
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1901 to 2000 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Thomas T. Gough

    Stonehenge and the surrounding area is probably the most important region of prehistoric monuments in the UK and perhaps in the world. It stands to reason that, in the region there remain, many as... Read more

  • Tim Mullett

    As an archaeology graduate, while I understand the desire and perhaps necessity to create an improved route for traffic on the A303 in the environs of Stonehenge, I am convinced that the current plans... Read more

  • Tina Johnston

    No to the road at Stonehenge world heritage site

  • Tom Owen

    The proposals do not adequately protect the landscape, the archeology, or the experience of a monument of national and global importance.

  • Tony Wingrove

    The destruction of neolithic sites. The destruction of ancient archilogical sites along the path of the proposed road. The closure of ancient rights of way.

  • Tracy Lee

    I am registering to become an Interested Party to take part in the Examination of the above application for development consent which has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. My reasons for... Read more

  • Trail Riders Fellowship (Trail Riders Fellowship)

    The Trail Riders Fellowship (“TRF”) responded to the consultation on 23 April 2018, and to the supplementary consultation on 13 August 2018. TRF objects to the application for the following... Read more

  • Trevad Griffin

    I firmly object to any major development around this important historical monument of world wide status and it would be a disaster to unearth land for roads any where near this site which has many... Read more

  • Trevor Grant

    As a regular user of this road, I am totally opposed to the tunnel. The cost would be an outrageous waste and could be much better spent on other needy projects in the area. The traffic chaos during... Read more

  • Valerie Wright

    I am very concerned about the proposed dual carriageway expressway past Stonehenge. This would potentially damage the World Heritage Site and the archaeological findings below Stone Henge. The... Read more

  • Vanessa Rigg

    I strongly OBJECT to this application. I agree with the Council for British Archaeology when they say : "... they will cause considerable damage to the surviving archaeological remains within the WHS... Read more

  • Vanita Eden

    I have always loved the Stonehenge site since my schooldays. It is at the core of my appreciation of heritage and that has value for me. I have visited a handful of times and been witness to the... Read more

  • Vicky Chapman

    I believe Stonehenge to be of significant international cultural, religious and spiritual value, not to mention its value to British history, which is unparalleled in the U.K. There is no other site... Read more

  • Vincent Haigh

    I wish to object to the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway in the strongest possible terms. UNESCO have described this World Heritage Site as a 'landscape without parallel' and its international... Read more

  • Wayne Hepworth

    I am against the project, and would make arguments against commencement on the following grounds: * Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. * UNESCO's advisers... Read more

  • Wendy Birse

    My concern is for the integrity and conservation of Stonehenge and the surrounding archaeological heritage. Irreversible damage will be done by the excavation and construction and incalculable future... Read more

  • Wendy Davis

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should NOT go ahead in... Read more

  • Wessex Regionalist - The Party for Wessex

    1. There are significant archaeological sites still being discovered including in the very areas HE intend to cut huge holes e.g. Blicks Mead, That this site has only recently been discovered clearly... Read more

  • Will Knocker

    UNESCO have objected to the new road, which will encroach upon a World Heritage Site. This is one of Britain's most iconic Historical Sites. Nature in all it's abundance on the site (thing... Read more

  • William Henry

    Please do not dig a tunnel underneath Stonehenge. Thank you.

  • Zoe Smith

    I would like to express my objection to the scheme as outlined below. I am concerned about damage to the World Heritage Site and Blick Mead Mesolithic site, their archaeology and setting. This... Read more

  • Zohreh Adle

    This work is not needed at all- we have enough mototlrways and the roads around Stonehenge are fine as is. I drive through frequently and never have any problems. Money wasted, and potentially an... Read more

  • A36/A350 Corridor Alliance (A36/A350 Corridor Alliance)

    Founded in 1993 the A36/A350 Corridor Alliance (ACA) is an umbrella group of organisations campaigning against damaging road schemes on a broad corridor of roughly NW alignment from the South Coast... Read more

  • Adam Scott

    I am not able to support the proposals as they will cause considerable damage to both the surviving archaeological remains within the WHS and the setting of key monuments within the landscape. This... Read more

  • Adam Spring

    The area around Stonehenge is a unique, irreplaceable landscape. Dramatic changes to this landscape could have a detrimental effect on the site's ecology, its archaeological value, its tranquillity... Read more

  • Adam Stevenson

    The site of Stonehenge is much larger than the site of the standing stones. So much of its processional route had already been destroyed by modern farming and other methods. It is an essential... Read more

  • Adam Webb

    I am deeply concerned about the potential damage to this iconic World Heritage Site, including its archaeology and setting. UNESCO have described the World Heritage property Stonehenge, Avebury and... Read more

  • Adam Webber

    My representation is that I am a layperson unconnected geographically to the area, but who disagrees with the proposals in the strongest terms.

  • Adam Woods

    The flyover over the countess roundabout will be unsightly, cause noise pollution to the residents of Amesbury and put Blickmead at further risk

  • Adrian Couper

    I have to object to this idea: Stonehenge is a World Heritage site of phenomenal archaeological importance, this scheme will likely cause damage. It may restrict or prevent visiting and may thus also... Read more

  • Aimee Davey

    The stones are connected to the land, the land needs to stay connected to the earth which means directly beneath the stones, so nothing must be taken away from the ground underneath the stones, nor... Read more

  • Alasdair Cameron

    It is my understanding from learned historians, archaeologists and UNESCO that this proposal risks irreparable damage to England’s most important Neolithic site. And for what? We need to reduce our... Read more

  • Alastair Gunn

    I object to the damage which will be inflicted on the WHS. I object to disturbance of rare and declining bird species. I object to the alteration in visual access to the stones

  • Alex Crowe

    The site - and area around it - is of global importance and should be protected and not damaged. Consultation with the public has been inadequate. Traffic issues have been grossly exaggerated.... Read more

  • Alex Rose

    The benefits of the site in terms of tourism, national and international ethos, aesthetic appeal, archaeological and historical importance, continuing cultural significance, heritage, and... Read more

  • Alex Traves

    The proposed plans will ensure the unnecessary and careless destruction of one of Britain's most significant archaeological sites, and much of the material there has yet to be properly excavated and... Read more

  • Alexander Iain Siantonas

    I object to the likely damage to an archaeological site of immense significance, against which many experts from UNESCO down have warned.

  • Alexander van Tuyll

    Losing the view of this icon from the road would be a great shame. It has always a highlight to see. UNESCO advise against the scheme in its current form, due to irreparable damage to the archaeology... Read more

  • Ali Ansari

    Damage to a world heritage site and disruption to archaeological remains.

  • Alice Gem

    I have concerns about the possible impact that these plans may have on the countryside.

  • Alison jones

    To build a tunnel directly under Stonehenge contravenes the special qualities of this ancient site. It is an energetic site of national importance with unique qualities which should be retained... Read more

  • Amanda Barnett

    Hiding Stonehenge with a tunnel is not an exceptable reason to spend this obscene amount of money on it. Such a small project that does not need this amount of money spent on it to widen the road, It... Read more

  • Amanda Devaney

    I think the plan is an grave mistake as it will make irreparable damage to wildlife and the ancient Monoliths there. UNESCO have not approved this and there has been no consideration for the ruination... Read more

  • Amanda Marshall

    This is not only a proposal of destruction with possible catastrophic consequences for our heritage and future generations it is also an unbelievable waste of public money and resources. There is... Read more

  • Amanda Murdoch

    That a tunnel under Stonehenge is a big mistake. We have no long term knowledge of how this wpuld affect this site and it is far too important a site to risk in this way.

  • Amelia ap ELLIS

    As a local who grew up around Stonehenge, I wish to register my objection to this scheme. It will inevitably cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site - it goes against the advice of UNESCO,... Read more

  • Amesbury Museum and Heritage Trust (Amesbury Museum and Heritage Trust)

    Submission by Amesbury Museum and Heritage Trust I write in my capacity as chairman of the board of trustees of the Amesbury Museum and Heritage Trust, a charity whose objects include “the... Read more

  • Amy Cheetham

    Stonehenge is an internationally known tourist and World Heritage Site. The proposed tunnel would likely damage it, which could in turn cause tourist numbers to drop. This would also be bad for the... Read more

  • Andrew Day

    I am concerned about the following points: It goes against UENESCO advice. It will damage neighbouring sites of historical interest. The consultation did not include less-damaging options. Further... Read more

  • Andrew Hall

    This scheme will destroy an archeological site of global importance forever. Already exploratory drilling has destroyed unique fossil footprints. It is easy enough to go round Stonehenge when... Read more

  • Andrew Mallett

    the only feasible on-line route [for the A303] which meets the essential requirements of this World Heritage Site, is a long bored tunnel" I object completely the current and plans.

  • Andrew Miller

    Quite simply, the desiccation of a national monument is a disgrace. Relieving pressure on the A303 at the expense of thousands of years of history cannot be justified.

  • Andrew Perkins

    I believe construction of subterranean roads will severely damage the historic site and surrounding area of Stonehenge. There will be disruption to the local area. There is no true justification for... Read more

  • Andrew Rhind-Tutt

    Dear Sirs, I am the founding chairman of the Amesbury Museum and Heritage Trust, President of Salisbury Chamber of Commerce, and former Mayor of Amesbury. I am also a highways engineer, with senior... Read more

  • Andrew Roy SAUNDERS

    The damage caused by this proposal to a world heritage site is wholly unacceptable and can never be undone.

  • Andrew Stone

    The proposed motorway through the site of Stonehenge would destroy irreparably both the visual experience of the site and the irreplaceable archaeological materials yet undiscovered in its path.

  • Andrew Varley

    This road as it is currently planned will cause irreparable damage to a site of both national and international importance. The Western portal is too close to the ancient burial mounds and the eastern... Read more

  • Angela Carr

    i feel all sacred sites should be protected not developed.

  • Angela Shaw

    I frequently travel down the A303 to work in Wiltshire. I am particularly concerned about irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Anne Delaney

    I am writing to register my views on the incredibly short term view on behalf of the current plans. When you review the weight of evidence for what you are going to destroy in the name of... Read more

  • Anne Patterson

    I am opposed to the proposals relating to the A303. The Stonehenge landscape is of international importance. The proposals would cause irreparable damage to the archaeology of this landscape. As a... Read more

  • Anne Somers

    Stonehenge is an ancient deeply spiritual site which must never be disturbed by mankind.To desecrate it in any manner is reprehensible,a violation against Nature It must not be disturbed by human... Read more

  • Annette Brown

    I object to the proposed road plans and tunnel for the following reasons:- 1. The plans are against the UNESCO's advise who state an alternative route be found 2. Damage has already been caused by... Read more

  • Annie Hurn

    I believe this land should be left in as natural state as possible with as little development nearby as possible leaving the land around and under the site left untouched. This is a World Heritage... Read more

  • Annie Wood

    I am very concerned about the proposal for the following reasons:- - This is a UNESCO site described as a 'landscape without parallel' and I'm concerned that there will be damage to this World... Read more

  • Ant Hood

    This application for development, if approved, will destroy archaeological evidence from a time in pre-history that the whole world would benefit from knowing. Just because we don't yet fuly... Read more

  • Anthony Hodson-Curran

    I believe the tunnel and attendant works /structures will cause significant and lasting damage to the archaeology and the landscape in which it is located. This is recognised by UNESCO and a wide... Read more

  • Anthony Rowland

    This site is a sacred burial site and I believe that this should not be dug up, tunnelled or interfered with in any way.Please honour that which is sacred. I believe Stonehenge... Read more

  • Antoinette Everts

    I believe the new infrastructure will be detrimental to our heritage which is already being eaten up by big corporations. The problem seems to be people slowing down in this area I don't understand... Read more

  • Ashton Stansfield

    I worry about the Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Barbara Slaska

    Please can I strongly object to the proposed Stonehenge A303 Stonehenge tunnel etc for the following reasons: It will seriously damage Blick Mead (BM). The current excavations are smaller than the... Read more

  • Barrie Hargrove

    I object to this application on the basis that: 1. There is insufficient there were not be lasting and irreversible damage to an historically unique site. One that is indisputably World Heritage and... Read more

  • Becky Allen

    I wish to express my interest against a dual carriageway across the World Heritage site, therefore causing massive damage to the site, its archaeology and setting as well as to any nearby habitats of... Read more

  • Ben Barker

    I do not believe the proposed tunnel will be to the longterm benefit if Stonhenge and the surrounding archaeology. Damage at the blick mead site is already apparent even at this early stage of... Read more

  • Benjamin Davy

    Stonehenge is a sacred site and should be protected from Irreparable damage to its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say... Read more

  • Benson Dowler

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Berwick Down Ltd (Berwick Down Ltd)

    A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down Improvement Scheme DCO Relevant Representation Acting on behalf of Berwick Down Ltd (BDL) I wish to register as an Interested Party in respect of the above... Read more

  • Berwick St James Community Interest Group (Berwick St James Community Interest Group)

    Our group supports the current HE plans which are to be examined by the inspectorate. We wish to be able to attend preliminary meetings or hearings that may be of particular interest to us so we can... Read more

  • Beverley McGuinness

    I object to the destruction of the Stonehenge area, it should be held as a precious monument to our ancient cultural heritage and therfore left undisturbed in order to be appreciated by coming... Read more

  • Biddesden House Farm Partnership (Biddesden House Farm Partnership)

    Acting on behalf of Biddesden House Farm Partnership (BHFP) I wish to register as an Interested Party in respect of the above application for Development Consent by Highways England. BHFP own the... Read more

  • Bob Doyle

    1. If the project goes ahead it will result in permanent damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting including damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting, therefore... Read more

  • Bob Trubshaw

    My representation will (yet again - why have the great number of previous representations been ignored!!!!!!) draw attention to the irreparable damage the proposed tunnel ***and its approaches** will... Read more

  • Bodhi Bear

    Its wrong to be digging up ancient burial sites, there's a lot to learn from Stonehenge still, there are still many undiscovered relics, burials, sites and facts still to learn. Its Britain's richest... Read more

  • Bradley Phipps

    I object to the proposed scheme on the grounds that it UNESCO deems that the tunnel in its current proposed form is 'Not adequate to protect the authenticity, integrity and Outstanding Universal Value... Read more

  • Brian Webb

    I believe the scheme is not necessary in its present form. Putting the dual carriageway in a cutting would take the view of traffic away from the stones and it would save a great deal of cost. It... Read more

  • Brian Willis

    Stonehenge is part of the heritage of these islands. It is as near to Sacred Ground as can be found in Britain. The work already carried out has, it seems, already caused damage underground and... Read more

  • Carole Tyrrell

    The irreparable damage to Stonehenge and the site in general - it's bad enough having a main road sited near it The impression it gives to visitors that this isn't a site treated with any... Read more

  • Caroline Boileau

    I am horrified by the proposal to cut through land which is of the greatest archaeological and historical importance in order to shave off a few minutes from journeys by car. Stonehenge and its... Read more

  • Caroline Hole

    I object to the proposed developments due to the permanent and irreversible damage that will happen to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. The entire area is an area of extreme... Read more

  • Caroline Roberts

    The planned engineering works would scar the Stonehenge landscape for ever. There would be extensive tunnel cuttings into the chalk for four lanes of tarmac, and massive highway interchanges through... Read more

  • Caroline Smith

    The main points I am concerened about: Tunnelling or other building work under or around the site will destroy a unique archealogical... Read more

  • Catherine Butler

    I am writing to register my strong objection to the proposed tunnel at Stonehenge. The proposed tunnel would be highly damaging to the unique and historic landscape around Stonehenge and sites of... Read more

  • Catherine Noyce

    I am opposed to the loss of a precious cultural asset, the classic view of the stones, at the hands of the very bodies entrusted with its protection. The distant prospect of the stones from the... Read more

  • Charles Peyton

    The proposed road development will - as UNESCO has pointed out - endanger one of the most important landscapes of its kind anywhere in the world, potentially destroying invaluable archaeology. It... Read more

  • Charlie Horten-Middleton

    I am strongly opposed to the proposed measures. Stonehenge is one of the most incredible locations and historical monuments and this jeopardises it needlessly and would be a national embarrassment.

  • Chris Hawkes

    I am very unhappy at the plans for The tunnel at Stonehenge. The destruction of a globally important ancient landscape for what will be temporary easing of traffic seems to be very short sighted.

  • Chris Martin

    I am concerned about damage to the stone henge site, its archaeology and setting. I read that UNESCO’s advisers say the scheme should not go ahead and do not trust this government to protect... Read more

  • Chris Pickard

    I believe the tunnel and associated construction works will have a massive detrimental effect on the archaeology of the area and must be stopped at all costs

  • Christine Clark

    I feel the Western portal is too close to the ancient burial mounds and the Eastern too close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more

  • Christine Eborall

    In my view the proposals for the A303 will cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge which is an ancient site with World Heritage Site status. This and the views of UNESCO should be taken seriously as... Read more