy village... Read more

  • becky allen

    10,000 acres of agricultural land being used seems completely ridiculous. Surely things can be done in a different way? Offshore perhaps?

  • Pam Duncan on behalf of Bruce and Pam Duncan (Bruce and Pam Duncan)

    We object to the Cottam 1 proposals because: - unnecessary use of good agricultural land when there are alternative sites for solar panels - proximity to homes and impact on residents - unnecessarily... Read more

  • Denise Gatliffe

    It is my belief that the Cottam 1 project is not just 1 project but in fact is 4, Nationally significant Infrasture projects within a few miles of each other. Totalling 10,000 acres. Do you think... Read more

  • Dunkinson Keith

    I am concerned about potential impact upon arable land, the visual impact and create widespread environmental changes against the local views.

  • Miss Amy Hardy

    When I first heard about this project, I thought 'What a great idea, solar panels are a fantastic way to generate power without having to burn fossil fuels'. Then, several months later, I realised... Read more

  • Piper coghill

    I am extremely concerned about the size of this project the impact it will have on farmland, wildlife and the surrounding beauty

  • Shelley Rapley

    The Cottam proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and... Read more

  • Sir Edward Leigh MP

    Speaking as the Member of Parliament for the area, this project is an inappropriate development which is broadly opposed by people who live or work in the area. It takes good land out of agricultural... Read more

  • Terence David Organ

    My concern is Food Security. Taking thousands of hectares out of food production is unwise. We understand that 500.000 immigrants entered the UK last year, there is an unabated global increase in the... Read more

  • Andrew Ayres

    There are four solar parks planned for this area, which are being treated as seperate proposals, this make the overall impact less visible and appears more acceptable, these should be assessed as a... Read more

  • Christine Johnson

    I support the proposed development as it contributes towards a lower carbon future

  • Diane Ayres

    I’m concerned that this proposal is on farmland and the detrimental effect this will have on our precious wildlife. There must be brownfield sites that could be used for solar panels instead of... Read more