
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 176 to 200 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Louise Burtt

    Unacceptable size

  • Olly Mcclaren

    I strongly object to this proposal, the solar farm Byers Gill. We visit friends in Bishopton and this will be the eighth solar project in a relatively small area. It will adversely affect the wildlife... Read more

  • Rowena Burridge

    I write to express my extreme disgust to the proposed Byers Gill Solar farm project. I realise that we need to find solutions to our energy problems and that they need to be renewable but these... Read more

  • Sarah White

    I visit family in Bishopton and this will be the eighth solar project in a relatively small area. It will adversely effect the wildlife many who are in decline and will spoil the landscape of which is... Read more

  • Bishopton Village Hall Association (Bishopton Village Hall Association)

    As a member of Bishopton Village Hall Committee I wish to object to this proposed Solar Farm on the following grounds- Our village hall has been a nucleus for the whole area and since it was opened in... Read more

  • Christopher Strom

    I don’t believe in it because I believe it will ruin our landscape and be an eyesore for the public And attract fly tipping and take away our wildlife And I can’t see why they don’t put solar panels... Read more

  • David Coates

    As a keen environmentalist and lover of the great outdoors I strongly object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on the following grounds: Solar Panels There appears to be little joined up... Read more

  • Garron Denham

    The way in which this development has come about has been underhand and run by people who have no appreciation for a rural area and rural life. This country divides into Industrial, Urban and Rural... Read more

  • Graeme William Bowes

    I have great concerns about productive farmland being taken out of use to provide solar farms. Farmers should be producing food to reduce the country's dependence on imported food, especially from... Read more

  • Joanne Highfield

    Solar panel not wanted

  • Penelope Anne Le Besque

    I object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, as it will have a profoundly adverse effect on the daily lives of numerous local residents in the surrounding villages of Bishopton, Carlton,... Read more

  • Melanie Watson

    I’m against this. There is way too many!! Even half is to much.

  • Nicola Harbisher

    I feel this will have a detrimental effect on local wildlife and will negatively impact the local area. We already have numerous wind turbines and I feel it’s unnecessary to have this development... Read more

  • James Daniel

    I object to this development as Solar farms of this size are taking over prime farm land which is against government policy. Its visual impact is disturbing. It will cause a downturn to local wild... Read more

  • Jane Smith

    I strongly object as there will be far too many solar farms in this area and the cumulative effect will totally devastate the area itself. Also How can we afford, as a nation to lose up to 2000 acres... Read more

  • John Shepherd

    Appalled by the size and siting of the proposed site. It will irreparably damage the outlook and quality of life for those who live in and visit the village. The notion of effectively surrounding a... Read more

  • Miss Catherine E Taylor

    I object to the plans for the solar farm. I will effects me personally as it is proposed to be on the land I enjoy in my neighbourhood, the building of the facility will effect me in my home (extra... Read more

  • Jane Philpott

    Ruin view of local landscape There is wildlife that needs to be preserved Limits the ability to farm and breed animals for Uk food market

  • Janet Wallace

    The scale of the solar farm is out of proportion to the small villages it surrounds. Houses will be subject to the negative visual impact which will effects house values and people quality of life... Read more

  • Raymond Wallace

    Overdevelopment of solar farms in the area. We have taken our fair share. They are becoming too intrusive in our area. The number of solar farms in Stockton and Darlington needs to be considered as a... Read more

  • Gabriel Twentyman

    I vehemently oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development. While I fully recognize the significance of renewable energy and have been an advocate for the transition to renewables, I believe this... Read more

  • Michael Nobbs

    I object in the strongest possible way to the development of Byers Gill Solar. This planning application is for 6 sites approaching 2000 acres, is in addition to eight Solar power generation schemes... Read more

  • Durham County Council (Durham County Council)

    Comments will be sent via email

  • Mark Vaughan

    I appreciate that the need for green renewable energy is now greater than ever but it should never come at the cost of destruction of the environment. At a time when the natural world is under... Read more

  • Sharne Seed

    My objection to the Byers Gill Solar Industrial site proposal is rooted in several compelling reasons, supported by factual evidence and the sentiments of numerous residents, friends, family, and the... Read more