
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 525 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc (Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc)

    The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Plc (‘Northern Powergrid’) as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Byers Gill Solar DCO... Read more

  • Adam Wraith

    I am against the solar farm because I am aware of the need to retain farm land for the production of fod for now and furture generations and feel this is an unessecary loss of acres of agricultural... Read more

  • Anthony Middleton

    I strongly oppose the Solar Farm proposed by RWE, specifically at Byers Gill. Despite my support for green energy and the necessity to transition away from fossil fuels, I feel this is not a suitabel... Read more

  • Beatrice Twentyman

    I object in the strongest possible terms to the development of the Byers Gill Solar farm. There is absolutely no justifiable reason for constructing solar farms on prime agricultural land, especially... Read more

  • Christine Margaret Wood

    PERSONAL Site will be in view from my house Loss of house value / reduced desirability of property Reduced enjoyment of surrounding countryside Adverse visual impact on my local area Potential health... Read more

  • Coleen Bramley

    This project will have devastating effect on the wildlife in the area, on the residents in the area generating huge amounts of traffic,pollution from HGVs and totally destroying the surrounding... Read more

  • Crystal Foster

    I believe that this application should be rejected. Solar farms should be on brownfield and industrial sites or on roof tops rather than on productive agricultural land. Furthermore it should not be... Read more

  • Dogwood Adventure Play (Dogwood Adventure Play)

    The proposed development poses several compelling concerns that warrant careful consideration: ? Increased Noise and Traffic:The influx of heavy machinery and construction traffic associated with the... Read more

  • Jack William Elliot

    The cumulative effect of all the local solar farms amounts to more than 1200 football pitches. I believe this is simply too large. There is no information on when the energy will go into the national... Read more

  • James William Elliot

    I object to the scale site and size of this solar farm We are a small community and will be surrounded by hillsides full of dark black panels Also there will be major disruption to lives of... Read more

  • Jane Elizabeth Swainston

    I am wholeheartedly opposed to Byers Gill Solar Power Station; I do not call it a farm because it is not a farm it is a power station. As someone who has always taken a keen interest in the... Read more

  • Kerry Coupland

    I strongly object to the application of the Byers Gill solar Farm industrial site surrounding Bishopton Village residential area, on the fact that this will cause health and safety issues for the... Read more

  • Lee Corrie

    I am strongly against the solar farm because I travel all over the UK for my job and have seen lots and know we do need them but in the right places there are some on the side of the motorway which I... Read more

  • Matt Bunnell

    I am concerned about the impact of this development on a rural area which already has a significant number of solar developments under construction or under approval (Gately Moor, Longpasture,... Read more

  • Meghan Louise Anderson

    I do not support or agree with the proposed development because of the following concerns: It will make exercising horses and dogs extremely dangerous during construction. There may well be issues... Read more

  • Miles Metcalfe

    I am concerned about the cumulative impact of solar development in the locality of Bishopton. There are a significant number of solar developments and wind turbines which have already been granted... Read more

  • Sandra Elliot

    I object to the scale of the proposed Solar Farm and the fact that Bishopton village will be virtually surrounded taking away the beautiful countryside that the residents enjoy.

  • Sean Anderson

    I am totally against this development as I have significant concerns about the following: Size and scale of the development in and around a small cluster of rural village communities. The disruption... Read more

  • Stewart Allinson

    I srongly disagree with Byers Gill Solar I am a taxi driver in the area and the roads are in a terrible condition and often cause damage to my vehicle which I need for my livelyhood. I have travelled... Read more

  • Susan Anderson

    I am totally against this proposed development because: It will have a detrimental effect on established wildlife. It will cause major upheaval in the villages during construction. It will damage the... Read more

  • Juliet Anne Massey on behalf of Tilley family (Tilley family)

    We have grave concerns about this project for a variety of reasons: 1) Impact on traffic levels in the village both during the lengthy construction process and beyond. There are a number of young... Read more

  • Valerie Ann Thorman

    I am mainly concerned about the size of this project . I have solar panels on my roof so not against solar energy per se. The proposed installation completely surrounds my village. I am unhappy that... Read more

  • Adam Thomas

    Solar panels far too close to the village school

  • Aimee Tunney

    Objection to the proposed due to the impact on the environment including destruction of wildlife habits, loss of agricultural land, potential future health implications, the close proximity to housing... Read more

  • Alan cairns

    I don’t support this proposed project at Byers gill because I’m worried about the impact this will have not just on the local community but also the local wildlife and farming businesses this will... Read more