
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Peter Garner

    I would like to protest about the intended route that will irreparably damage Stonhenge, which is after all an acknowledged Sacred Site, not just in the UK but worldwide. The route is in my opinion... Read more

  • Peter John Daymond-King

    With each decade new technologies arise which enable us to discover more about our ancient forebears and their culture. The opportunity to continue to learn from discovered and still to be revealed... Read more

  • Peter Jones

    I am totally opposed to this scheme which will cause irreparable damage to this unique World Heritage Site. The tunnel, associated works, construction process and ongoing management will destroy the... Read more

  • Peter Trigg

    I really do not think that a world heritage site like Stonehenge should be treated like this with no respect. I am a ( animistic ) pagan and this treatment is an affront to my religion. There are also... Read more

  • Philip Hurd-Wood

    Plans for a road tunnel near Stonehenge are "severely flawed" and the "whole project must be re-assessed" a World Heritage Sites advisory body has said. [Redacted], chair of the Icomos-UK World... Read more

  • Philippa Stout

    Blick Mead site has already been damaged and things have hardly started. What on earth else is going to be damaged if plans go ahead for the proposed tunnel. It is, in my opinion, a short sighted and... Read more

  • Phillip Lacey

    I feel that the risk of any damage no natter how small is not worth the risk, this place is unique and should not be put in any danger. This is by far more important than any car or lorry. This plan... Read more

  • Phillip Shukman

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Landscape with many upstanding monuments and probably many more underground. Many of these underground monuments have not been fully studied either by excavation or by... Read more

  • Pipaluk Frederiksen

    I strongly object to the development of the A303 tunnel under Stonehenge! Stonehenge is a very sensitive and spiritual place. It's the Heart Chakra of the planet. Tunnelling underneath it would be... Read more

  • Poppy Fee

    I want to register my brother ojection to the development on the following grounds: I am a pagan and this site has especial spiritual significance for me. I am concerned that the development is going... Read more

  • Quentin Given

    I am concerned about likely damage to the archaeology and setting of the World Heritage Site, especially as UNESCO advisers advise against the present scheme. I am particularly concerned about... Read more

  • Rachel Stevens

    Concerns about wildlife in surrounding area and damage to a world heritage neolithic site.

  • Rachel Young

    I want to object to the A303 development because it will damage the Stone Henge World Heritage Site

  • Rajo Taylor-Smith

    I am at a loss as why you would want to go ahead with this insensitive, ill-concieved road scheme. Our National Heritage sites should be protected. These thoughtless and ill-concieved schemes such as... Read more

  • Raven Anxo

    I am objecting to the proposed plan because I have concerns over the fact there could be damage caused by construction work to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. Also there is the loss of... Read more

  • Richard Dunning

    This scheme is indicative of transport infrastructure projects in England in that it is poorly thought out, value engineered to death and: Puts the car user above all forms of transport Puts roads... Read more

  • Richard G. Mitchell

    I am simply appalled to find that you risk such potential damage of this UNESCO World Heritage site. Once done, the potential for irreparable damage to the substrata of one of our country's most... Read more

  • Richard Gauld

    World bodies say how can you damage a World Heritage Site. This monument is for the world to see not an irritation to drivers! Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the... Read more

  • Richard Howard

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, which UNESCO describes as 'a landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. A... Read more

  • Rita Bryant

    1. Stonehenge is a world heritage site and unique. The whole area is very rich archaeologically speaking. It needs to be protected at all costs 2. It is a big tourist attraction and anything that... Read more

  • Rob Burbea

    Among a number of other considerations, the habitat of the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard risks being disturbed by the project - and they are already rare species. This concerns me greatly. Also,... Read more

  • Rob phillips

    Gason Lane: I live on Gason Lane - a narrow single track lane with minimal passing spaces, currently connected to A303 and used as a rat run when traffic is heavy with a gridlock resulting and no... Read more

  • Robert Harrison

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Robert Wishart

    I am currently short of time, so in a nutshell: building a road like this at a World Heritage Site must not be done. It is a World Heritage Site - people all around the world have heard of, are... Read more

  • Robin Duxfield

    I object to A303 Stonehenge Expressway because it will cause irreparable damage to the world heritage site, archeology and setting. It is far older and more valuable than all of us. Any damage is... Read more