
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 526 to 550 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Angeline hutchinson

    I object to this proposal because it will be developed on an industrial scale and will a huge negative impact on the countryside, and impact rights of way. It will also take up valuable land that... Read more

  • Barrie Bean

    This project is unnecessary and unwanted. Its implementation will lead to land degradation, habitat destruction and disruption to local wildlife. This visual intrusion is likely to affect nearby... Read more

  • Carol Wade

    Road safety concerns. There are already current local road safety issues with multiple road traffic accidents in the area, one of those being at this address. Increased volume of traffic and HGV's... Read more

  • christine taylor

    I object to this scheme due to its size and location. It will surround a small village and conservation area, and combined with the other neighbouring 8 schemes that are already approved or have... Read more

  • Christopher Firby

    Why I support the development of Byers Gill Solar As landowners involved in the Byers Gill Solar project, we obviously have a financial interest in the Solar Development being granted Development... Read more

  • Darlington Borough Council (Darlington Borough Council)

    Darlington Borough Council (DBC), together with Stockton Borough Council and Durham County Council, are host authority for the Byers Gill Solar Farm Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The... Read more

  • Linda Guest on behalf of Derek Brittain (Derek Brittain)

    I strongly OBJECT to Byers Gill Solar Farm: 1] The size of this Solar Farm will totally overwhelm this beautiful rural location. It will turn the area into an industrial landscape. 2] Local amenities... Read more

  • Dorathy Chapman

    My daughter and son in law reside in Great Stainton and I live a few miles from them. I wish to object at the plans to construct a huge solar farm known as the Byers Gill project. My objection is that... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    The Planning Inspectorate [via Planning Inspectorate website] Our ref: XA/2024/100084/01 Your ref: EN010139 Date: 17 May 2024 Dear Sir/Madam PRE-EXAMINATION - BYERS GILL SOLAR DEVELOPMENT. INTERESTED... Read more

  • Fisher German LLP on behalf of National Gas Transmission Limited (Fisher German LLP on behalf of National Gas Transmission Limited)

    Submitted via email to: Date: 17th May 2024 Relevant Representation of National Gas Transmission Limited in respect of the Byers Gill Solar DCO (the... Read more

  • Hannah Anderson

    I dont support this proposed development because I am concerned that the project is too close to local residents and the local schools. A lot of the local farmers will also impacted due to the fields... Read more

  • Jackie Bennett

    I object because: 1) this scheme is too large to be built so close to a village and conservation area, especially when combined with the 8 other local solar farm schemes. The Energy Secretary has... Read more

  • Jonathan Coupland

    I strongly object to the proposed industrialisation of Bishopton and surrounding areas by blighting the landscape with solar panels, battery storage, security fencing, roads and infrastructure. I... Read more

  • Keith Holder

    This proposal will have a massive impact on my family. I am appalled that this application has even got to this stage. The detrimental negative effect this will cause to my family and the surrounding... Read more

  • Leanne Carroll

    My main concern is for the free movement of wildlife, such as deer, who I fear will have to use imposed corridors rather than their existing routes. This could also bring them into direct contact with... Read more

  • Lucy Pilkington

    I object to this application. Firstly, the size and scale of the solar power plant will change the rural character of the village that I grew up in. Secondly, while I appreciate the need for energy... Read more

  • mike taylor

    I object to this scheme due to the scale and close proximity to the village of Bishopton and conservation area. The application does not consider the impact of the scheme when combined with all the... Read more

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (National Grid Electricity Transmission plc)

    Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the Byers Gill Solar DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Grid... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard (Addleshaw Goddard) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

    SECTION 56 PLANNING ACT 2008: RELEVANT REPRESENTATION OF NETWORK RAIL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED This is the section 56 representation of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) provided in... Read more

  • Paul Blyth

    I am registering my objection to the Byers Gill/RWE Solar Farm development as this will have a detrimental effect upon my business and the welfare of the animals in my care.

  • Paul Douglass Berriman

    I’m against this out of proportion destruction of acres of good arable land. Build these unsightly abominations on brownfield sites and on city roofs.

  • Phillip wall

    Objection to the proposed due to the impact on the environment including destruction of wildlife habits, loss of agricultural land, potential future health implications, the close proximity to housing... Read more

  • Rosie Hodgson

    This will ruin many acres of beautiful countryside, which many people enjoy daily. The upheaval to the local area will be huge, during the installation. There are many, many roofs in the nearby... Read more

  • Samuel Taylor

    I object to the Byers Gill scheme because of its location which is too close to a rural village and the scale of the scheme which, along with other local solar farms, will dominate the local area.... Read more

  • Sarah Blyth

    I am registering my objection to the Byers Gill/RWESolar Farm development as this will have a detrimental effect upon my business and also my home.