
Bramford to Twinstead

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 138 representations, newest first.

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  • Foot Anstey LLP (Foot Anstey LLP) on behalf of Pivoted Power LLP (Pivoted Power LLP)

    1. Pivoted Power LLP (“Pivoted Power”) has an interest in part of the Order Land by way of a Lease dated 16 June 2023. It is also a statutory undertaker as it has an electricity generation licence. 2.... Read more

  • Strutt and Parker (Strutt and Parker)

    I am writing on behalf the Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance who own land across the county and have been affected to date by surveys taken in regards to this project.

  • William Longdon

    The noise of the construction and the duration will be highly distributive to our living. We have livestock and equines on our property which will be negatively affected. We have attended village... Read more


    Dear Sir/ Madam, Ref: Bramford to Twinstead – Registration Submission for CARE Suffolk CIC I am writing to you on behalf of CARE Suffolk CIC. We are a community group of residents in parishes around... Read more

  • Alan Hall

    As an affected landowner, I object to the proposed design of a new bellmouth entrance for the existing farm track adjacent to my property at Rose Cottage, Burstall, IP8 3DX. My grounds for objection... Read more

  • Andrew Bryce

    Lack of suitable consultation since the revival of the project. Lack of proper engagement with the landowners No proper consideration of undergrounding in areas where there will be a concentration of... Read more

  • Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

    Anglian Water is the statutory water and sewerage undertaker within the project's order limits. Anglian Water has engaged with National Grid (the Applicant) to discuss the interfaces between the... Read more

  • Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils (Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils)

    Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils are host authorities and relevant planning authorities for this project. The Councils will set out our comments on the main issues and impact in relevant... Read more

  • Belinda Nott

    Representation in respect of the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement Project Submitted by Belinda Nott Dear Inspector, I am the daughter of Mr. G V S Nott whose farm National Grid (NG) are proposing a... Read more

  • Bramford Parish Council (Bramford Parish Council)

    Bramford Parish Council have concerns regarding cumulative impact of his expansion, accompanied with other projects in the area. The impact on wildlife and the rural landscape will be significant.... Read more

  • Bruce Hill

    I wish to comment on the haul road approximately from Catley Cross to Pebmarsh and the unsustainability of the route.

  • Bures Hamlet Parish Council (Bures Hamlet Parish Council)

    As a crossborder village Bures is represented by two parish councils Bures Hamlet and Bures St Mary. Bures Hamlet Parish Council has agreed to support the comments of Bures St Mary Parish Council... Read more

  • C E Gardiner and Sons (C E Gardiner and Sons)

    As a contractor of land we expect fair compensation will be paid as a result of this scheme but, from a practical point of view, we ask the Inspector to look at the other options National Grid have... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Bramford to Twinstead Development Consent Order (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with a statutory responsibility... Read more

  • Caroline wolton

    I have concerns regarding cumulative impact of his expansion, accompanied with other projects in the area. The impact on wildlife and the rural landscape will be significant. Residents with properties... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Please find enclosed our relevant representation for the Bramford to Twinstead NSIP. The Role of the Environment Agency The Environment Agency is a statutory consultee on all applications for... Read more

  • Essex County Council (Essex County Council)

    Please see comments attached

  • Gestingthorpe Parish Council (Gestingthorpe Parish Council)

    Whilst the Parish Council fully support the need to facilitate the transmission of green energy within East Anglia we do have concerns regarding the impact that the proposed methods will have upon the... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment... Read more

  • James Bostock

    Lack of suitable consultation Lack of engagement with land owners Consider undergrounding

  • Kim Anderson

    There is no need for this destructive project. We want an integrated offshore grid in the North Sea as it has been shown by National Grid ESO to save £2bn and to reduce overall infrastructure by 50%.... Read more

  • michael sharp

    I live right next to where the haul road will pass. I am concerned how it will affect me. The main issue will be dust caused by the haul road. My property will only be 25meters from the haul road.... Read more

  • Mr R S Donaldson

    The lack of consultation from National Grid, and the inexplicable choice of haul road routes through our village.

  • Mrs Janet Bond

    My concerns with this project focus on the proposed haul road from A131 towards Twinstead & why such an extensive road is required: > Existing roads cover much of the route. Why is greater use of... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Natural England has submitted it's full Relevant Representations letter by email [see attached]. The following is a summary of Natural England’s Advice: Internationally designated sites • We advise... Read more