
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 151 to 175 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Phil Raw

    I strongly disagree with this project as it will destroy the natural environment & have a highly potential of the disrupt of the local ecosystem

  • Sam Hamilton

    *I strongly object* it ruins the beautiful landscape which is a haven for wildlife, bees, butterflies many on the endangered list. It would take prime agricultural land out of food production for over... Read more

  • Stacey Gregory

    the impact it will have on the area and wildlife will be devastating and to the roads with all the extra hgv vehicles

  • Stewart Hodgson

    I understand we need cleaner energy, my issue with solar is we get most power when we need it the least and on cold dark winter days get less power and need it more, so this then means we an... Read more

  • Tcj Construction Services (Tcj Construction Services)

    I strongly disagree with this proposal of planning application, as it will totally destroy the natural environment of the local community & have a impact of the local wildlife

  • Alison Elizabeth Wilson

    The size of this development will have a significant impact on the nearby small local communities including businesses such as farming, with impact on the natural beauty of the area and wildlife.... Read more

  • Christine E Briscoe

    Having been born in Bishopton almost 77 years ago & my family having lived here throughout, I returned to the village on retirement as it offered me health-sustaining, rural surroundings in which to... Read more

  • Dennis Palfreeman

    The above Byers Gill Solar Factory should not be allowed to proceed fir many reasons, being:- The visual effect of such an installation destroying the character of the area. The destruction of... Read more

  • Jonathan Ancell

    I am writing to object to the planning application for the massive solar panel development at Byers Gill amounting to 2600 acres of prime farmland being taken out of food production. It will have a... Read more

  • Margaret Bell

    I strongly object to this development, which surrounds the village of Great Stainton. [REDACTED] I visit twice a week. I have been doing so for at least 20 years. Tis development is far too large for... Read more

  • Patricia Salmon

    Bishopton is a small village and the plans for the development show that a lot of this village is going to be surrounded by panels and storage facilities. This will affect everyone that lives there.... Read more

  • Rachael Ann Stoddart

    I agree with solar energy but this project is too big. There is too much loss of arable land for the locality and too much impact on local communities.

  • Robert Neville Briscoe

    I live in Church View, Bishopton, sited within the Bishopton Village Conservation Area. Church View quickly merges into Mill Lane - part of a main thoroughfare through the village and, it would... Read more

  • Sally Robinson

    I strongly disagree with the Byers Gill Development as it is far too large to be placed so near to residential homes. It will change the character of what is now an agricultural area, which already... Read more

  • Shirley Ann Palfreeman

    The above Byers Gill Solar Factory should not be allowed to proceed fir many reasons, being:- The visual effect of such an installation destroying the character of the area. The destruction of... Read more

  • Simon James Palfreeman

    The above Byers Gill Solar Factory should not be allowed to proceed fir many reasons, being:- The visual effect of such an installation destroying the character of the area. The destruction of... Read more

  • Wendy Ancell

    Dear Sir I am writing to register my objection to the solar panel farm proposed at Byers Gill I feel it is wrong to take out 2600 acres of perfectly good farmland which could and should be used for... Read more

  • Andrew David Walters

    The environmental impact to farming land, the visual impact from the obtrusive solar panels, the environmental impact to wildlife in the vicinity, I'd rather have more wind turnines than solar.

  • Brenda Gray

    I would like to object due to the loss of agricultural land and the damage done to the landscape Solar panels could be fitted to roof tops

  • Claire Shields Porterfield

    Installation would be problematic with restricted access to the village The village will be surrounded on 3 sides by the solar farm dominating the landscape and changing the character of the... Read more

  • Douglas Macpherson

    We live in a rural area with good agricultural land although JBM would argue this is incorrect, which is being eroded by more and more solar farm applications surrounding us. Why can't the solar... Read more

  • Ellie McClaren

    Has a massive negative impact on the village and the school. Meaning children having to relocate

  • George Henry Hardy

    Opposed to the development because of change to the Landscape and endangering wildlife. Taking prime agricultural land out of production when we are already producing 40% less food than is required.

  • Jonathan Michael Palfreeman

    My comments are:- The above Byers Gill Solar Factory should not be allowed to proceed fir many reasons, being:- The visual effect of such an installation destroying the character of the area. The... Read more

  • Joyce Ross Mitchell

    I object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, as it will have a profoundly adverse effect on the daily lives of numerous local residents in the surrounding villages of Bishopton, Carlton,... Read more