
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 701 to 725 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Lynn

    I oppose this proposal because of the potential damage it will cause to the Stonehenge Site.

  • Peter Matthews

    I am seriously concerned about the impact of this scheme. Firstly any new road will generate MORE traffic, causing increased noise from faster traffic and possibly further backing up of traffic in... Read more

  • Peter Warden

    I am concerned about the impact of this scheme on this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and its setting. There will also be disturbance arising out of this scheme to rare bird species - Stone... Read more

  • Philip Feakin

    I am greatly concerned about the impact on one of the most important historical landscapes in this country

  • Philippa Roll

    I am objecting to the Stonehenge Expressway, as I believe it is an act of unacceptable vandalism. It will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. In fact,... Read more

  • Robert Barnett

    This project is wholly damaging to the Stonehenge landscape - a WHS described by UNESCO as ‘landscape without parallel’ and whose Directors state that the project should NOT go ahead in it's present... Read more

  • Rory Weightman

    That this development causes irreversible archaeological and environmental damage to one of our most important heritage sites.

  • Roy Lawson

    Over the last 18 years I have followed the discussion about the changes to the A303 with interest. The current proposals will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, not only to the... Read more

  • Roz Whitaker

    The scheme does not safeguard the archaeology of the site. Stonehenge should still be visible from the road and is an attractive sight to behold. A scheme to dual the existing road on slightly raised... Read more

  • Rupert Stocks

    My parents used to live in Devon, while I lived in Bristol and other parts of the U.K. so I used to regularly drive past Stonehenge. Stonehenge was and is a most impressive landmark and a part of our... Read more

  • S Strain

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my utmost disagreement with the continuation of the work of Highways England at the Stonehenge site, as I believe it is causing irreperable damage to the... Read more

  • Sarah Barratt

    I object to the planned changes as they will damage a site of great archeological importance. They will cut off the view of Stonehenge from the road, forcing people to pay for the privilege of seeing... Read more

  • Shanni Ong

    Stonehenge is our heritage from our ancester, so much is still waiting for us to learn and rediscover the wisdom and knowledge behind it. This is a site of important power for the people, the earth... Read more

  • Shirley Brewer

    I have visited the site of Stonehenge many times in my 70 odd years. Now I live in Devon I use the A303 often when going to visit relatives in London. I really love driving past the site and seeing... Read more

  • Siobhan Winter-Smith

    This is another wholly unacceptable putsch by the gombeen road lobby ~ the irriots have already by accident or design destroyed much of Blick Mead and now are set to do irredeemable damage to all of... Read more

  • Stephanie Tickner

    I am objecting to the proposed scheme since in my opinion, this will cause irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Stephen Kent

    I object to the proposed changes on the following grounds: Irreparable damage to a unique World Heritage site and it's environs at Bick. Some damage has been done already. Risks to local flaura and... Read more

  • Tessa Mills

    I feel that this will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ and I don't feel that the alternative options... Read more

  • Tony Cook

    My main concern is that there may already have been, and it is likely that in future there will be, damage to an archaeological site that is a national monument. It seems that we have much to learn... Read more

  • Vanessa Langford

    This is destroying our human heritage and must stop now. We don't want the land disturbed as it has been or our relics destroyed.

  • Will Mowat

    As a user of the A303 and a respecter of history, I urge the government to fund a LONG, low tunnel between Countess Roundabout (at ground level) and far west of Longbarrow roundabout so that none of... Read more

  • William Warren

    This scheme is ill thought out and has been proposed as the cheapest possible solution to a very delicate problem in an area of world importance and significance. The tunnel must be made... Read more

  • Adrian James

    My representation will be on behalf of the archaeological destruction, of features and deposits of international importance, that will take place in relation to the scheme.

  • Aileen Edwards

    I am an interested party. I am concerned about the impact of the road changes A303 on the world unesco site of Stonehenge and the wider archaeological area. I understand that the site has already been... Read more

  • Alan Marlow

    I object to any works that will endanger the safety and environment of Stonehenge