
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 276 to 300 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Nigel Porter

    I believe the area proposed for this project is unsuitable. The roads struggle to accommodate current traffic usage. The land is productive agricultural land and should not be industrialised.

  • Philip Bambridge

    The planning application will take a large amount of productive agricultural land out of production. This means a reduction in domestic agricultural output therefore more agricultural goods will have... Read more

  • Russell Heritage

    The proposed Solar farm will impact significantly on the local area. The conversion of farm land to vast areas of solar panels will envelope villages and convert a rural community to a wilderness of... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Anita Kenny

    Although we do not live directly in the area we have quite regularly visited and walked our dogs down the lane. Our concern is how close the development would be to the lane. We often see riders down... Read more

  • Christopher James Anthony Ross

    Concerns about: 1. the adequacy of the alternatives considered. 2. The scale of the project. 3. The suitability of the location. 4. The likely adverse environmental impact. 5. The likely adverse... Read more

  • Frances Mary Ward

    Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing us locally and globally. Increasing the amount of solar power is a key step in reducing dependence on fossil fuels. I am therefore broadly in favour... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Response to: Notice of acceptance of an application for a Development Consent Order, East Yorkshire Solar Farm (Reference No. EN010143) ON BEHALF OF THE HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND MONUMENTS COMMISSION FOR... Read more

  • Julia Newsum

    Having attended Boom Power's non-statutory public consultation last year, I remain very concerned at the scale of the proposed site and proximity to residential communities, as well as the loss of... Read more

  • Laurence Anthony Winston

    Climate change is the biggest issue facing us. I am broadly in favour of the project. The environmental mitigations are very important, however, and I am concerned that the project developers should... Read more

  • Mrs L Whitaker

    [REDACTED] are in situ in the field off Brind Lane in the headland where solar panels are to be placed. Skylarks are nesting on the ground o this site. Bats nest in this area. All wildlife will be... Read more

  • Paul Nigel Fowler

    A Solar Farm, whatever the size, should utilise a brownfield site, and not the proposed greenfield site. The short, medium & long-term impact on the various local communities and villages, such as... Read more

  • Ann Marie Jackson

    I am horrified at the size and scale of the East Yorkshire Solar Panel Farm, part of which will be situated around the village of Spaldington and close to the residential property where I live. I... Read more

  • David Alan Jackson

    I am very concerned the Boom Power Master Plan appears to have been drawn solely for the benefit of the Solar Farm Project, with little regard for the wellbeing of the hamlets and villages which will... Read more

  • Elizabeth Jane Shutt

    This has been agricultural area since the Domesday Book and this project will be taking land which has been used for food production out of use. The project is going to seriously affect the roads... Read more

  • Jennifer Ward

    I am deeply concerned about the impact of this solar farm absorbing such a large area of productive farmland and the detrimental impact this will have on villages within the area. I agree solar energy... Read more

  • Jon Barnes

    This is a rural area, the impact of this project will affect the wildlife, the tranquility, the levels of traffic, noise pollution. The effectiveness of solar in this country/ region is very... Read more

  • Michael Field

    Having looked at some of the submissions and transcripts from previous NSIP solar farm examinations, it is clear that the Examining Authorities go to extraordinary lengths in reviewing the... Read more

  • Michael Gorman

    I am an advocate of renewable energy, including solar; wind; geothermal; hydro; ocean and bio. I also have a background that includes work in association with Nation Power and British Nuclear Fuels... Read more

  • Ms Sandy Beckitt

    I have sold my home on the [REDACTED] and the completion date is [REDACTED] I decided to move here part time to be closer to my family and my mother who was in a care home in [REDACTED] I loved this... Read more

  • Dean Murphy

    Proximity to dwellings is a major concern, particularaly the entrance to Spaldington Village. We require more detailed information on all aspects of the installation process, from start to finish... Read more

  • Terence Bullass

    I have lived in [REDACTED] nearly 5 years and moved here because of my health and being nearer family. in fact I walk around the area every day for health reasons and i dont want to be put in more... Read more

  • Caroline Mary Brook

    I live in [REDACTED] with my husband in a property at the end of the village which fronts onto [REDACTED] and is next to a public right of way and farmland. We moved to Spaldington to enjoy a quiet... Read more

  • David Allan Bancroft

    OBJECTION TO PLANNING APPLICATION Ref: EN010143 East Yorkshire Solar Farm Limited. Generating Stations The Scheme will comprise the construction, operation (including maintenance) and decommissioning... Read more

  • Helen Tiplady

    I wish to object to the proposed solar farm development, the sheer size and scale of this proposal will most definitely have a detrimental impact on the whole area and communities surrounding the... Read more