
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 275 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Steven John Elphick

    I would like to object to the project on the grounds that it will industrialise a rural landscape with the solar panels alone, spread over an area of 20.5 square miles or nearly 52 square kilometers.... Read more

  • William Andrew Sims

    Extent of solar farm would have an overwhelming negative impact on: - productivity of arable land in the area; - wildlife habitat (mammals, birds, amphibians, plants) - farming community - property... Read more

  • Brian Smith

    The size of the project appears to be excessive in relation to the benefits the area will enjoy, namely its closeness to the surrounding villages. Will this solar farm generate jobs or just profit for... Read more

  • Mrs Sally A Beckitt

    Stables Cottage is a self catering holiday cottage, and if the solar farm goes ahead it will put off people visiting the area. People who holiday here do so to be in the countryside. The construction... Read more

  • Ronald Bretherton

    Booms plan to encircle all the villages was WRONG.All the villages without expetion that the area is now peaceful for all local wildlife which covers animals fish, birds all to be seen regularly. Many... Read more

  • Wendy Lorraine Fowler

    I am registering to lodge my objections to the proposed project. I firmly believe that solar farms should be constructed on brownfield or other suitable "non-value" sites, and not on premium farmland... Read more

  • Allison Jayne Leverton

    I have several concern's 1, 40 years isn't short term , it will ruin the landscape , we live here because we love the countryside . 2 , Displacement of wildlife . Boom representatives have told us... Read more

  • Andrea Bambridge

    The planning application will take a large amount of productive agricultural land out of production. This means a reduction in domestic agricultural output therefore more agricultural goods will have... Read more

  • Anna Hope Leverton

    I disagree with this application for the solar panels for the following reasons. 1 It will completing destroy the look of the area and turn it into a industrial site. 2 The project is far to large for... Read more

  • Christopher Allan Jackson

    To register my concern as a resident of [REDACTED] to the proposed huge solar farm eclipsing the village and surrounding area. The scale and location of the panels will surround and boarder our... Read more

  • Christopher Andrew Pedder

    This project would ruin the landscape, be a total eyesore and stop the land from being used for agriculture.

  • David Blee

    With the current and world situations, the UK should not be removing prime agricultural land from our food production chain. Britain should be increasing its food production capacity. Whilst we need... Read more

  • Dr Michael L Nieto

    My observations include three areas of concern. 1. Local impact on rural communities. The scale of the proposal, in common with the recently rejected similar proposal for Lincolnshire, would adversely... Read more

  • Emma Wood

    I strongly object to the east yorkshire solar 'farm' as it is just too large for a rural agricultural area. I will be surrounded by indurstrialised land, and have to drive through security fencing and... Read more

  • EYSF-GDPR002

    The East Yorkshire Solar Farm, a 3500 acre solar farm on the farm land around the villages of Spaldington, Gribthorpe, Willitoft, Wressle and the town of Howden will surround our homes, village and... Read more

  • EYSF-GDPR003

    I don't want the solar farm to happen because its my future that its going to effect. It will take away the views and green spaces that I know and love, away from me. It is also taking away land that... Read more

  • Foggathorpe Parish Council (Foggathorpe Parish Council)

    the size of the project devasting the local community and area turning it into a massive industrial site using valuable agricultural land for some 40 yearsthat will never recovery.The residents will... Read more

  • Gail Donna Jackson

    I wish to object to the proposed solar farm surrounding Spaldington and our family home. The size and scale of the solar farm will impact our quality of life considerably due to panels bordering our... Read more

  • Grace Foster

    Boom Power are submitting plans to the Planning Inspectorate for the East Yorkshire Solar Farm, a 3500 acre solar farm on the farm land around the villages of Spaldington, Gribthorpe, Willitoft,... Read more

  • Hannah Slowen

    Main issues - Impact to wildlife Endless crime Lifetime views ruined

  • James Fielder

    Main issues - Impact to wildlife Endless crime Lifetime views ruined

  • Julie Alice Brown

    the whole area will be destroyed because of the sheer size industrialiation and enornamity of it, devasting villages and the lives of the residents particularly those living in Gribthorpe and... Read more

  • Julie Porter

    The project will severely impact on the local amenities in the area. The quality of life for myself and other local people will be drastically reduced. I do not believe the highways in our area are... Read more

  • Michael Watson

    I don’t think this should go ahead as the area around here is all a nature area with real industrial area around here and I think it will spoil the area no end. Regards Mike

  • Nigel Donaldson

    The area is rural & quiet with single track roads. It has an abundance of wildlife which I see when walking each morning from barn owls & buzzards to deer. The area is flat giving good views across... Read more